Chapter 0159 - Eastern True Dragon VS Western Dragon!!

"Hehe, then let you take a look at the power that the Oriental True Dragon possesses!"

"You lizard."

With a look of disdain in his eyes, he looked at the Dragon Emperor opposite him.

For the current Shenzhou Emperor who is willing to incarnate as a Western dragon, the current winning government is naturally very, very disgusted.

The other party has lost the dignity and pride that the Shenzhou Emperor should have.

No matter how they turn into dragons, then at least they have to transform their Oriental True Dragons!!

The result?

The other party is so willing to become a Western true dragon, how can this not make him feel that anger for the current winning government?

You must know that although the other party's name belongs to the Dragon Emperor, the other party does belong to the winning government of the Eight Classics.

It's just a winning government that belongs to another world, strictly speaking they belong to each other in parallel worlds.

So as the winning government in this world, he did the current thing, how can this not make the current Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court feel angry?

"Roar, roar!"

As Yingzheng's words fell, the roar began to roar towards the Dragon Emperor opposite him.

"The power of Daqin!"

In an instant, I saw that the current Victory Zheng began to mobilize the incomparable power in his body.

That is the power that represents Daqin!


An incomparably strong force began to erupt wildly in Ying Zheng's body.

At the same time that a strong and incomparable force began to erupt madly from the body of the winning government, the Dragon Emperor at this moment detected an unparalleled threat in the powerful and incomparable power that the current winning government had erupted.

"This is a formidable enemy!"

The current Dragon Emperor looked at Yingzheng opposite him with a deep seriousness in his eyes.

Although the Dragon Emperor is very clear and can understand that the guy on the other side must not stay, at least the most basic judgment of the Dragon Emperor still exists.

That's the question of the power they have between them.

The power on the other side is definitely no worse than him, and even the power of the one from other worlds on the opposite side is even stronger than him!

That's right, the current Dragon Emperor has understood that the identity of the other party belongs to him from other worlds.

Do you really think that the Dragon Emperor does not know?

Just by virtue of the breath exuding from Ying Zheng's body, the breath that is exactly the same as him has already said everything, the most important thing is that the other party can also mobilize the national fortune belonging to the Great Qin Empire, and the Great Qin soldiers from the flesh and blood of the Eight Classics have already helped the other party's identity to be put out.

Therefore, for this one from other worlds, the current Dragon Emperor still has a little nervousness in his heart.

Because of the power of the other party!

"But the power I have is not bad!"

The eyes of the current Dragon Emperor carried that deep anger.

He admitted that the strength of the person from other worlds on the other side was indeed very strong, but don't forget that the strength he possessed was also not bad!

He belongs to the emperor of the Great Qin Empire!


An incomparably powerful force condensed from the Dragon Emperor's body.

Along with that powerful and incomparable power condensed from the Dragon Emperor's body, who would fiercely spray towards the winning government opposite him.


The dragon breath from the Dragon Emperor sprayed towards Ying Zheng.

In the face of the dragon breath from the Dragon Emperor, the current Victory Zheng's eyes were so disdainful.

"Hehe, it's just the breath from the lizard, then you can see what is the real dragon's breath!"

Ying Zheng had that disdain in his heart.


A strong and incomparable power permeated the body of the current Ying Zheng, and when it began to condense along with that strong and incomparable power, it then violently shot towards the Dragon Emperor opposite him.


A violent force erupted from Ying Zheng's mouth.

With that strong and incomparable force bursting out madly from Yingzheng's body, Yingzheng's breath and the dragon emperor's breath completely collided together.


A violent explosion sounded in the sky.

When a violent explosion sounded in the sky, the eyes of the reporters from various countries watching the battle from afar looked at this side with an incredible gaze.

"Is this a battle of the gods?"

The reporters of one country after another looked at the Yingzheng and Dragon Emperor who were currently at war with that incredible gaze, and at the moment they seemed to be able to have such a powerful existence, which was simply a legendary god!

Whether it is the Dragon Emperor or Ying Zheng, where does the existence they incarnate now look like an ordinary person?

The current appearance of winning the government belongs to the Eastern True Dragon, and the appearance of the Dragon Emperor is the Western Dragon.

The current appearance of both sides belongs to the dragon.

It is precisely because the appearance between the two sides belongs to the dragon, the fierce battle between them will naturally be regarded as a god battle by the reporters of those countries.

That incomparably strong outburst directly made the guys who had one after another in the field feel a tremble.

This is simply not a power that belongs to people!

"This is the battle between gods!"

One reporter after another looked in the direction of the sky with a wave of adoration in their eyes.

They worship the strong, so when the battle between Ying Zheng and the Dragon Emperor breaks out in front of them, they feel that this is what a real strong person in the whole world should have.

Just when the reporters of one country after another were amazed at the two winning governments that broke out in the sky, the five-clawed true dragon incarnated by the victorious government in the sky also began to fight fiercely with the western dragon incarnated by the dragon emperor on the opposite side.


Ying Zheng swung his huge pair of dragon claws towards the opposite Dragon Emperor.


As Yingzheng swung his huge dragon claws towards the dragon land, a sonic boom sounded in the entire sky.

It's a vibration that is extremely fast.


In the face of that sonic boom, the current Dragon Emperor was directly repelled by this powerful and incomparable force.

Even the Dragon Emperor in the sky began to violently retreat from this powerful force.

"Damn it!"

Facing the Dragon Emperor who was in the downwind area, he couldn't help but curse at the moment.

"You forced me!"

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