Chapter 0176 - Disgusting Just Order!!

"See Your Majesty!"

In an instant, I saw the current division commander respectfully saluting Yingzheng.

Facing the salute from the division commander, the current Yingzheng looked at this guy at this moment with that curious gaze.

"What's going on?"

In the face of the inquiry from Yingzheng, the division commander at this moment only slowly replied: "Your Majesty, we just encountered this group of people who forcibly invaded our Daqin Heavenly Court territory while on patrol. "

"According to what I learned from the mind of this so-called angel, they are going to come and use their will to influence the will of our Daqin Heavenly Court!"

"They want to use their so-called righteous order to influence the order of our Daqin Heavenly Court."

At this moment, I saw that the current division commander had an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

As for why he learned the current news?

Sorry, as long as anyone with a little cultivation can know this thing, it is the soul harvesting technique.

As long as the other party has a soul, they can know everything that is in the other party's mind through the soul collection.

Although the price of soul harvesting is very cruel, what does it have to do with them?

The cruel guys belong to the guys who have been taken in the soul, but not to the guys who cast their casts.

Therefore, for the current division commander, so about the situation that he turned an angel into a fool by collecting souls, he directly chose to ignore it.

At this moment, he just began to inform the current government of the news he had collected.

Hearing the current division commander's report, Yingzheng's eyes were filled with that calm.

"I know, stand down."

The current winner said with the opening of the mouth.

For this so-called angelic civilization, although Yingzheng has not been in contact, he can also understand what kind of goods the angelic civilization in the supergod house belongs to.

Perhaps for those civilizations with very little strength, the angelic civilization is a just order that simply belongs to their umbrella, but for those civilizations that are slightly stronger, especially for those civilizations that want to become stronger, the just order that the angelic civilization has is completely locked.

It is impossible that the technological level of their civilization belongs to that for the rest of their lives, right?

The resources of their civilization can't always be endless for a lifetime, right?

As long as their civilization wants to develop, war is inevitable at that time.

Therefore, the just order of the angel civilization is very just only for the weak civilization, but for those civilizations that are eager for development and development, the just order of the angel civilization is somewhat cruel.

According to the righteous order possessed by the Angel Civilization, his Daqin Heavenly Court was also a restricted existence.

The problem, of course, is that winning politics is too lazy to care about the so-called righteous order that comes from the angelic civilization.

What is the angelic civilization in front of his Great Qin Heavenly Court?

Therefore, in the face of the report of the division commander below, the current winning policy means that he understands.


Listening to the words from Ying Zheng, the division commander from this moment also nodded respectfully.

In the eyes of the current division commander, since their majesties have already expressed their understanding, it means that in the face of that so-called angelic civilization, they Daqin is ready to deal with it.

Of course, the attitude of the current division commander belongs to the same as winning the government, that is, what is this so-called angelic civilization?

Does that righteous order of theirs still want to come and forbid their Great Qin Heavenly Court in it?

Sorry, this division commander at this moment said how far to roll.

"Tread, tread..."

As the sound of footsteps fell, the division commander who had come to report slowly retreated.

As the figure of the division commander retreated, the angels from the current captives also began to wake up gradually.

"We, we seem to be captured."

At present, the winged angel's eyes looked at the cell they were currently in with that deep solemnity.

"Sister Yan, what should we do?"

One of the winged angels said to Angel Yan with a hint of anxiety in his eyes, now from the words of this angel at this moment, and Angel Yan's brows frowned slightly.

"We don't seem to be able to use the power in our bodies at present, and the current so-called Great Qin seems to have sealed all the power of our iron power."

At the same time, when Angel Yan was about to try to mobilize the power she had in her body, she suddenly found that there was no power in her body at all.

In this regard, the current Angel Yan immediately sensed that the guy from the Great Qin possession had definitely sealed their strength.

"These damn guys!"

"More abominable than those demons!"

At this moment, the current angels chattered and discussed at this moment.

One thing was revealed in their words, that is, their disgust for this so-called Daqin.

In the eyes of these current angels, the current Daqin Heavenly Court already belongs to the same level as the demon civilization, that is, it belongs to the existence that destroys the just order of the entire universe!

"Your Majesty, I just don't know if you know what we have here."

At this moment, the current angel Yan exhaled deeply.

Because at this moment, she really didn't know if the current queen of their angelic civilization knew what was happening on their winged angelic fleet.

Listening to Angel Yan's words, at this moment, those other angels looked at each other 3.0, and they all saw the deep worry in each other's eyes.

Indeed, although they are now not worried about the situation they currently have, because behind them are known as the most powerful angel queens in the entire universe, what if this group of guys from today's Daqin really kills them like this?

Because they don't know what the current Daqin belongs to, the most important thing is that they also have many sisters who died under the hands of those Daqin soldiers.

For a moment, a sad breath floated above the heads of these angels.

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