Chapter 0160 - The Battle Broke Out by God!!

"This is the!! you forced me"

The Dragon Emperor's eyes carried that unprecedented anger.

The current Dragon Emperor took a deep look at Yingzheng opposite him, and at the moment the Dragon Emperor had only one thought in his mind.

He must solve the other party!

If he doesn't solve the other party quickly, the existence that will be solved by then is likely to belong to him!

In this regard, the Dragon Emperor absolutely could not accept the current scene.


In an instant, I saw that the Dragon Emperor did not hesitate to fully burst out all the power contained in his body, and at this moment, the Dragon Emperor also began to condense the power he had in his body into his mouth.

And the Dragon Emperor also began to fully burst out the Origin Power he possessed in his body.

That's right, the current Dragon Emperor is facing the step by step from winning the government, and the Dragon Emperor has only one idea in his mind.

Win the government at all costs!

"Go and die!!"

As the Dragon Emperor at this moment began to fully burst out the power he possessed in his body, the current Victory Zheng had already sensed what the Dragon Emperor opposite him was doing.

"Hehe, even if you burst your Origin Power like this now, weak or weak!"

"You will never be able to defeat Xuan!"

There was that disdain in Yingzheng's tone.

Although the current tone of the winning government has that disdain, the deep heart of the winning government still begins to mobilize the Daqin National Movement at this moment.

After all, the lion fight also uses all his strength, even if the current Dragon Emperor loses the face of their Shenzhou Emperor, but the other party now has a very strong power after all.

Especially under the premise that the Dragon Emperor had also begun to erupt with the Origin Power he possessed in his body, even winning the government could not be ignored.


In an instant, under the premise that the Dragon Emperor began to mobilize all the power he had in his body, and even began to burst out the power of the Origin, the current winning government began to mobilize all the power of luck from the Great Empire.


In an instant, a huge Xianyang Palace also began to condense behind Yingzheng.

But when that huge Xianyang Palace condensed behind Yingzheng, the current Dragon Emperor also began to compress all the power he had in his body to the extreme.


A dragon breath that permeated the entire world began to reverberate in the current heaven and earth.

As the breath of the dragon that permeated the entire heaven and earth was spewed out by the Dragon Emperor, Ying Zheng also did not hesitate at this moment to suppress the phantom of the Xianyang Palace condensed behind him towards the opposite Dragon Emperor.


The breath of the dragon that permeated the entire heaven and earth and the Xianyang Palace phantom thrown out by Yingzheng collided fiercely.

When the attacks between the two sides collided completely at this moment, an explosion that resounded throughout the heavens and the earth frantically gathered on the battlefield of the current Victory Zheng and the Dragon Emperor.


As the attack that permeated the entire heaven and earth began to erupt wildly on the current battlefield, the space from the current heaven and earth was directly shattered by this powerful and incomparable force.

That's right, the current space of heaven and earth was directly shattered by the power generated by the center of the explosion of these two forces.

As the sky began to be violently shattered by the power that erupted between the two sides, all the ordinary people in this area also completely died under this fluctuation.

All ordinary people were completely wiped out under the remnants of this terrifying power.


In the face of the powerful force that erupted in the sky at present, Zhang Handan, the commander of the Great Qin Praetorian Guard Legion, ordered to the soldiers who looked behind him one after another.


A wave of power began to frantically condense in the bodies of those Daqin soldiers, and at the same time that force began to converge in the physical strength of those Daqin soldiers, the aftermath of the battle that broke out in the sky also fell violently at this moment.


When that terrifying wave fell, the protective shield condensed by the soldiers of the Great Qin fiercely resisted the aftermath.


The impact like a wave began to reverberate in the protective shield condensed by the Daqin soldiers.

As for those others?

For example, journalists from various countries on the battlefield?

Sorry, in the face of such a powerful force, they do not have the power that the soldiers of Daqin experience today.

Even today's Daqin soldiers have to gather with each other before they can withstand the terrifying aftermath from the sky, as for those ordinary journalists?

Sorry, their fate with each other has come to an end.

Completely reduced to a piece of powder.

At the same time that terrifying aftermath frantically echoed around, Ying Zheng and the Dragon Emperor, who were currently in the center of the battlefield, both looked at each other with that serious expression.

"Hehe, in the end, you lost."

Ying Zheng's tone was filled with that calmness as he looked at the Dragon Emperor who had exhausted his strength across from him.

He still had the national fortune of Daqin to use, but the dragon emperor on the opposite side could not use the national fortune of the Daqin Empire.

Because today's Daqin Empire has not been completely established!

The only thing that the other party could mobilize was the power in his body, but in the face of the power of Ying Zheng, even if all the power in the body of that Dragon Emperor was gathered, he could not compete with Ying Zheng.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that Xu actually lost."

"There have been defeats in my life, but it has never been so tragic."

"You are the first being who can make Xu fall into this situation."

"Of course, it's the last one."

The Dragon Emperor's eyes flapped his wings in the sky with that faintness.

The power in his body has been consumed, and in the face of the fact that the power in his body has been exhausted, the power in the body of the Great Qin Emperor from other worlds on the opposite side is still like in his heyday.

Then there is no need to think about the outcome between the two sides, he lost.

And it's very thorough and pathetic.

The price is death.

"When you choose to incarnate the Western Dragon, it already means that your end is already predetermined."

Ying Zheng looked at the other party with that calm look in his eyes.

"Then let this Great Qin Emperor send you the last ride!"

As Yingzheng's words fell, a powerful and incomparable force condensed from Yingzheng's body, and then swung fiercely towards the Dragon Emperor opposite him.

"Fist is the world!"


A powerful force burst out in an instant.

The Great Qin Emperor Dragon Emperor in the mummy world collapsed, and those terracotta army legions in all parts of the country were completely turned into a handful of yellow sand at this moment.

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