Chapter 0163 - Giving the Name Dragon Wuji!!

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, one after another guys respectfully saluted Yingzheng.

In the face of the current salutes of one guy after another, Yingzheng, who currently appeared on the scene, calmly replied: "Take a good look." "

At this moment, Yingzheng said calmly.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

In the face of the current words of winning the government, the powerhouses in the Great Qin naturally did not dare to refute at all, and then saw that the powerhouses in the Great Qin began to look at the centipede who was currently in the center of the thunder calamity.

They really wanted to know what the other party looked like, but the power of the Thunder Tribulation blocked their vision, even if they had the most powerful power, they could not break through the influence of the Thunder Tribulation.

Because this is the power of heaven and earth!

I saw that under the gaze of one guy after another, I saw that the figure of the centipede that was currently in the center of the scene began to change.

"Click, click..."

The skin that originally belonged to the centipede began to recede continuously, and as the skin that originally belonged to the centipede began to recede, the figure of the dragon that was in the middle of the retreating centipede began to drill out.

"Roar, roar!"

In an instant, one after another earth-shattering roars began to echo in the sky at this moment.

"I, I've turned into a dragon!"

Facing the figure of a dragon that had completely transformed into a dragon at this moment, the monster that once belonged to nothing more than a centipede now had excitement in his mind.

Although he now just belongs to a dragon, isn't a dragon a dragon?!

The dragon is also a dragon that belongs to the Eight Classics!

It's just that this dragon's status in the dragon family is not very high, but even if it is not high, it is a dragon that belongs to the Eight Classics!

Compared to the identity he once had, it was only a centipede, and now that he had transformed from a centipede into the current dragon, how could this not make him feel excited about this current one?

The excitement in his heart could not be concealed at all.

Even the powerhouses in the Great Qin one after another could sense the excitement in the hearts of the other party at the moment.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

That roar began to echo throughout the sky.

When the roar that accompanied the roar began to echo throughout the sky, Yingzheng at this moment looked at the dragon with satisfaction.

"Very good, you transformed from a former centipede into a current dragon, this is already your opportunity."

Ying Zheng said with that satisfaction in his tone.

In the face of the words from Ying Zheng, the current dragon's eyes were filled with that deep excitement: "Thank you, Your Majesty!" "

At this moment, the dragon's eyes at this moment were filled with an unprecedented gratitude.

He knew better than anyone that if it was not a winning government just now, then the Great Qin Qi Luck was instilled into his body, then I am afraid that he is really likely to fail to cross the calamity, and he is afraid that his appearance will become even more terrifying at that time.

At that time, it is very likely that it will belong to centipedes not like centipedes, snakes are not like snakes, and even dragons are not like dragons, which is simply the three dislike of the Eight Classics.

The most important thing is that his body is likely to be severely damaged by then.

Overall, if it weren't for the help of Win Zheng, I am afraid that he would not have been able to fulfill his current dream.

He has now changed from the original centipede to the current dragon, and he may be able to transform into a real dragon!

For him at present, this is simply something that cannot be dreamed of, but this thing that cannot be dreamed of is so hard in front of him.

How can this not make him feel grateful and excited?!

Faced with the gratitude of the current dragon, the current Zhengzheng nodded calmly.

"All you need to do now is increase your strength."

"At that time, you will come and pull the cart for Xuan."

Huan Zheng looked at this dragon at this moment, and after some thought, he finally decided the future fate of this dragon at this moment.

His current identity is no longer the emperor of the previous Great Qin Empire, his current identity is that of the Heavenly Emperor in the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

Since it belongs to the Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor, then the carriage he travels on cannot at least belong to those ordinary horses, right?

Then the dragon seems very suitable.

If he could, Yingzheng would not recommend using the nine-headed dragon, but unfortunately, the current Daqin did not have it at all, and the only dragon was still a newly-broken existence in front of him.

Since there is none, let's leave it at that.

Use a dragon to pull a cart for him, the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Empire.

Listening to Yingzheng's words, there was no reluctance in the eyes of this dragon at this moment.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Jiaolong replied respectfully.

"Since you have now transformed into a dragon, from today onwards, Xu will give you a new name."

"Your name is with the dragon as the surname, and your name is Wuji!"

"Your future name will be Long Wuji!"

Ying Zheng looked at the dragon at this moment, and after a little thought, he spoke.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, the current dragon oh no, it belongs to Long Wuji, and there is a deep excitement in his eyes.

"Long Wuji see Your Majesty!"

In an instant, Long Wuji's eyes were filled with an unprecedented excitement.

He was given a name by their majesty, and most importantly, he still believed in dragons!

For this dragon at this moment, this is simply a great reward.

"Go, go and improve your strength."

At present, Yingzheng nodded slightly and said.

Since the other party has already turned into a dragon, then at this time, the other party must do something that is in line with the identity of the other party, at least the strength of the other party must not be bad!


In an instant, Long Wuji at this moment replied respectfully.

"Just come with you."

"It's also time to put the entire monastic academy in order."

The current Yingzheng looked at the dean of the cultivation academy at this moment, and the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master said so lightly.

In the face of Win Zheng's words, Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master did not have any opinion at all.


One teacher after another in the monastic academy replied so respectfully.


As a word fell, the figure between the two sides completely disappeared in place.

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