Chapter 0153 - The Great Qin Heavenly Court was Established!!

"Long live my emperor, long live long live long live!!"

In an instant, I saw one after another civil and military officials respectfully paying homage to the Yue Zheng sitting above the imperial throne.

In the face of the visits of one civilized and military official after another, Yingzheng, who was currently sitting above the imperial throne, looked down with that calm gaze.

"All loves Qing flat."

Yingzheng's indifferent words echoed in today's Xianyang Palace.


One after another, the civil and military officials began to get up so honestly.

As one after another civil and military officials honestly began to get up, the words of the current victory were transmitted below.

"Dear Aiqing, today's Daqin Empire has once again conquered a world."

"The current Great Qin Empire also needs to be called differently later."

I saw Yingzheng calmly speak.

Listening to the words of the current victory in the government, there was a deep curiosity in the eyes of one after another.

Their original Great Qin Empire was just one of the countries under the world, and now they have become the Great Qin Empire, so what kind of title does the Great Qin Empire change to now?

The civil and military officials from the current Great Qin Empire were very curious.

For the curiosity of the civil and military officials who come from the current Great Qin Empire, the winning government at this moment is not just going to hide it.

"The Great Qin Empire will be renamed the Great Qin Heavenly Court from today!"

At this moment, the words from Win Zheng completely spread to every corner of the hall today.

While the words about today's winning government began to be transmitted throughout the hall, at this moment, the eyes of winning government carried that unparalleled domineering.

That unquestionable word reached the ears of all the civil and military officials throughout the hall.

Listening to the words from Yingzheng, there was a deep silence in the eyes of one civilized and military official after another.

They were all shocked by the words spoken by Yingzheng at this moment.

Then if they heard correctly, what they said on the wall was that from today onwards, their title would belong to the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

That's heavenly court!

The title of Heavenly Court belongs to the place where the legendary Heavenly Emperor lives, so from today onwards, their Great Qin Empire needs to become the Great Qin Heavenly Court?

Is their Great Qin Empire about to exercise the position that the legendary Heavenly Court has?

At this moment, the eyes of all the guys from the Xianyang Palace who had it today felt a wave of shock, and even felt a sense of incredulity.



"Heavenly Emperor!"

In an instant, after some shocking thoughts, all the guys replied so respectfully.

Since their current Great Qin Empire has been so completely changed to the Great Qin Heavenly Court, then their majesty's title naturally belongs to the Heavenly Emperor.

Heavenly Emperor.

When the words of one civilized and military official after another fell, all the guys felt an unreal feeling.

Their majesty actually became the legendary Heavenly Emperor, so doesn't this mean that they will belong to the immortal officials and immortal generals in the entire Heavenly Court in the future?

The thought of having such a title made all the guys have an unprecedented excitement in their eyes.

This is the name of immortal officials and immortal generals!

This is equivalent to belonging to the legendary immortal gods.

It seems that there really is no guy who can refuse this title at this moment.

Listening to the words of one guy after another who had it below, there was that smile on the corner of Yingzheng's mouth.

"From today onwards, Xu will be the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes carried an unprecedented seriousness.

That's right, from today onwards, his identity will belong to the Heavenly Emperor in the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court.

"It feels good."

The current winner has that smile on his lips.

"Now that the Great Qin Empire has changed to the Heavenly Emperor, it is natural that the imperial capital of the Great Qin Empire also needs to be ridiculed."

"In the world that Daqin has just laid down today, the Heavenly Court building that used to be in that world is still in the sky, and perhaps that Heavenly Court has been completely reduced to ruins."

"But it was a building suspended in the sky!"

"All we need now is to slowly move the political center of the Great Qin Empire to that one Heavenly Court!"

"In the future, the Great Qin Empire will work in that place, and you will also live in the Heavenly Court."

At this moment, Yingzheng slowly spoke.

In the face of Win Zheng's words, the eyes of one civilized and military official after another were filled with an unprecedented excitement.


The sound of deep breathing echoed wildly throughout the hall.

What did they hear?

From today onwards, they can actually live in the Heavenly Court!

According to legend, only the immortal gods can live in the Heavenly Court, and they can also live in the future!

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"

In an instant, one after another, civil and military officials paid homage to the victorious government sitting on the dragon chair.

All the guys had an unprecedented excitement in their eyes.

They watched the current Great Qin Empire develop to the current level.

Similarly, they also watched as they changed from the courtiers they had in the original Qin Kingdom to the courtiers of the Great Qin Empire, and now they actually directly became the current courtiers of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

How can this not make them feel a rush of excitement?!


Huan Zheng looked at the current civil and military officials who were now in excitement, and at this moment, he laughed.

It was at this moment that Yingzheng pressed slightly with his hand.

Xianyang Palace, which was originally in a state of noise and even excitement, completely calmed down.

Facing the Xianyang Palace, which had calmed down, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair, continued to speak at this moment: "Since the Great Qin Empire has become the Great Qin Heavenly Court, there are many things that need to be changed from now on. "

"The most basic thing is that the strength of all the soldiers in the Great Qin Empire today must be improved!"

"The entire Great Qin Empire must enter the Immortal Cultivation Era!"

"The common people in the entire Great Qin Empire must also need to cultivate."

"What you need is that everyone is like a dragon!"

There was a firmness in Yingzheng's eyes.

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