Chapter 0154 - Resurrecting Bai Qi, Zombie Wu Anjun?!!

"But everyone is like a dragon!"

There was a firmness in Yingzheng's eyes.

What he wanted was that all the common people in the entire Great Qin Empire should cultivate, and what he wanted was that the common people belonging to the entire Great Qin Empire should enter the path of cultivation just like that.

Although if they really entered the cultivation path like this, then the consumption they had in the entire Great Qin Empire would definitely be huge.

But the current winning policy means that no matter how huge the consumption!

This action must be promoted!

If you don't promote it today, will it be necessary to wait until tomorrow?

Then if it is not promoted tomorrow, is it possible that this matter needs to be delayed again and again?

This task must also be carried out!

What the Great Qin Empire needs is an era in which everyone is like a dragon, not a certain aspect to enhance the strength of those ordinary people at the bottom.

In the face of Win Zheng's words, there was a wave of worship in the eyes of all the civil and military officials in the entire hall.

"Ten thousand years of Your Majesty!"

In an instant, the eyes of one civilized and military official after another were filled with an unprecedented admiration.

I have to say that the words told by their Majesty really made them feel their Majesty's determination.

Everyone is like a dragon!

This is not something that easy to do!

But their majesties still have to do it!

Of course, they don't dare to rebel just like that.

Who dares to refute the order to win the government?

Sorry, no one dares to refute the order to win the government.


"Strive to make all three worlds interconnected!"

At this moment, there was a seriousness in Yingzheng's eyes.

Since Daqin has now mastered the three worlds, all Daqin needs to do now is to let all the common people in these three worlds enjoy his policies.

Who would not dare to obey?

Sorry, those who dare not obey will be found by Jinyiwei.

"Your Majesty, Saint Ann!"

One after another, the civil and military officials began to honestly withdraw from Xianyang Palace in turn.

In the face of one after another civil and military officials who withdrew from Xianyang Palace, the eyes of Ying Zheng, who was currently sitting on the dragon chair, had that firmness in his eyes.

It's time for a huge change to take place in today's Daqin!

In this way, the results of a great dynasty meeting about the world that Daqin had laid down began to be transmitted to the entire Daqin.

When the group of guys from the Great Qin Empire learned that their Great Qin Empire would be changed to the Great Qin Heavenly Court from today onwards.

The eyes of all the people in the Great Qin Empire had that incredibleness in their eyes.

O Heavenly Court!

That means they need to call their majesty the Heavenly Emperor in the future.

O Heavenly Emperor!

This title can be regarded as a supreme title in this day and age, because it belongs to mythology.

At this moment, their majesty was called the Heavenly Emperor.

The most important thing is that their majesty seems to really have that ability.

All the guys in the entire Daqin Territory were completely shaken.

At a time when all the existence in the territory of the Great Qin Empire today has fallen into such a shock, the current winning government has come to a curtain

"This is it."

The current Yingzheng looked at this cemetery at this moment, with a deep excitement in his eyes.

And at this moment, the name that is in that cemetery is the Tomb of the White Rising!

That's right, the cemetery that the current winner came to is the cemetery that belongs to the Great Qin Wu'an Jun Baiqi!

It is the graveyard where the god-killer rose in vain.

"Do you have that confidence?"

The current Yingzheng slowly spoke to the head of the Maoshan faction beside him.

Facing the words spoken by Yingzheng, the current head of the Maoshan faction had that trance in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the ministers and others are willing to give it a try."

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect had that heaviness in his eyes.

What he needs to do next is to resurrect Baiqi!

That's right, what he has to do next is actually to resurrect the legendary Baiqi!

That God Killer is white!

How could this not shock this to the head of the Maoshan faction?

For the current winning government, the current army of the Great Qin Empire has developed to this extent, so the zombie army lacks a military commander.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that if he wanted to let anyone lead the entire zombie army, he felt that maybe only their white rise in the history of Daqin.

At least Bai Qi's ability is there, as for Bai Qi's dead?

Sorry, don't forget that today's Daqin already belongs to the Daqin Heavenly Court!

Therefore, Yingzheng brought over as the head of the Maoshan faction, the most powerful among the corpse training.

"It's okay, do your best!"

"I believe you have that ability."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the current Baiqi tomb, and felt a deep emotion in his heart.

The former Great Qin is sorry for Bai Qi.

Unfortunately, Bai Qi was already dead when he crossed over.

Then all he needs to do is to correct Bai Qi's name, and the most basic point is that he built Bai Qi's cemetery very luxuriously.

At the very least, Bai Qi, who was the founder of the Great Qin Empire, couldn't be allowed to lie in that cold coffin like this?

So Yingzheng brought Bai Qi's body to the current Bai Qi tomb.

As for whether Bai Qi can be successfully corpsed now?

Then we have to see if the current head of the Maoshan faction has that ability.

"I'll leave it to you."

Ying Zheng looked at Bai Qi's tomb at this moment, and then said to the head of the Maoshan Sect behind him.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

The current head of the Maoshan Sect replied respectfully.

"Brush brush brush..."

As the words of the head of the Maoshan faction fell, the figure of winning the government completely disappeared from the field of vision of the head of the Maoshan faction.

This winning figure left, and the current head of the Maoshan faction looked at the tomb of Baiqi at this moment with a serious expression.

"It looks like we need to get them all over."

"It's a big project!"

The head of the Maoshan Sect had an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

If he were to refine ordinary people into zombies, it would be easy.

Then if he is allowed to refine the legendary killing god Baiqi into a zombie, then the head of the Maoshan faction said that this is definitely a big project.

A bigger project than ever before.


One letter after another was directly passed on by the head of the Maoshan faction.

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