Chapter 0140 - The Great Qin Empire!! Conquering the Prefecture

"See Your Majesty."

"At present, the whole world has been beaten down by the Great Qin Empire."

I saw that one after another generals respectfully reported to the winning government.

When one after another generals reported to the winning government at this moment, the look in the eyes of the winning government also made me carry that deep seriousness.

He felt the powerful and incomparably powerful power of luck transmitted from the entire Great Qin Empire.

After accompanying the Great Qin Empire to directly and completely unify this world, Yingzheng also felt that his strength had been raised to a powerful level.

"This is almost the peak realm of the Yuan God, right?"

When the current Yingzheng sensed this powerful and incomparable power in his body, there was a smile on the corner of Yingzheng's mouth.

"Since the entire human world has been completely unified!"

"Then it's time for the Great Qin Empire to launch an attack on the prefecture!"

At the same time, Yingzheng said to himself with that slightly shining look in his eyes.

Obviously, for the current situation that the entire human world has been unified by the Great Qin Empire, at this time, the only territory in this world that is not the Great Qin Empire is the prefecture.

For prefectures?

The current Great Qin Empire has that strong enough self-confidence to completely unify the entire prefecture!

"What realm does the strength of the most powerful guy in the prefecture belong to?"

The current Yingzheng asked the Kunlun faction leader.

Faced with the inquiry from Yingzheng, the head of the Kunlun faction replied slightly: "See Your Majesty, the realm of the most powerful existence in the prefecture at present belongs to the peak realm of the Yuan God, and the name of the ten thousand is the old demon of the Black Mountain. "

"He controls most of the entire prefecture, except for the old demon of the Black Mountain, there are also one after another large and small monsters who have completely divided the entire prefecture."

At this moment, the head of the Kunlun faction honestly replied to Yingzheng.

"It looks like the world is a little too arrogant!"

Listening to the words of the current head of the Kunlun Sect, the eyes of the group of teachers who came from the Great Qin Empire all had a deep incredulity.

They know that there is a big gap between this world and theirs, and they know that the situation in this world is different from theirs.

However, when they listened to the words of the current head of the Kunlun Sect, they realized that this world was so terrifying.

The prefectures were actually divided!

Moreover, the prefecture is still occupied by those demons and monsters.

This situation could not have happened in their world!

Yes, they can still be sure of that.

This would not have happened in their world!

After all, the Yan King in their world still has a doppelganger in the entire hell mansion.

"It seems that the gods of this world left this world without any means at all, and they have completely abandoned this world."

The current Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master had a deep emotion in his eyes.

Listening to the words of the current head of the Kunlun Sect, he could already roughly deduce what kind of goods the gods of this world belonged to.

There is no doubt that compared with the gods of their world, the gods of this world seem to have a little bit of no responsibility at all, so they directly say give up and give up, and they don't care about the people on the entire Shenzhou Continent.

Listening to the words of the current head of the Kunlun Sect, Ying Zheng's eyes also carried that deep thought.

"In that case, then prepare to attack the prefecture!"

"Let the entire prefecture become the territory of the Great Qin Empire!"

In an instant, the current Yingzheng ordered with a serious opening in his eyes.

In the face of an order from Yingzheng at this moment, the eyes of one guy after another had that seriousness in their eyes.

"Obey, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, those teachers from the Daqin Cultivation Academy naturally had no opinion at all, and at this moment, the heads and abbots of the sects that came from this world all looked at each other like this, and they wanted to attack the prefecture now?

For the situation they can have now, they instantly feel a sense of incredulity.

Is the strength of the Great Qin Empire so strong?!

You can actually go to attack the prefecture!

"But it seems that the other party really has this ability."

At the same time, the head of the Kunlun Sect at this moment looked at the current Yuzheng with a deep and serious gaze in his eyes.

He felt that the power of winning the government was even stronger than him!

Since the power that Yingzheng possesses is even stronger than him, it seems that the strength possessed by Yingzheng plus the powerhouses that the entire Great Qin Empire has one after another, as well as the millions of troops that the Great Qin Empire has.

"It seems that the prefecture is really likely to be occupied by the Great Qin Empire."

The head of the Kunlun Sect had a deep thought in his eyes.


The current head of the Kunlun Sect also replied honestly at this moment...

At the same time that the head of the Kunlun Sect replied so honestly at this moment, the heads and abbots of the many sects from this moment looked at the reply of the head of the Kunlun Sect at this moment, and they looked at each other.

They were surprised, but now that the heads of the Kunlun Sect had replied like this, it seemed that they could only reply so honestly at this time!


In an instant, all the powerhouses from the current Great Qin Empire expressed their understanding.

They need to attack the prefecture next!

"Mobilize all the zombie legions, and mobilize the two armies at the same time!"

"The remaining three legions will be stationed in all corners of the world for the time being."

The current winning government gives one order after another.


One after another, the generals replied respectfully.

"Go get ready!"

"When you are ready, follow the Battlefield Mansion!"

Yingzheng's eyes carried an unprecedented seriousness.

There are definitely not a few strong people in this prefecture.

And all he needed to do next was to conquer the Battlefield Mansion.


One after another, the generals replied so respectfully.

In this way, the army of the current Great Qin Empire once again began to move.

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