Chapter 0175 - Defeated Angel Battleship!!

"Overlord Slash!"

In an instant, I saw that one soldier after another on the Daqin battleship directly condensed the power contained in their bodies, and then launched a fierce attack on the angel battleship opposite them.


There was an immediate roar in that vast cosmic starry sky.

As the vast cosmic starry sky emitted a roar, the angel warship, which was currently regarded as the main target by the Daqin soldiers, also instantly sensed the strength of the Daqin fleet at this moment.

"How could they have such great power?!"

I saw that Captain Yan on the angel battleship looked at the Daqin fleet that was attacking them with a deep shock, even incredulous gaze in his eyes.

In the face of those Great Qin fleets at this moment, the captain of the current angel battleship, Angel Yan, looks like the other party can simply be regarded as being backward to the extreme.

That's right, in the current Angel Yan, it seems that the power possessed by the other party is simply backward to the extreme!

Although she didn't know why the other party was able to establish the Great Qin Heavenly Court in the current area, she only knew that the other party had disrupted the righteous order set by their angelic civilization!

But she really didn't expect that the other party actually had such a powerful power.

This really made Yan at this moment completely feel incredible.

"Launch a just trial!"

"Survive under this powerful force!"

In an instant, I saw Angel Yan with that heavy gaze in his eyes and ordered the ordinary angels under their hands.

Other situations are different, anyway, the current situation is already on the surface.

That is, the power possessed by the current Great Qin Heavenly Court is very strong, and it can even be regarded as a power that belongs to them at all.

If they just ignored the love that came from that Great Qin Heavenly Court, then they would definitely have a major accident at that time.

That's why Yan at this moment will let all the angels in this winged angel fleet launch a righteous trial.

"No problem!"

In an instant, one angel after another replied with an unprecedented seriousness in their eyes.

Obviously, for these ordinary angels at present, they think that the righteous trial they are about to launch now is the most correct choice

"Just trial!"

In the face of the overlord slash that broke out from the Daqin army, those angels from the angel fleet also launched the famous righteous trial of their angel civilization without hesitation at this moment.


An incomparably powerful force is erupting in the current universe.

In the righteous trial that broke out from the angel civilization, a powerful and incomparable force of light also began to emerge, and as that terrifying force of light began to gather around the current angel battleship, the overlord slash from the Daqin battleship completely fell at this moment.

"Boom boom..."

A force of overlords who went straight forward and carried an unparalleled murderous aura, at this moment, gathered and attacked the angel battleship fiercely.


In an instant, an incomparably powerful force from the Great Qin army began to erupt in the current angel warship in an instant.

In the face of the powerful overlord slash that erupted from the Great Qin army, the righteous trial performed by the combined forces of those angels possessed by the current angel battleship was also revealed at this moment.

In the face of the righteous judgment unleashed by the angels, the overlord slashes owned by the soldiers from Daqin directly crushed the righteous judgment launched by these angels.


Earth-shattering explosions began to echo continuously on the current angel battleship.

As the earth-shattering explosions began to echo on the angel battleship, the angels who came from the entire angel battleship immediately sensed the pain that hit.


As the next time the winged angel let out an exclamation, the strong explosion directly stunned all the angels.

Some weaker angels were directly killed on the spot by the current overlord under the attack of this powerful and incomparable force.

The angels with a little strength could only be helplessly defeated in the face of this powerful overlord slash, but they were also seriously injured and floated in the cosmic sky...

"Click, click, click"

The fragments of the battleship from the angel battleship began to float in the cosmic starry sky.

At this moment, the time from the attack launched by the angel warships that were happening in the current Daqin fleet directly made the lords of those forces who were currently around the Great Qin Heavenly Court feel a deep amazement.

"This, this..."

"Is this the power that belongs to the Great Qin Heavenly Court?!"

In an instant, the eyes of the lords of one force after another looked at the current battlefield with that incredible look.

He didn't think that the guys from the Great Qin Heavenly Court had defeated the current winged angel fleet like this, but the current angels from the angel warships didn't seem to cause any damage to the guys in the Great Qin, right?

Even according to their observations, as for the group of guys who have on the Daqin battleship today, they can be regarded as unharmed, on the contrary, those angel warships owned by the angel battleship have been directly and completely destroyed, and even some angels have fallen into death at this moment.

How could this not make the current lords of the surrounding forces feel so amazed?

"You must not provoke the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

In an instant, the surrounding lords of forces immediately made up their minds in their hearts after watching this current scene, they definitely did not dare to provoke the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

Because if they really provoked the Great Qin Heavenly Court like this, then I am afraid that even they may not be able to survive at that time.

In response, they said they would live to see it.

Just when the lords of the surrounding forces were feeling a burst of amazement, as the captain of the current Daqin fleet, at this moment, that is, as a division commander in the Great Qin, he said lightly: "Arrest all the living ones and hand them over to Your Majesty for interrogation, as for those who are already dead, let him disappear on the spot!" "

One after another bland orders sounded on the current Daqin warship.

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