Chapter 0179 - From the Great Qin Emperor's Questioning, the Angel Queen's Firmness!!

"Your Majesty, you must not go!"

"If you go, then something may happen then!"

One angel after another said to the angel queen Keisha dissuasively, for the angels from the current one after another, if their angel queen Keisha went directly to the territory of today's Daqin Heavenly Court, then their angel queen may probably have an accident at that time.

After all, they now belong to the territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

Especially now that they are still in the base camp of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, if there is really any accident, then they really have no time to rescue!

In order to avoid some unexpected circumstances, they had better prevent their queen from going to the current territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Even if they really want to go, they must be accompanied by all their angels!

"Everyone, wait for me here."

Facing the words spoken by the angels one after another, the current angel queen Keisha said with a slight comfort at this moment.

For Kesha, the Angel Queen, what she needs to do now is simple.

That is to go to the current base camp of the Great Qin Heavenly Court alone.

It may seem to be very brave, but behind this bravery is a scene full of danger.

No way, the current situation is here.

The place she needs to go to now belongs to the base camp of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

That means that what she needs to face next must belong to the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court, and if she talks about collapse, then those existences from the Great Qin Heavenly Court will definitely not let her go just like that.

The most important thing is that from today's Great Qin Heavenly Court, there is really a strong enough force to completely solve her.

So if she really went to the Great Qin Heavenly Court like this now, then this is equivalent to giving her life to the current Great Qin at this moment, but the Angel Queen Keisha believes that even if the group of guys in the Great Qin can be regarded as clearly going to destroy the righteous order set by their angelic civilization, but as long as they do not lose their minds, then they will definitely not leave her, the Angel Queen, here directly.

Because if it really does this, it means that Daqin will completely stand on the opposite side of all the civilizations that the entire universe has.

All the civilizations in the entire universe would regard Daqin as a wolf and tiger.

They may most likely unite to fight against Daqin.

So she seems very dangerous, but the angel queen Keisha believes that she definitely has the possibility of surviving.

Of course, she also belongs to the confidence in the powerful force she possesses.

Perhaps the strength of the group of guys who come from the Great Qin Heavenly Court today is indeed quite strong, but the strength she has is not weak!

The strength she possessed in the current known universe was the most powerful existence, although there were already some beings in today's Great Qin who were even stronger than her.

But at least her strength is still very strong, can't she escape if she can't beat it?

And one after another, after listening to the words of their queen, they all looked at their angel queen with a worried gaze

"Your Majesty."

At this moment, one angel after another looked at their queen Keisha with a worried gaze.

While the angels one after another looked at their angel queen with that worried gaze, the angel queen Kesha at this moment also slowly spoke: "You guys wait here to see me." "

As the words of the current angel queen Keisha fell, I saw that Kesha's figure completely began to leave the field of vision of the group of angels.

As the Angel Queen Keisha entered the territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, there was a deep surprise in the eyes of the lords of the many forces around her.

"I have to say that I really admire this action that the current Angel Queen Kesha has."

"There really is no other existence that can enter the territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court so calmly, and she is the first."

At this moment, there was a look of admiration in the eyes of a civilization lord.

If nothing else, at least the guts that come from the current Angel Queen Kesha are placed here.

If they let them, then they really dare not have this idea at all.

That's right, they didn't dare to have this idea to enter the base camp of Daqin.

If some kind of accident happened when he really entered the base camp of Daqin like this, then this is not a joke.

Therefore, for the angel queen Keisha to enter the base camp of today's Daqin so calmly, the lords of civilization one after another naturally carried that deep admiration.

"That must be, at least the strength of the Angel Queen Keisha is still very strong"

"I think if you have the same strength as the angel queen Kesha, you should also have such a bold heart."

One of the lords of civilization arched his shoulders slightly.

"Well, although I don't want to admit it, it seems that this is indeed a reality."

"At present, the strength of the Angel Queen Kesha is very strong."

"And it is precisely because of his strong strength that it belongs to the current fundamental of her having such great courage."

One of the lords of civilization had a deep emotion in his eyes.

At the same time that the lords of many civilizations outside the Great Qin Heavenly Court were discussing with a breath, Kesha, the angel queen who went deep into the Great Qin Heavenly Court, looked at her with that heavy moonlight and everything she had in the light.

"This, this, all of these belong to the soldiers owned by the Great Qin Heavenly Court?"

At the same time, the angel queen Keisha looked at what she saw with an incredulous look in her eyes.

She told her reason that this was absolutely fake, because how could such a situation happen?!

But the problem is that the current reality is so clearly telling her that this is really the reality that belongs to the Eight Classics!

That's right, this is the reality that belongs to the Eight Classics!

"This is actually all the power that belongs to the eruption of the second-generation divine body!"

The Angel Queen Keisha said with a deep shock in her heart.

She really felt an unprecedented shock.

At present, the number of soldiers from the Great Qin Heavenly Court is as high as several million, and Caesar, the Angel Queen has no comment on this.

