Chapter 0178 - Disrespectful Angel Queen!!

"Is this the territory that belongs to the Great Qin Heavenly Court?!"

At this moment, the current Angel Queen Caesar looked at the nebula they had directly in front of them with a serious look in her eyes.

The star fields formed by that planet have now been occupied by Daqin, and after the current Daqin occupies that area, it will be renamed the Daqin Heavenly Court.

"Is this my Merlot Heavenly Court?"

At the same time, the Angel Queen Keisha immediately thought of a situation after facing the name of the Great Qin Heavenly Court at this moment.

That is the name that the current Great Qin Heavenly Court has, no matter how it looks like it belongs to the Mei Luo Heavenly Court.

There is no way, I have to let the current angel queen Caesar have such an idea, who let the current angel famous Merlot Heavenly Court in the entire universe, although the status is very high, but as long as there is a little ambition in the entire universe, they want to overthrow the rule of the angelic civilization.

Then the Meilu Heavenly Court is the core of the angel civilization, and it can even be said that the Meilu Heavenly Court is the imperial capital that belongs to the angel civilization.

So now this Great Qin Heavenly Court that suddenly popped up in the entire universe, which has to make the Angel Queen at this moment suspect that the current Great Qin Heavenly Court completely belongs to the Merlot Heavenly Court that benchmarks their angelic civilization!

"It seems that this idea of the other party is already known to everyone."

Kesha, the Angel Queen, had that bitter smile in her eyes.

The current action possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court had caused many civilizations in the entire universe to already set their sights on them.

This has completely roasted him, the angel queen, on a torch.

Now she has to attack the Great Qin Heavenly Court at this moment, or the current Angel Queen Keisha must let the Great Qin Heavenly Court give an explanation.

In short, she is the queen of disgust.

"Kesha, Queen of Angelic Civilization, is here#!"

"The emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, I think you don't need to hide in the shadows at this time."

"Let's have a good chat here."

The current Angel Queen Keisha looked at the interior of the current Daqin Heavenly Court with a calm tone in her tone.

Although the emperor from the current Great Qin Heavenly Court did not appear in front of her like this, the Angel Queen Keisha at this moment believed that the emperor of the current Great Qin Empire must be watching her secretly.

It's just that the other party wants to give her a dismount.

In the face of the words from the Angel Queen Kesha, the lords of the forces who were safely around the Great Qin Heavenly Court all turned their eyes to the Angel Fleet at this moment and the existences currently possessed in the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

They all wanted to know how to face the Angel Civilization in the face of the current Great Qin Heavenly Court that suddenly rose in the entire universe?

Does this belong to the old hegemon suppressing everything, or does it belong to the new lord to completely overthrow the old hegemon?

At that moment when there was that curiosity in the eyes of many forces chasing after another, Zhang Han, who was the commander of the Praetorian Guard, appeared in the frontier of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

"Follow me."

"Our Majesty of the Great Qin Heavenly Court is waiting for you inside."

At this moment, Zhang Wei looked at the angel queen Keisha opposite him with that calm gaze in his eyes.

For the current Angel Queen Kesha, the current Zhang Wei directly chose to ignore it.

Because at this moment, Zhang Wei found that the current so-called Angel Queen Keisha had exactly the same strength as him!

Perhaps the path that the current Angel Queen Keisha has is not this cultivation that belongs to them, but the power that the current Angel Queen Keisha has in her body is still there.

Since the power that comes from the current angel queen Keisha is placed there, then Zhang Wei at this moment can naturally speculate what is the strength of the so-called angel civilization queen Keisha in this world at present.

Like him, they are all in the realm of the Yuan God.

Listening to the current Zhang Han's words, the current Angel Queen Caesar's eyes looked at Zhang Han opposite her with that deep and serious gaze.

"Didi Didi..."

"Analysis failed..."

When Zhang Han appeared in front of the angel queen Keisha at this moment, the angel queen Keisha at this moment subconsciously analyzed the current Zhang Han for a while.

However, the dark matter system currently owned by the Angel Queen Keisha reminds her that she is completely unable to analyze the current chapter.

It can even be said that the current Zhang Wei is completely unknown to her


Angel Queen Kesha's brows frowned slightly.

At the same time that the Angel Queen Kesha's brows were wrinkled slightly, Zhang Wei, who was currently coming from, noticed that sense of peeping.

And the most important thing is that the current sense of peeping can be regarded as unreserved, especially that sense of peeping is completely belonging to staring at him, which makes the current Zhang Wei instantly feel a little unhappy.

"What do you mean by that?!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei had that calm gaze in his eyes and glanced at the current Angel Queen Keisha lightly.


An incomparably strong murderous aura erupted from Zhang Han's body.

At the same time that a strong and incomparable murderous aura erupted in the current Zhang Wei's body, the Angel Queen Keisha at this moment was instantly stunned.

"Okay, then let me meet the emperor of your Great Qin Heavenly Court."

At the same time, in the face of the strong murderous aura that broke out in Zhang Han at this moment, especially when the strong murderous aura that broke out in Zhang Han was still clearly aimed at the assassin Angel Queen Kesha.

At that time, if the angel queen Keisha did not understand what the situation was, then she did not deserve to be called the angel queen.

There is no doubt that the probe she possessed by the other party was directly detected by the other party.

If it belongs to an existence weaker than her, then forget it, but in the current exploration of the angel queen Kesha, the other party's strength is not inferior to her.

In the face of the same level of existence, the behavior she just had can indeed be regarded as hitting the other party in the face.


Facing the words of the Angel Queen Kesha, the current Zhang You snorted slightly.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you want to come to see the emperor of our Great Qin Heavenly Court, then come over."

Zhang Wei said calmly.

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