Chapter 0170 - Attacking the Great Qin Heavenly Court of the New World!!

As the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court today, the Victory Emperor opened the conquest system at this moment: "It seems that the Great Qin Heavenly Court may be able to attack this world. "

At the same time, the current winner looked at the world displayed on the interface of the conquest system, with that smile on his lips.

And the name of that world is called the Supergod Universe.

The world of the Marvel Universe has been brushed out before, but the current Daqin Empire does not have the force strong enough to compete with the supergod universe, so the winning government can only choose to give up for the time being.

But now it's different.

The power possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court today was already very strong, and for today's Yingzheng, he felt that it was time for him to attack this sci-fi universe.

After all, the other party is also a universe that belongs to the Eight Classics!

In the face of the current universe, Yingzheng feels that he may need to pay attention to it.

No one knows what is in this sci-fi universe, as for what is the so-called god?

Sorry, in front of the winning government, it is just some garbage.

Before, he didn't have that powerful enough force, but now that the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court has developed to this extent, is it impossible to compete with the gods in the so-called supergod universe?

The previous Daqin Heavenly Court was in a period of rapid development, so Winning Zheng could only choose to give up that world, but now the Great Qin Heavenly Court is already strong to this extent, and if he doesn't take this world down quickly, then Winning Zheng feels that this is a bit too much.

"Pass on the order!"

"The commanders of the Praetorian Guard and the First to Fifth Legions have come to meet him."

As Yingzheng's words fell, Zhang Handan, who was in the Heavenly Court, and the other five legion leaders immediately heard the order transmitted by Yingzheng.

No matter what the current six legion commanders were doing, when they heard the order transmitted by Ying Zheng, it was that they immediately completed the matter in their hands as quickly as possible, and then came to the outside of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

"Guys, you're here too."

The current Wang Yi quietly glanced at Zhang Wei beside him.

As the commander of the Praetorian Guard, Zhang Wei still belonged to the kind of existence closest to their Majesty.

And now the other party came at the same time as them, which made them feel a wave of doubts, what happened here?

"Don't guess, as far as I know, it should be necessary to attack other worlds."

Zhang Han said lightly.

In the face of Zhang Handan's words, the other five army commanders nodded slightly.

Soon, the current five major army commanders also appeared in the current Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, one after another respectful words began to sound in the hall.

In the face of the current respectful words, the corner of his mouth smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, which was sitting above the throne of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Dear Aiqing, after so many years of development in Daqin, it is time to start expanding outward!"

"Do you have the ability to expand?"

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Listening to Yingzheng's words, the eyes of the current six army commanders replied with a serious force: "See Your Majesty, there is!" "

The commanders of the six great legions all replied with a firm air.

"Very good, since you love how to have this confidence."

"Then it's time for Daqin to start expanding outward!"

"The reason for calling the six of you here is because the world we need to go to next is not a particularly large one."

"Perhaps for the former Daqin, that world belongs to a very huge existence, but for today's Daqin, that world can no longer be put in the eyes of Daqin."

"Next, you will accompany Xu to that world to see."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

I saw that one after another respectful words began to sound.

In the face of one respectful word after another, the current winner nodded lightly.

"The five of you go and dispatch the army to the barracks of the Heavenly Court, and Xu will arrive later."

The words from the victory were passed down from above the throne of heaven and earth.


A wave of killing intent pervaded the barracks of the Heavenly Court, and one soldier after another looked ahead with that scarlet killing intent in their eyes...

For these current soldiers, they know very well what they need to do next.

The next thing they did was to follow their majesty to another world to start a conquest!

This can be regarded as a very much expected thing for the soldiers in these Great Qins.

At least these current soldiers are really expecting it.

When the soldiers looked forward with a deep seriousness in their eyes, the figure of Victory appeared on the highest point platform


"Gentlemen, you are very satisfied."

Looking at the strength of the soldiers one after another, the current winner nodded with satisfaction.

"The whole army is on the march!"

With the wave of Yingzheng's big hand, a large space gate appeared in the barracks at this moment.


When the dark blue space door appeared in the barracks, one soldier after another looked at the space door with a firm gaze.

All the soldiers understood that the next thing they needed to do was to attack the life side of the Space Gate.

"The soldiers of Daqin, attack with Xuan!"

I saw that the words of the winning government fell, and the mighty army walked towards the dark blue space gate in front of it with firm steps.


The vibrations began to echo throughout the barracks.

Soon, the soldiers in the dense six major legions completely disappeared into the barracks, along with the six commanders in the barracks and the 60 generals who won the government of the Heavenly Emperor of the Qin Heavenly Court.

As the space gate that he had in the Great Qin military camp disappeared, the dark blue space door appeared in the universe inside the distant supergod universe.


With the emergence of that space door, one after another soldiers in black armor poured out of the space door and appeared in the universe.

The black dragon flag from Daqin fluttered in that universe.

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