Chapter 0155 - Human Legion Warring Terracotta Legion!!

"You guy has given us a big problem!"

Soon, one after another many leaders in this regard also came to the place where the tomb of Baiqi was located at this moment.

It's just that when one after another leaders came to the tomb of Baiqi, they saw the head of the Maoshan faction standing next to the tomb of Baiqi, and their eyes carried a deep helplessness.

"Alas, no way."

"This is a white start!"

"I don't have the confidence to do it alone, so I can only call you all over."

At this moment, the head of the Maoshan Sect had that deep helplessness in his eyes.

If he alone had the ability to solve the current matter, then he would not have called these many masters over.

However, this is the tomb of Baiqi!

No one knows what will happen when he turns Bai Qi into a zombie again.

In order to avoid an unknown crisis, the only thing he can do at the moment seems to be to call all the masters in this regard.

In the face of the words of the head of the Maoshan faction, the eyes of the current guys after another all had that helplessness in them.


"It's all coming, so let's get ready."

The current one after another head listened to the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment, and could only shake his head helplessly.

So what else can be done at this time?

Now that they have all arrived, they can only start turning the existence in the Tomb of White Rising into a zombie.

"Everyone, let's work harder!"

The eyes of the former head of the Maoshan faction carried a sense of seriousness.

"Okay, then let's take a look at how powerful this legendary Baiqi is after turning into a zombie!"

At this moment, the eyes of one sect leader after another had an unprecedented seriousness in their eyes.

Now they want to take a good look, if this legendary Bai Qi is to train him into a zombie, then how powerful is it?

These people are very curious about this.


In this way, one guy after another began to show their skills.


As one guy after another took out their finale skills, the white corpses that came from the current White Rising Tomb also began to change.

Everything is moving towards the beginning they expected.

"Things about the Daqin army today also need to change."

"Today's Daqin army plus the zombie army has a total of 12 legions."

"The strength possessed by today's Great Qin Heavenly Court looks very good, but the strength of this thing is never too low!"

"No one knows what the world our Great Qin Heavenly Court needs to go to next is like."

"The next thing we need to do in the Great Qin Heavenly Court is to start improving our strength!"

At this moment, the current winning government gave one order after another to the army commanders one after another.

"It's time for the world we went to before to be completely solved."

There was a seriousness in Yingzheng's eyes.

Today, the strength possessed by their Great Qin Heavenly Court was already very strong.

But that's not enough for a winning government.

The strength of today's Great Qin Heavenly Court must be further enhanced.

If nothing else, it was purely because today's Great Qin Heavenly Court had to keep pace.

In particular, Yingzheng found that the strength possessed by the current Daqin army had begun to gradually decline.

After all, who let the strength of those soldiers in the Daqin army at this moment not particularly strong.

So what now?

Quite simply, start making the soldiers stronger!

Only if the strength of the soldiers becomes stronger, then the strength possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court can become stronger, and the strength of he, the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, can also become stronger.

"Maybe you can comprehend the Dragon Emperor in that mummy."

At the same time, the current Victory Zheng's eyes carry that deep thought, it is obvious that for the current Winning Zheng, in the world he was in in the past, if anyone made him more nostalgic, I am afraid that only the Dragon Emperor won the government.

Because there was another version of him in that world, he also found a technique in that world that could make the entire Daqin more powerful.

In that world, Daqin did not completely conquer, in that world, Daqin just killed the double-standard girl.

"Zhang Handan, mobilize the Praetorian Guard Legion and follow Xu to another world."

At this moment, Yingzheng said with a flat opening in his tone.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

In the face of the current order issued by the winning government, the chapter at this moment respectfully expressed understanding.

Soon, the Janissaries were all ready.

"Then go to that world and take a look!"

I saw that the winning government waved his hand.


The passage to the world of the mummy of the Dragon Emperor began to appear in the barracks.


An order fell, and the mighty army began to advance towards the world of the current Dragon Emperor's mummy.


One after another, the sound of marching kept falling, and one soldier after another went to the world of the mummy dragon emperor.


When Yingzheng stepped through the dark blue crossing door, when he appeared again, he had already appeared in the world of the mummy Dragon Emperor.

"Boom boom..."

When Ying Zheng appeared in the world of the mummy Dragon Emperor, a huge cannon bombardment began to sound overhead.

"Tweet tweet..."

One shell after another began to echo in the distance.


An explosion sounded in the distance.

Seeing that the terracotta army from the Dragon Emperor is constantly competing with the current army composed of humans.

However, the army formed by humans could not help the current Dragon Emperor's terracotta army.

Because the Dragon Emperor's terracotta army is immortal!

The Terracotta Army Legion with an immortal body is not at all something that the Human Legion can compete with.

And the current winning government saw this scene and directly waved his hand.

"The whole army attacked!"


In an instant, one after another the soldiers in the Praetorian Guard Legion directly began to attack the entire city.

First take down this entire city, and then go and solve the terracotta army under the Dragon Emperor outside the city.


When the Human Legion was fighting with the Terracotta Army under the Dragon Emperor, a large army directly appeared in the city in the Human Legion.

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