Chapter 0171 - The Vigilance of the Gods of the Universe!!

"I didn't expect to be in the universe."

When Yingzheng looked at the starry river they were in, Yingzheng's brows were only slightly wrinkled at the moment.


For a moment, while Yingzheng frowned slightly, he saw him wave his hand slightly without hesitation.

While Yingzheng waved his hand slightly, that powerful and incomparable force appeared in the current galaxy.

Soon, the warships appeared in the universe, although they were only wooden warships, but the power contained in this warship could make the entire universe tremble.

"Attack straight ahead!"

"If you find any civilization or something in front of you, then knock the other party down!"

At this moment, the figure of the winning government at this moment appeared on the huge battleship and ordered the ordinary battleship.


In an instant, a respectful voice immediately came to mind on the overwhelming battleship.


With one general after another waving his hand, the mighty fleet began to attack the starry sky of the universe.

As the mighty army began to attack the entire cosmic starry sky, just when the previous Yuzheng showed his incomparably powerful power, Kesha, who was in the Meiluo Heavenly Court possessed in the universe, looked into the depths of the universe with that solemn gaze.

Even Hexi, who was in the depths of the Merlot Heavenly Court at this moment, sensed the powerful and incomparable power flickering in the universe.

"This force surpasses me."

At this moment, the current Kesha's eyes looked into the depths of the universe with a serious gaze.

Although he didn't know where that powerful force came from, she only knew that there was an existence in the current universe that could threaten her.

If it belongs to the known, forget it, but the problem is that it belongs to the unknown to Wan!

An unknown but such a powerful existence made the current Kesha instantly fall into a solemnity.


"You must know who the other party really is, otherwise the other party is likely to deal a devastating blow to the just order at that time!"

Kesha's eyes had a solemnity in them.

Although the current Keisha does not know who the other party is, is it important to her?

It doesn't matter at all, she only needs to know that the other party has a stronger power than her, and then the other party is an unknown existence.

In the face of this unknown existence, if the other party has any opinion on the righteous order she has single-handedly promoted, then the other party is really likely to deal a devastating blow to the righteous order set by the Merlot Heavenly Court.

In this regard, the current Kesha absolutely does not allow this to happen!

"Hiko, you lead the Winged Angel Legion to the depths of the house!"

"I sensed that there were unknown beings in the depths of the entire universe."

"And most importantly, that unknown existence can deal a devastating blow to the just order."

"All you need to do now is to patrol the entire universe for me."

"If you find that unknown existence, all you need to do is report it to me."

"Let me personally solve that unknown existence!"

I saw that the current Angel Queen Kesha's eyes were serious and ordered Angel Yan, who was currently guarding the right wing.

"Obey, Queen!"

Listening to the order from the current angel queen Kesha, especially when Yan learned that the righteous order set by their angelic civilization would actually be destroyed, at this moment, Yan's eyes looked into the depths of the universe with anger.

Although she didn't know who the other party belonged to, it didn't prevent the current Hiko from being angry with the unknown existence in that universe.

The other party actually wanted to destroy the just order of their angelic civilization!

That is evil for Yan at this moment!

"Go, be careful!"

"If you run into each other, all you need to do is tell me the news and let me personally solve the other party!"

At present, the angel queen Keisha said to the angel Yan.

"Obey, Queen."

At this moment, Yan replied respectfully.

This comes from the fact that when the current angelic civilization made an action, the main god from all the civilizations in the entire universe sensed the power that the victory had just erupted, although it was only a flash, but the fleeting power made them feel an unprecedented crisis

"Next, the entire universe will definitely fall into an even more chaotic scene!"

The Lord God of civilization after civilization couldn't help but have this thought in his mind.

The next universe will definitely have a major situation because of that fleeting terrifying existence.

Although they don't know who that existence with such a powerful power is, it doesn't prevent them from understanding that the next universe will definitely fall into chaos, just when all the civilization lord gods currently in the entire universe are beginning to prepare to face the next chaos, the current Yingzheng on the Daqin battleship looks at the warship intercepted directly in front of them with a forced gaze.

"Where the hell did these fools come from?"

At this moment, Yingzheng looked at the scene directly in front with that doubtful look in his eyes.

Is the other party actually so brave?

They actually dared to intercept their Daqin battleship just like that.

Or is it that they Daqin have not shown their prestige in the entire universe at all, or that the other party thinks that they belong to soft persimmons and can be pinched casually, when a wave of doubts emerges in the mind of the current winner.

The guys in the group of main ships who had in the interception of the Daqin battleship said with that confident tone in their eyes: "We just need to snatch all the resources in these fleets later." "

"I don't know where this corner of the universe jumped 2.4."

"Their battleship is actually made of wood."

"Driving wood to be in the universe, I believe that the resources of the other party are very large"

"We can just snatch each other's resources away at that time, and even we will return to capture each other!"

At the same time, he looked at the Daqin battleship with greed in the eyes of the supreme commander from the current main ship.

"Shout at them!"

"Let's just say that as long as they choose to surrender, we can let them go."

As the words of the current supreme chief fell, the deputy chief beside him replied with that solemn air.


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