The number of armies of the Eight Classics civilization is so high as several million, and even this is a little too low.

But who can tell her the current her, why the strength of those guys who currently possess in the Great Qin Heavenly Court all belong to the second-generation divine body?

Why do the strength of those ordinary soldiers all belong to the second-generation body?

"This, this is incredible!"

Kesha, the Angel Queen, looked at the current scene with that deep shock in her eyes.

Obviously, for the situation she is currently facing, the first thought of the angel queen Kesha at this moment is impossible.

If she was not mistaken, the strength of one ordinary soldier after another all belonged to the scale of the second-generation divine body, right?

Then who can come and tell her what is going on in this situation that the current Great Qin Heavenly Court has?!

Just when the angel queen Keisha looked at the soldiers one after another with that incredible look in her eyes, Zhang Han, who was walking in front of her, said with that calm look: "No need to look, the strength of those angels in your so-called angelic civilization can't beat us in the Heavenly Court." "

At this moment, Zhang Han, who came from the present, calmly looked at the angel queen and said lightly.

Regarding the angels in the angelic civilization, Zhang Wei can also be regarded as belonging to the level of knowing what their strength is like.

After all, the existence of the so-called angelic clan that they had just outside the Heavenly Court was right under Zhang Han's nose.

The bodies of the angels in those angel families all belong to the Qi refining realm of the Zheng'er Eight Classics, of course, in this world, all belong to the first generation of the Zheng'er Eight Classics.

Maybe the strength of this so-called angelic civilization in this world is quite good, but it is a pity that it ran into their Daqin Heavenly Court.

The strength possessed by their Great Qin Heavenly Court directly crushed the current so-called angelic civilization.

That may have been in the past, this so-called angelic civilization was the most powerful existence in the entire world, but now that they came to the Great Qin Heavenly Court, this situation was different.

They Daqin is the number one powerful existence!

As for this, what is the so-called angel?

Sorry, how far to roll!

"Don't look, our Majesty is waiting for you."

Zhang Wei calmly opened his mouth and said lightly to the angel queen Kesha.

Facing Zhang Han's words, Angel Queen Keisha looked deeply at this general in the Great Qin Heavenly Court.


"As the words of the angel queen Keisha fell, under the leadership of Zhang Handan, the angel queen Keisha also began to fly towards the planet where Yingzheng was located."

A shooting star cuts through the cosmic galaxy.

"Is this where the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court is located?"

Kesha, the Angel Queen, took a deep look at the place they were currently in

"See Your Majesty!!"

In an instant, I saw the currently proud Zhang Wei immediately lowered his head.

Facing Zhang Han, who lowered his head, in the eyes of the angel queen Keisha beside him, he looked at the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court opposite him with that calm gaze.

"Angel Queen Keisha meets the Emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

For a moment, I saw a calmness on the face of the angel queen Kesha.

Facing this angel queen Kesha, the current winner smiled: "Queen of angel civilization? "

"I heard that the entire universe is currently under the rule of your angelic civilization?"

"I don't know if the customer service you said is right?"

At present, I saw that Yingzheng's tone was inquiring with that smile to the current Angel Queen Kesha.

In the face of Yingzheng's inquiry, the current Angel Queen Kesha replied with an unshirkable word: "Angel civilization has never ruled the entire universe!" "

"The Angelic Civilization has never thought of ruling the entire universe!"

I saw a seriousness in Kesha's face.

In the face of the words of winning the government, Keisha absolutely does not recognize the words of the other party!

Because the angelic civilization has never ruled the entire universe, likewise, the angelic civilization has never had this idea!


"You say that angel life does not have the idea of ruling the entire universe?"

"Then what kind of righteous order your angelic civilization has set for the entire universe, then this does not belong to an ordinary civilization."

"This thing, only the overlord of the universe who is righteous has the qualifications to set this so-called righteous order for the entire universe."

"Even if any civilization does not support the just order set by your angelic civilization, you will wage war against each other."

"If anyone dares to tear up this righteous order of yours, it seems that your angels are acting as if they are doing it from the position of Lord Kasumi."

"You tell Xu that you angels don't have the idea of ruling the entire universe?"

There was a calmness in Ying Zheng's tone at this moment.

In the face of the words of the winning government, the current disgust caused Queen Kesha to fall silent.

She also had to admit that the words spoken by the current emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court seemed to really have a little bit of truth.

"But heaven is civilization, everything it does is for the peace of the entire universe!"

Kesha's tone was filled with an unquestionable tone.

Even though she felt that the power possessed by Yingzheng was even stronger than hers, Kesha's will became particularly strong when it came to the meaning of their angelic civilization.

"Since what your angelic civilization did was for the peace of the entire universe, then Daqin came."

"The peace of the entire universe will be transferred to Daqin!"

"Daqin has the strength to completely plunge the entire universe into true peace."

"I think that the previous overlord of your universe should retire and let Daqin take charge of the entire universe."

Looking at Kesha, who was in the lower side with that firmness, the current winning government said so quietly.

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