Chapter 0166 - Commander of the Zombie Legion!!

At some point, the thunder rolling in the clouds and the oppressive clouds also began to disappear into the sky.

When the rolling thunder in the clouds and the oppressive dark clouds disappeared into the sky, the murderous aura contained in that white tomb had completely reached a peak.


An extremely terrifying force erupted in the Baiqi tomb.

As that terrifying force erupted inside the Baiqi Tomb, Ying Zheng, who was outside the Baiqi Tomb, waved his hand slightly to intercept that terrifying force.

"Tread, tread..."

Facing the earth-shattering force that erupted in the Baiqi tomb, the group of guys currently headed by the head of the Maoshan faction all had that deep horror in their eyes.

Although they all knew that the scene created after training this legendary killing god Baiqi into a zombie was absolutely terrifying, they really didn't know what this real scene looked like.

However, when Bai Qi really turned into a zombie, when Bai Qi appeared in their present, that shocking killing vapor immediately made them all feel a tremble.

They can't imagine, is this the legendary Baiqi?

Such a huge murderous aura made them tremble, and even under this huge and incomparably murderous aura, they seemed to feel that their lives no longer belonged to them.

There was a knife suspended above their heads, and most importantly, it was likely to fall at any moment.

At this moment, the eyes of one guy after another were filled with that deep horror.

"Tread, tread..."

In that blood-red murderous aura, Bai Qi's figure appeared in Ying Zheng's field of vision.

A very elegant looking presence slowly opened his eyes

"Who is the Great King of the Qin Kingdom today?"

Bai Qi asked with that calm voice.

As Bai Qi's words fell, I saw that the winner in front of the screen smiled slightly

"Today's Daqin no longer has the title of king, and the king of Daqin has become the emperor of the Daqin Empire!"

"Even the Great Qin Empire is already in the past, and the Great Qin Empire has become the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

"And the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court today is Xuan!"

"The Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court wins the government!"

For a moment, I saw that Yingzheng looked at Bai Qi opposite him with that calm gaze in his tone.

"Great Qin Heavenly Court..."

Bai Qi's eyes looked at Yingzheng opposite him with that calm gaze.

As Bai Qi's words fell, the current area completely turned into a calm, and the group of guys led by the head of the Maoshan faction subconsciously held their breath.

They understand that something big is definitely going to happen next, or that something unimaginable is going to happen next.

The current Bai Qi glanced at Yingzheng with that calm gaze

"Bai Qi, see His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor."

I saw that the current Bai Qi thought about it for a while, and then looked at the current Zhengzheng with that calm gaze, and respectfully paid homage.

For the current Bai Qing, his memory is still stuck in the Qin State, which belongs to one of the Seven Kingdoms, and now this king who obviously belongs to the descendants of Daqin told him that the Great Qin State has become a thing of the past, and even the Qin State has become the Great Qin Empire, and even the Great Qin Empire has become the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

This is to talk about it in white, he more or less feels that the incredible change from the Qin State to the Great Qin Empire already means that the Qin State has unified the six countries under the world.


In the face of the words from Bai Qi, the current winning government laughed.

"Very good, I believe that with your current Yuanshen peak realm strength, it is enough to serve as the commander of the zombie army."

"In the future, you will be the commander of the zombie army!"

Ying Zheng looked at Bai Qi, who had the peak realm of the Yuan God, and then said slightly, for Bai Qi, who had the power of the peak realm of the Yuan God, the current winning government did not feel any strange at all.

Previously, when Bai Qi was not fully formed, he had already transmitted the Bloodthirsty Heart Sutra to Bai Qi's mind.

How terrifying is Bai Qi's murderous aura?

I am afraid that among the ancient generals, there is really no general's murderous aura that can have Bai Qi's huge murderous aura, even if there is, but Bai Qi's murderous aura definitely belongs to the unparalleled one, and Bai Qi's murderous aura is definitely at the forefront of existence.

Therefore, Ying Zheng was not surprised that the current Bai Qi was able to raise his cultivation to the current Yuanshen peak realm.

Because this is the Baiqi that belongs to their Daqin!

Baiqi's prestige has been famous throughout the history of China

"Commander of the zombie army?"

After listening to Yingzheng's words, Bai Qi said to himself slightly.


In an instant, I saw Bai Qi's respectful reply.

"Then go back to Xianyang, I believe you can still meet some familiar existences in Xianyang."

The current winner smiled.

"Oh yes?"

"In today's Daqin, there is actually an existence that I am familiar with?"

Bai Qi's eyes were filled with that curiosity.

Although he didn't know how long he had died, he could also know that since he died, the king of the Qin Kingdom must have changed more than one, and now there is actually a familiar existence in the current Great Qin?

How could this not make Bai Qi feel that little doubt?

"Haha, you'll know each other when you arrive."

In the face of the current Baiqi doubts, Yingzheng at this moment smiled slightly.

"Let's go, go back to Xianyang."

I saw that the winning government waved his hand.


The figure of the group instantly soared and flew towards Xianyang City.

Soon, the figure of Yingzheng and his party was born in Xianyang City, and Yingzheng directly brought Bai Qi to the barracks.

"Is this an army of zombies?"

When the zombies in the zombie army who had exactly the same aura as him in the barracks, 2.1 had that curiosity in his eyes at this moment.

Just when the current Bai Qi looked at those zombie legions with that curious gaze, he encountered a surprised and even incredible word sounding in Bai Qi's life: "Wu Anjun? "

I saw that surprised voice sounded behind Bai Qi.

Faced with that surprised word, Bai Qi turned around to look at the voice of the existence.

"You are, Wang Yi?"

Looking at that old existence, Bai Qi's eyes looked at each other with that surprised gaze.

Although the other party's appearance is old, Bai Qi can vaguely see the other party's appearance when he was young.

It was the Wang Yi he was familiar with!

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