Chapter 0137 - The Kunlun Sect Caught in Life and Death!!


"The next thing you need to do is stay in the current Kyoto, and if something happens to you, you can't kill it!"

At this moment, Victory ordered the general who was currently left in Kyoto.

Faced with the current order to win the government, the general replied with a serious look in his eyes at this moment: "Obey the order, Your Majesty!" "

The number of soldiers under his command was 100,000.

Then the 100,000-strong army he has in his hands does not need to capture a certain place, he only needs to garrison the current Kyoto City.

Then this general still ushered in an absolute confidence.


In the face of the current general, he has absolute confidence that he can be stationed in Kyoto at this moment, and the current winning government is so big to wave.


The mighty army then began to attack in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

As the current Yingzheng led the army to attack in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, the group of guys who had above the Kunlun Sect at this moment had once again held a meeting.

It's just that this meeting at this moment is exceptionally silent compared to the previous meeting.

Facing the silent meeting of 26 at this moment, the current head of the Kunlun Sect said with a helpless look in his eyes: "Everyone, everything has happened. "

"So instead of choosing silence now, let's think about how to solve the current situation."

At present, the head of the Kunlun Sect has that slight bitter smile in his eyes, and Tianxiao, such a major thing has actually happened in the whole world.

According to the information collected so far, they did not expect that the existence of the entire Kunlun Sect that was currently surrounding them actually belonged to the existence that unified the entire world.

Of course, the other party has not really completely unified the entire world, but at least the other party has completely defeated the original Great Qian Empire, and now the other party is continuing to expand outward on the basis of the original Great Qian Empire.

The strength that the other party has, according to what they know, plus the army at the foot of their mountain, has a total of 7 million!

And all of them are cultivators who belong to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er!

That's right, the other party is not an army composed of some real ordinary human beings!

The other party is all an army formed by cultivators who belong to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er!

Although it is said that the other party is all existences that belong to the realm of Qi refining, although there is no lack of foundation building realm, but on the whole, it can be regarded as belonging to the realm of refining qi.

Then there are a total of 7 million soldiers in the Qi Refining Realm, and 1 million of these 7 million soldiers belong to the zombie army.

Now the other party has won the whole world!

The other party is still expanding wildly towards the territory of the original foundation of the Great Qian Empire.

The strength possessed by the other party had to be carefully considered, whether they needed to surrender to the other party, or what they belonged to, and in general, the power possessed by this country known as the Great Qin Empire was no longer comparable to their Kunlun faction.

Their Kunlun Sect must make a choice!

Listening to the words from the current head of the Kunlun Sect, at this moment, one after another elders looked at each other.

At the moment, they really don't know how to solve it.

How to solve it?

"We can't really just choose to surrender like the emperor of the human empire?"

"Maybe the strength of the other party's empire is very strong, but our strength is not weak!"

At present, an elder's eyes had a deep unwillingness in his eyes.

Let the Kunlun faction choose to surrender like that?

For the current elder, it was really a shame.

So he was the one who chose to refuse to surrender.

"But if we don't choose to surrender, then the emperor of the Great Qin Empire on the other side may lead the army of the Great Qin Empire to surround our entire Kunlun faction."

"Now the army of 1 million troops and the army of 1 million zombie legions have already surrounded our entire Kunlun faction, if the other side adds another 1 million troops."

"At that time, our Kunlun Sect will also be destroyed!"

Compared with the existence of some who choose to refuse to surrender, then naturally there will be some who choose to surrender.

Their idea is simple, instead of continuing to consume, then perhaps they can choose to surrender.

At the very least, their entire Kunlun Sect can be preserved, right?

It is impossible to really fight with that so-called Great Qin Empire, right?

That's sorry, they still belong to a little bit in their hearts, they can't beat the Great Qin Empire in the world.

That's right, maybe they're powerful!

But compared to the power held by the Great Qin Empire in the entire world, the power they held was extremely small.


Listening to the discussion between the elders of the two factions, the current head of the Kunlun Sect had a deep helplessness in his eyes.

"Do you want to choose to surrender or do you need to carry it like that?"

The current head of the Kunlun Sect also had that deep thought in his eyes.

The fate of the entire Kun 690 Lun Sect is now tied to him, the leader.

As long as he chooses to surrender, then the entire Kunlun faction can survive, if he chooses to refuse to surrender and chooses to fight against the so-called Great Qin Empire, then the end of the entire Kunlun faction will be death.

The Kunlun Sect will be completely ended in his generation!

This is something that must be faced.

And all he needs to do now is to lead the current Kunlun Sect and make a choice between these two choices!

"I don't think our Kunlun faction can surrender!"

"The strength of the Great Qin Empire may be very strong, but the strength of our Kunlun Sect is definitely not weak!"

"Could it be that you want to watch our Kunlun Sect go extinct?!"

One after another, the elders began to quarrel frantically in the current meeting.

Facing the elders who were frantically quarreling one after another, the head of the Kunlun Sect at this moment frowned and fell into a burst of thought.

While facing the current high-level of the Kunlun faction all engaged in a discussion, Emperor Ying Zheng from the current Great Qin Empire led the Praetorian Guard at this moment to the feet of the current Kunlun faction.

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