Chapter 0164 - Dean of the Cultivation Academy, Ying Zheng!!

"Gentlemen, your duty in the future is to pass on this knowledge that you have."

I saw the current winner say to the guys one after another.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, all the beings in the current cultivation academy after another also nodded slightly.

They are still a person who understands what their duties are, and their current duty is to pass on the ability to cultivate in this area.

So they don't feel anything wrong with the words that come from the current winning government.

In the face of the replies that one guy after another had, Yingzheng at this moment slowly spoke: "Next, the entire cultivation academy needs some reform. "

"For now, let Xu personally serve as the dean of the monastic college, and as for you, you will serve as the deputy dean of the monastic college."

I saw that the current Ying Zheng slowly said to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master and the head of the Kunlun Sect in the Qiannu Ghost World.

As for the Cultivation Academy, then this can be regarded as the most core place that belongs to the future of Daqin.

Because what will gather here at that time is the strong people who belong to Daqin, who have been searched in that world after another.

At that time, they will definitely not be able to join the one department after another that Daqin has, and it seems that they will only have to join the cultivation academy.

Since they need to join the Cultivation Academy in the future, the 947 emperors of the Great Qin Heavenly Court need to become the deans of the academy that are currently received.

At the same time, there is currently a power and prestige in the monastic academy to become the existence of the dean, and the current winning government directly turns them into vice deans.

For example, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master in the zombie world where the Ninth Uncle is located, the strength and prestige of the other party are enough to serve as a vice president.

Then the head of the Kunlun Sect in the Qiannu Ghost World, the other party also has strong enough prestige and prestige to serve as the head of the cultivation academy.

At present, these two guys can completely take charge of the entire monastic academy for him.

Although he belongs to the dean of the monastic college, but this dean of him is only in name, and it is these two vice deans who really manage the matter, so that the entire cultivation academy is divided into two factions, so that it will not cause some sudden problems, nor will it strengthen the strength of one person.


Hearing the current Zhengzheng's order, at this moment, the Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain and the current head of the Kunlun Sect naturally nodded respectfully.

"Except for the two of you who are currently the deans of the Daqin Cultivation Academy, all the others are currently turned into teachers."

"Your duty is to spread your knowledge to one school after another!"

"I don't want those students to be able to master this power, but at the very least let them get started."

"This relies on accumulation."

Huan Zheng looked at the heads of one sect after another at this moment, and slowly spoke.

The identities of this group of guys in the future will belong to his Daqin Cultivation Academy.

And their job is to spread all this knowledge they have.

Let the students in the school not be able to be proficient, but at least be able to have some cultivation.

For Winzheng, what he needs is for this wave of students to become seeds, which need to take root, and the current role of schools is to let these seeds take shape.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

One after another, the guys replied with respect in their eyes.

"Well, okay, if you have any problems in the future, ask these two deans, and if these two deans can't solve it, you can come and ask Xuan."

I saw Yingzheng instructing the teachers one after another.


In the face of the current words of winning the government, the teachers in the current monastic colleges naturally expressed understanding.

They also understand that although there are already two vice deans in the monastic school today, these two vice deans can only deal with some ordinary things, if there is really something big, then they still need to ask the current emperor whether they can be the same as the courtyard next door, everything must be solved in the courtyard.

At the very least, if there was really something big, it would definitely win the dean of this monastic academy.

Who dares to hold it?

Sorry, at present, the two deans of the monastic academy dare not cover it.

Just after the matter from the Imperial Cultivation Academy was completed, the current Zhengzheng began to return to Xianyang Palace and began to deal with some government affairs.

Just when the entire Great Qin was on the right track, the Bai Qi in the current Bai Qi tomb also underwent earth-shattering changes at this moment.

The eyes of the guys who have been guarding the tomb of Baiqi also have that seriousness in their eyes.

"Everyone, success or failure depends on this move!"

At present, I saw a serious look in the eyes of the head of the Maoshan Sect.

"No problem!"

I saw that the current head of the Maoshan Sect replied with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

"Then act!"

In an instant, as the words of the head of the Maoshan Sect fell, the current leaders of those sects who were proficient in this aspect also began to make a seal.


A stream of wonderful and incomparable power began to condense in their hands, and at the same time that the wonderful power began to condense in their hands, I saw that those Daqin soldiers who had already prepared on the side also began to cut off the heads of Kunlun Nu one after another.

"Poof, poof..."

Streams of bright red blood gushed out like a fountain from the neck of the severed Kunlunnu.

As the bright red blood gushed out, the group of people who suggested that the head of the Maoshan Sect also began to make a hand-made seal.


The sky darkened at this moment, and as the sky darkened at this moment, thunder and lightning began to roll among the clouds.

Facing the thunder and lightning that began to roll in the clouds, I saw that the white corpse in the Baiqi tomb also began to absorb the bright red blood gushing out of Kunlunnu, and at the same time, the white qi that originally only had bones left also began to cast the bright red blood into his body.


As the bright red blood continued to pour into the Baiqi coffin, the aura contained in the Baiqi coffin also underwent earth-shattering changes at this moment.

A dead aura emanated from Baiqi's coffin.

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