Chapter 0156: Daqin Army VS Terracotta Army!!

"Who are you?!"

Just as the current Praetorian Guard was beginning to attack the entire city, the general who had in the entire city had a deep anger in his eyes.

Faced with this army that suddenly attacked them, the general among the humans in the current city felt a sense of anger.

Because he also saw that the other party was also a human being who belonged to the Eight Classics!

They are attacking them like this at this moment!

What is the other party going to do?!

Faced with the words of the human general in the current city, the soldiers in the Praetorian Legion in Daqin at this moment chose to ignore the words of the other party.

"Take them down!"

As that officer's words fell, one after another Daqin soldiers soon began to take the entire city! Get down.

Without him, although the attack of the human army in a city was too fierce, in the face of the sudden appearance of the Great Qin Praetorian Legion, there really was no existence that could compete with it.

First suddenly appeared, so that the human soldiers in this city did not have any means of preparation at all, plus the soldiers from the Great Qin Praetorian Guard Legion today are all small superhuman level to some extent, then who can fight from the Great Qin army at this time?

Without any one!

Soon, the entire city was completely replaced by the banner that belonged to Dazuo.

At this moment, when the entire city was replaced with the banner of Daqin, the current Ying Zheng and Zhang Wei at this moment stood on the city wall and looked at the terracotta army legions that they had in the distance.

"It seems that the Dragon Emperor of this world has already begun to attack the entire world."

The current Ying Zheng's eyes carried that slight emotion.

For the Dragon Emperor of this world, winning the government is very despised.

For nothing else, purely because the identity of the other party is placed here.

From the plot, we can understand that as the Eight Classics of the Eight Classics of the Huaxia Dragon Emperor, the most important thing is that as the First Emperor of the Great Qin Empire, even if the other party really turns into a dragon like this, it is a five-clawed true dragon belonging to the Eight Classics, but the other party is like a Western dragon.

Although this movie is made by foreigners, in the minds of foreigners, the dragon represents both power and evil.

But at least the current world belongs to a real world, then the Dragon Emperor who represents this world also belongs to real people.

Then for the Huaxia Dragon Emperor, who incarnated as a Western dragon, the current attitude of winning the government is to solve the other party.

"Let's solve all the other parties!"

"It's time for the Great Qin Heavenly Court to take over this entire world."

The bland words from Win Zheng fell completely.


Zhang Wei on the side replied with a respectful look in his eyes.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Destroy all those terracotta warriors in front!"

At this moment, I saw Zhang Handan's orders fall one by one.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One after another, the Great Qin soldiers began to attack those terracotta army regiments in front.

"Archer ready!"

"Burning arrow!"

When one order after another fell, the current Daqin soldiers began to pull up the bow and arrow on their backs, and casually launched an attack on the opposite terracotta army.

"Tweet Tweet!!"

One by one, incendiary arrows began to attack the terracotta warriors in front.

As the incendiary arrows began to attack the Terracotta Army, the Great Qin General who was leading the Terracotta Army Legion at this moment had a doubt in his eyes.

"The other party is also the Great Qin army?"

When the generals in the current Terracotta Army Legion looked at the armor that the Great Qin soldiers had at this moment, the generals in this Terracotta Army Legion at this moment felt a trace of doubt.

Why does the other party have the flesh and blood of the Eight Classics?

Why are they both Great Qin soldiers, but the other party needs to attack them?

The Great Qin General from the current Terracotta Army Legion felt a pang of doubt.

However, at this moment, when the Great Qin General in the Terracotta Army Legion felt a moment of doubt, the attack from the current Great Qin Heavenly Court also completely fell at this moment.


The incendiary arrows began to explode continuously throughout the Terracotta Army...

In the face of that incendiary arrow, when the violent explosion began to sound in the terracotta army, the terracotta army one after another was directly smashed in the face of this powerful and incomparable force.

That's right, the terracotta warriors in the current terracotta army one after another were directly smashed by this powerful and incomparable force.

At this moment, when the Great Qin General in the Terracotta Army Legion was looking at the terracotta army that was supposed to be resurrected again after being smashed, but did not resurrect as he expected, the current terracotta army general's eyes had a trace of emotion and incredulity.

"This, this, this, how is this possible?!"

At this moment, the Great Qin General in the Terracotta Army Legion had such an incredible look in his eyes.

Clearly, he was shocked by what was happening.

At this moment, the Great Qin General in the Terracotta Army Legion felt a burst of incredulity, and the Great Qin Heavenly Court from the current Great Heavenly Court began to kill.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One after another, the soldiers in the Great Qin Heavenly Court carried the weapons in their hands and launched an attack on the Terracotta Army Legion opposite.

"Boom la la!!"

In the face of the attacks of the soldiers in the Great Qin Heavenly Court one after another, the soldiers from the Terracotta Army Legion subconsciously picked up the weapons in their hands to fight back against them, but 0.3, but they forgot that their bodies did not belong to flesh and blood, and the weapons in their hands did not belong to some weapon made of fine iron, and they were all covered in the body and even the weapons were cast from dirt.


As the soldiers in the Great Qin Heavenly Court began to attack the soldiers in the Terracotta Army, the soldiers from the Terracotta Army Legion were completely destroyed.

One after another, the terracotta warriors and horses were crushed and could not be resurrected, and they died directly.

Soon, the soldiers currently from the Terracotta Army Legion were directly annihilated by the soldiers in the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

And as a general in the Terracotta Army Legion that time, he was also captured and brought to Win Zheng.

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