Chapter 0177 - The Angel Queen Dispatches!!

At the same time that the Great Qin Heavenly Court had captured a winged angel, Kesha, the angel queen in the Merlot Heavenly Court in the Angel Nebula, immediately learned the current news.

After all, there were many lords of forces around the Great Qin Heavenly Court who had been watching the outbreak of that war, so they naturally saw the scene of Angel Yan being captured.

Then when the lords of the forces around Daqin learned the current news, they naturally reported this news to the angel civilization at this moment.

When one after another the lords of power reported their news to the angel civilization, Kesha, the angel queen of the angel civilization, fell into silence for a while.

"It seems that the current Lord of the Great Qin Heavenly Court should belong to the powerhouse that suddenly appeared in the entire universe before."

After some thought, the angel queen Keisha could already get a rough result.

Although she had never seen Yingzheng, when the powerful aura that Shengzheng flashed in the supergod universe was known by the many strong 27 people in the universe, then the Great Heavenly Court from today suddenly stood in the entire universe.

Then it was almost certain that the Lord of the Great Qin Heavenly Court and the powerhouse who flashed by definitely belonged to the same group, and it was even very likely to belong to the same group of people!

"Looks like we need to figure out how to fix this guy."

At the same time, I saw that the Angel Queen Kesha's tone carried that heaviness

"Go and call Tianji Wang Hexi over, just say that I have something important here."

The current Angel Queen Kesha said to the angels outside the palace.

Just as the words of the current angel queen Kesha fell, a calm word began to spread into the current hall.

"No thanks, I'm already here."

As that calm word fell, I saw a silver-haired and silver-armored Tianji King Hexi also appeared in the field of vision of the angel queen Kesha.

"Step back, let me have a good chat with the Tianji King."

At this moment, I saw the current Angel Queen Keisha slowly speaking to the angel outside the palace.

"Obey, Queen."

In the face of the angel queen's words, the angel who was outside the palace naturally replied so respectfully.

I saw that there were two kings among the remaining angels in the hall today.

"What do you know about the Great Qin Heavenly Court that currently appeared?"

At this moment, Keisha couldn't wait to ask Hexi.

Facing the words spoken by the current Angel Queen Kesha, as the current Tianji King Hexi, he shook his head slightly calmly: "I really don't know any news about the Great Qin Heavenly Court that suddenly appeared today. "

"However, it seems that the only thing that is certain is that it belongs to the information that flashed in the entire universe before, and it is definitely related to this Great Qin Heavenly Court."

At this moment, Tianji Wang Hexi could only say helplessly.

"It seems that Yan that little guy was captured by the Great Qin Heavenly Court, right?"

The current Hexi also said slightly.

Faced with the words spoken by Hexi, Keisha naturally had no need to hide it at all: "That's right, Yan was captured by the Great Heavenly Court. "

"Regarding this operation, I must go in person!"

Kesha, who was currently speaking, said with a serious opening in her eyes.

"The most is no longer a question that belongs to Hiko and those other ordinary cherubs, it is now a question of the prestige that angelic civilization has in the entire universe."

"If the angelic civilization has not taken any action, then the group of guys in the entire universe will think that the angelic civilization has completely decayed, and the righteous order established by the angelic civilization will be completely destroyed."

At this moment, Keisha said to Hexi with a serious look in her eyes.

Faced with the words from the current Kesha, Hexi shook his head slightly: "Then you go, then let me sit in the Meilu Heavenly Court." "

I saw that the current Hexi also said so calmly.

Listening to the words spoken by the current Hexi, the current Angel Queen Kesha's eyes replied with a serious look: "Okay, next you will sit in the Merlot Heavenly Court, if you dare to start a war in the entire universe at this time, then the angel civilization must not choose to ignore it like this!" "

"We must completely destroy the civilization that disturbs the just order!"

"There must be no accidents in the just order!"

Directly present, Kesha's eyes had a sense of firmness.


"Don't worry, I see."

I saw that the current Angel King Keisha also replied with a slight calm

"Okay, then I'll go for action!"

"Just let me go and meet the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court for a while!"

At this moment, I saw the current Angel Queen Kesha's eyes with a serious opening in her eyes.

Just as Kesha, the current Angel Queen, was preparing to act, all the civilizations in the entire universe were looking at the current location of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Regarding this new force that is so upright in the entire universe that provokes the angelic civilization, all the forces in the entire universe are very, very curious.

All the lords of civilization are very curious about the current righteous order set by the angel civilization, and how should the Great Qin Heavenly Court from the current angel civilization solve it?

Especially under the current situation that the Great Qin Heavenly Court has completely destroyed the angel fleet in this way, how will the angel civilization solve it?

In the face of the many Lord Gods possessed in the entire universe, they all began to turn their attention to the direction of the Great Qin Heavenly Court at this moment, and the fleet from the Angel Civilization also began to set sail at this moment.

As the fleet of the Angelic Civilization now sailed away throughout the universe, all the guys in the entire known universe began to look in the direction of the current Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Is it the angel civilization that wiped out the Great Qin Heavenly Court in one fell swoop, or did it come from the existence in the Great Qin Heavenly Court to provoke the just order set by the angel civilization, and the angel civilization was still helpless?

The entire universe turned their attention to this side.

They all want to know the final result.

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