Chapter 0165 - Bai Qi!! Turning into a Zombie

"Very good!"


"Go hard!"

One guy after another had a seriousness in their eyes.

Facing Bai Qi, who was about to turn into a zombie, even the well-informed ones felt an unprecedented seriousness.

Because Bai Qi's prestige belongs to a famous existence in the entire history of Huaxia, but the current civilization of Huaxia belongs to the endless corpses, because Bai Qi has a name to kill gods!

No one knows what will happen when they turn each other into zombies.

However, one thing is certain, that is, once the other party turns into a zombie, it is definitely a big horror-level existence.

In the face of such an existence that is about to become a big horror level, there really is no guy who can ignore it more.

In this way, the heads of one sect after another began to show their abilities to the Baiqi in the current Baiqi tomb.


One after another, the guys began to show their strength to the Baiqi in Baiqi's tomb.


As the white rising continued to take shape, the dark clouds in the sky gradually solidified, and the dark blue thunder began to roll among the clouds.


As the dark blue thunder continued to roll through the clouds, all the living beings in the surrounding area felt a great terror strike.


One sect leader after another, instilled the last force into Baiqi's tomb, and then saw the surrounding scene.

No matter how stupid they are, they can tell through the current strange appearance of heaven and earth how terrifying a creature the existence that is about to take shape in the Baiqi tomb is

"Wait for the good news, just see if the other party can take shape."

The eyes of the head of the Maoshan Sect also carried that solemnity.

In the face of such a level of existence, their Maoshan faction has really never practiced such a powerful zombie, and even their Maoshan faction has never encountered such a powerful zombie.

After all, not all zombies belong to Baiqi.

Just when Bai Qi was about to take shape, Ying Zheng in Xianyang Palace frowned instantly: "That's the direction of Bai Qi's tomb." "

"Could it be that white zombies are about to appear?"

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes had that kind of thought.

Obviously, about Bai Qi in Bai Qi's tomb, Yingzheng can be regarded as very, very concerned.

No way, if Bai Qi can really be successfully resurrected, then there will undoubtedly be one more unparalleled general in the entire Great Qin Empire.

The most important thing is that Bai Qi can command an army of millions of zombies!

And it can increase the strength of his zombie army by 100%, and the zombies in the zombie army can completely burst out more powerful.

"Brush brush brush..."

I saw that the figure of Yingzheng instantly disappeared into the Xianyang Palace.

When the figure of winning the government appeared again, it was already above the sky.


A meteor-like figure soared towards the direction of Baiqi's tomb.


The thunder in the sky is constantly rolling.

Facing the thunder that was constantly rolling in the sky, the group of guys led by the head of the Maoshan faction below all felt trembling.

They're a little scared now.

Just when one guy after another felt a trembling, the figure of winning the government made people completely appear beside them at this moment.

"What's wrong with this?"

I saw Yingzheng said with a slight inquiry.

In the face of the sudden arrival of the winning government, the current guys really did not react for a while.

However, when they reacted, they then saluted Yue Zheng with a respectful expression: "See Your Majesty." "

"At present, everything we can do has been done, and the rest depends on whether Wu Anjun has that tenacious obsession."

"As long as Wu Anjun still retains that strong obsession, the other party can truly turn into a zombie at that time."

The head of the Maoshan Sect said so respectfully.

In the face of the words of the head of the Maoshan faction, the current Yingzheng looked at the rolling thunder in the sky with that slightly calm gaze, and then looked at the huge murderous aura contained in the Baiqi tomb.

While Huan Zheng looked at the huge murderous aura contained in Bai Qi's tomb, Huan Zheng began to directly wave the Bloodthirsty Heart Sutra, which was currently mainly cultivated in the Great Qin army...


As a stream of light poured into the Baiqi Tomb, I saw that the huge murderous aura currently possessed in the White Snow Tomb paused for a moment at this moment.

In the face of the current action of winning the government, the leaders one after another did not dare to have any opinions at all.

They also don't know where Yingzheng is going, what exactly happened in the tomb, but it definitely doesn't belong to some bad thing anyway.

In this way, the current Yingzheng and the head of the Maoshan faction began to wait and watch in place.


The thunder rolling in the clouds also fell violently at this moment.

At this moment, when the thunder rolling in the clouds fell fiercely, and it struck the current Baiqi tomb fiercely.

When the terrifying power of thunder slammed into the white tomb, the power of destruction contained in the thunder also began to destroy the white corpse in the tomb.

It's just that in the face of the destructive power contained in that thunder, the huge murderous aura that Baiqi possessed in the current Baiqi Tomb began to plunder that destructive force domineeringly.


A huge murderous aura directly plundered the striking thunder force that slashed white, and then turned it into nourishment for his own body.


As the power of thunder was fiercely plundered, the thunder in the clouds seemed to feel provocative, and then saw that the thunder fell so fiercely.


The dark blue terrifying thunder fell violently on the Baiqi tomb.

It's just that in the face of that terrifying thunder power, the Baiqi corpse in the current Baiqi tomb has absorbed the thunder that has been changed by outsiders.

"Very good, it looks like the big will take shape."

At this moment, Yingzheng looked at the moment when he absorbed the power of thunder and then began to give birth to that momentary consciousness, with that smile in the corner of Yingzheng's mouth.

He felt that the Baiqi currently in Baiqi's tomb had been completely formed

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