Chapter 0136 - Kunlun Sect from Another World!!

"From now on!"

"The Great Qin Empire is established!"

At the same time, Yingzheng's eyes carried an unprecedented serious order.

From now on, the Great Qin Empire was completely established in this world.

As Ying Zheng sat in a wheelchair and announced the fall of this order, a huge Qi Luck True Dragon instantly began to condense in the sky in the territory currently controlled by the entire Great Qin Empire.

And at this moment, at the same time as the condensation of one huge qi luck true dragon after another, the words from Yingzheng began to be completely transmitted to every corner of the area occupied by Daqin.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

As the words of the victorious government fell, the Qi Luck True Dragon from the Great Qin Empire roared madly at the sky, and when the Qi Luck True Dragon roared madly at the sky in the face of the Great Qin Empire, the yin qi in the sky that was in the area occupied by the Great Qin Empire was also completely dispelled, replaced by the sun that had not been seen for a long time.

"This, this..."

When the common people in the areas occupied by Daqin looked at the scene in the sky, there was a deep surprise in their eyes.

"This is the sun!"

One after another, the common people felt the warmth of the sun in the sky, and they were completely shocked.

This is the sun!

Although they all knew what the sun really looked like, even they had seen it.

But the sun they saw, and even the sun they were shining on, had almost been blocked by the yin qi, so that the masculinity they had when the power of the sun hit them had actually been reduced many times.

Now it was different, they now actually detected that warm feeling under the sun.

I didn't feel this before!

But now it's different, now after they feel the warm feeling transmitted by the sun, all the guys began to worship madly in the direction of the imperial capital.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!!"

In an instant, the eyes of one after another ordinary people carried that deep excitement.

They felt the rays of the sun, and at the same time they felt a warm feeling that they had not experienced for a long time, and all this belonged to the emperor of the current Great Song Empire.

In the face of the current situation, the only thing that ordinary people need to do at this moment may be to be loyal to the current winning government.

"Plop plop..."

The common people in one region after another began to bow down in the direction of the imperial capital, and when those people from the Great Qin Empire began to bow down in the direction of the imperial capital, the national fortune land from the Great Empire was also frantically replenished at this moment.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

The Great Qin National Fortune True Dragon that was possessed in the sky above the imperial capital also began to roar madly.

When the National Fortune True Dragon from Daqin roared madly in the sky, those teachers from the Daqin Cultivation Academy today all had a sigh of emotion in their eyes: "Daqin's strength has become stronger. "

The current teachers one after another said with that emotion in their eyes.

"So, Dean, what should we do next?"

The current head of one of the sects looked at the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master at this moment with that curiosity in his eyes.

What are they going to do next?

They also did not have a major goal for a while.

Faced with the doubts from the head of that sect, the current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master suddenly replied with an embarrassment in his eyes: "I really don't know this yet. "

"Then go and ask Your Majesty."

"Ask Your Majesty what we are going to do next."

Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master said with a slight thought in his eyes.

"Go, go and meet Your Majesty."

Soon, one teacher after another spoke in unison.

"Kunlun Mountain."

"It looks like it's time to come to Kunlun's aid."

The Qi Luck True Dragon who was currently sitting on the imperial throne inspected the entire territory he currently occupied, and immediately saw the only place where he had suffered.

That is the Kunlun Mountain of this world.

It should be said that Meng Tian led the fifth legion and the zombie army to attack the Kunlun faction, but the Kunlun faction has a strong enough background to resist all the attacks from Meng Tian outside the Kunlun faction, so for the current situation, Yingzheng said that maybe it is time for them to start a general attack on Kunlun Mountain.

That's right, Yingzheng said he needed to go to support Kunlun Mountain.

It is impossible to just let the current cultivation sect in this world wander outside the rule of his Great Qin Empire, right?

Sorry, this is something that is never allowed in winning politics.

"Zhang Handan, gather the Janissaries!"

"Prepare to go to Kunlun Mountain to aid Meng Tian!"

There was a seriousness in Yingzheng's tone.


As the commander of the Praetorian Guard, Zhang Wei naturally had no opinion at all.

Just as the current Zhang Han's words fell, the group of teachers from the cultivation academy led by Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshou all came to the hall where Yingzheng was at this moment.

"See Your Majesty!"

One after another, the guys respectfully saluted the winning government

"Dear Aiqing, what is the matter?"

There was a doubt in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Facing the doubt contained in Yingzheng's eyes, the current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master and the guys who had behind him also replied so honestly, "See Your Majesty." "

"What do we need to do now?"

"Or does His Majesty have something to send us?"

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect replied honestly.

Facing the words from the head of the Maoshan faction, Yingzheng smiled at this moment.

"Then you came just right."

"All gathered together, let's go to this world's Kunlun Sect together!"

"Let the Kunlun Bai of this world submit to Yu Xuan!"

There was a seriousness in Yingzheng's eyes.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, the head of the sect currently possessed behind the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master was instantly stunned.

And his sect belongs to the Kunlun Sect, and his identity belongs to the contemporary Kunlun Sect.

"The Kunlun Sect of this world?"

At this moment, the head of the Kunlun Sect had that doubt in his eyes.

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