Chapter 0139 - The Kunlun Sect of Submission, Unifying the Great Qin Empire under the World!!

"See His Majesty the Emperor of Daqin!"

In an instant, I saw the head of the Kunlun Sect and many elders with a hint of respect and said to Yingzheng slightly.

In the face of this human emperor, especially when this human emperor still has such a huge power, then they must be respectful to this human emperor.

At this moment, when the head of the Kunlun Sect and many elders came out, the head of the Kunlun Sect who was currently behind Yingzheng also looked at the current Kunlun Sect leader of this world with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"The strength of the other party is very strong."

As a member of the cultivation academy of the Great Qin Empire today, the head of the Kunlun Sect looked at the head of the Kunlun Sect in this world at this moment, and immediately judged that the other party's strength was much stronger than him!

With this alone, the head of the Kunlun Sect from the Great Qin Cultivation Academy had a deep solemnity in his eyes.

Two Kunlun factions, then if they all join the Great Qin Empire like this at that time, then they will definitely only survive one Kunlun faction!

In any case, for his Kunlun faction, this is completely a life and death crisis!

At this moment, the Kunlun Sect leader behind Ying Zheng was staring closely at the Kunlun Sect leader of this world with a serious gaze in his eyes.

And at this moment, when the Kunlun faction leader behind Yingzheng was staring closely at the Kunlun faction leader in this world, the Kunlun faction leader from the current world also looked at the group of guys who were currently behind Yingzheng with the same gaze.

"The strength of this group of guys is very strong!"

At this moment, the current head of the Kunlun Sect said confidently in his heart with a thoughtful gaze.

The existence of those dozens of Yuan Infant realms is not a joke!

The other party's strongest foot has the peak realm of the Yuan Baby, and the worst strength also has the Yuan Infant Initial Realm.

"With his own strength alone, he is already stronger than the entire Kunlun Sect!"

The current head of the Kunlun Sect had that deep heaviness in his eyes.

If nothing else, judging from the situation of the scene he has seen so far, the strength of the current other party is really much stronger than the Kunlun faction behind him at present.

This only knew that the current head of the Kunlun Sect felt a heavy feeling.

They seem to have only one result left.

At this moment, the head of the Kunlun Sect looked at this emperor of the Great Qin Empire.

And the current Yingzheng just turned his gaze to the head of the Kunlun faction at this moment.

"The head of the Kunlun faction, right."

"Now that Xu has led the army, maybe it's time for your Kunlun faction to come up with an explanation."

The current Yingzheng looked at the Kunlun Sect leader calmly with that in his eyes.

He has already led the army to the current Kunlun faction, and at this time, the current Kunlun faction must make a choice!

No matter what kind of choice the Kunlun faction makes, in short, the other party can no longer exist in the current neutral posture.

In the face of the words from Yingzheng, the eyes of the current Kunlun Sect leader carried a deep heaviness, and at the same time, the eyes of the elders who had one after another behind the Kunlun Sect leader also carried that deep heaviness.

This step finally comes.

"We, the Kunlun Sect, choose, submit to the Great Qin Empire."

At this moment, after the contemporary Kunlun Sect leader looked at his dense army, the most important thing was that at this moment, the head of the Kunlun Sect detected a strong threatening aura on the body of the emperor of the Great Qin Empire in front of him.

This kind of powerful power is enough to represent one thing, that is, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire in front of him is definitely not as simple as it seems!

If their Kunlun faction really wants to keep fighting with each other, the final result is 100% definitely their Kunlun faction, with the result of extinction as the final price!

In this regard, the contemporary Kunlun leaders decided that it might be time for them to make a choice.

"We, the Kunlun Sect, submit to the Great Qin Empire."

After the words of the head of the Kunlun Sect fell, one elder after another also spoke slightly at this moment.

Listening to the words told by these Kunlun faction guys at present, Yingzheng had that smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You will never regret the choice you have made now."

Dang Cheng Yingzheng smiled and said.

"On behalf of the Great Qin Empire, we welcome you to join."

Ying Zheng smiled at the head of the Kunlun Sect at this moment and the many elders behind him.

"Then now the collection of books about the Kunlun Sect can now be read by the Great Qin Empire," Huan Zheng smiled and looked at this group of guys at the moment."

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, although one after another elders said that they wanted to refuse, they could only choose to agree at this moment.

"The Kunlun Sect's collection of books, the Great Qin Empire can naturally read."

The head of the Kunlun Sect said with a hint of helplessness.

What else can they do now?

They have already chosen to submit to the Great Qin Empire, and at this time, some of the books of their Kunlun Sect can naturally only be read by the Great Qin Empire.

"Copy all the books in the Kunlun Sect Scripture Pavilion!"

The current winning government waved his hand.


As Victory's words fell, the generals one after another and the existence in the cultivation academy one after another replied respectfully.

Then it's their turn to play.

"Tread, tread..."

As the footsteps fell, people from the Great Qin Empire began to enter the Kunlun Sect at this moment.

The group of disciples owned by the Kunlun Sect also watched the group of guys from outside the Kunlun Sect enter their Kunlun Sect's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

In this way, the current Kunlun sect declared itself to the Shun Daqin Empire.

When the Kunlun faction chose to return to the Great Qin Empire, at this moment, the four-way army also began to occupy one territory after another in a violent posture in the world.

The strength of the group of guys outside the Great Qian Empire may still be a little stronger, but under the attack of the million-level legion, and the most important thing is that the strength of the million-level soldiers all belongs to the realm of refining qi.

The combined strength of these two sides is definitely not an ordinary and can be confronted.

The four-way army from the Great Qin Empire completely defeated the entire world at the fastest speed.

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