Chapter 0180 - Terminated Conversation, Upcoming War!!

"Then I think maybe our conversation with each other can be stopped."

Angel Queen Kesha said calmly.

Facing the emperor possessed in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, Angel Queen Keisha felt that there was no need for them to continue discussing with each other at all.

Because of this emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, he wants to conquer the entire universe!

Since the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court wants to conquer the entire universe, then their angelic civilization thinks that it belongs to the guardians of the entire universe, and the relationship between the two of them already belongs to the surface.

That is a mortal enemy relationship!

Therefore, at this moment, the angel queen Keisha will feel that there is no need for them to talk to each other at all.

In the face of the words of the angel queen Kesha, the current victory has no other ideas.

"No problem, I think it's probably time for this conversation between us to end."

"Prepare for war."

"War is coming."

Yingzheng looked at the angel queen Keisha below him, and said lightly, and the reason why he called the other party over like this, and even allowed the other party to talk to him like this, was purely because he missed the past.

Although it is said that the emperor is ruthless, but the winning government will never allow him to be truly completely ruthless, at least some feelings and the like are still necessary.

Of course, the feelings here do not refer to love, the feelings here belong to some emotions about this aspect that the heart has.

So in the face of this existence that was only seen in anime in his previous life, the current winner is naturally very curious.

But after reading it, the past has been missed, then it is time for him to return to his identity as the lord of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Since when he restored his status as the Lord of Great Qin, all he needed to do now was declare war!

Unleash a war against the entire cosmic civilization!

All the current Daqin needs to do is to start a war and make the entire universe completely surrender to Daqin!

The queen of the angelic civilization can step down.

In the face of Yingzheng's words, I saw that the current angel queen Kai had a deep seriousness in her eyes.

"I wonder if you can return those angels in Daqin to us?"

At this moment, Kesha, the current Angel Queen, said slightly to Yingzheng with a hesitation in her eyes.

Although all they need to do with each other is to start a war, can the angels they had in Daqin be returned?

However, in the face of the words spoken by the angel queen Keisha at this moment, the current Yingzheng looked at the other party lightly with that calm gaze.

"They want to forcibly break into the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and even they launch a war against Great Qin, this is no longer an ordinary thing."

"I said that if you want to bring those angels back, then first of all, it depends on whether you have the power that is strong enough."

"As long as you can defeat the Great Qin Heavenly Court, then those angels in the Great Qin Heavenly Court at that time, you can naturally take away."

"On the contrary, if you don't defeat the Great Qin Heavenly Court, perhaps the number of angels in our Great Qin Cage needs to be increased again."

Ying Zheng calmly looked at the angel queen Keisha on the opposite side, and said slowly

"I see."

In the face of Victory's words, the current Angel Queen Keisha also nodded her head to show understanding.

She understood that this emperor in the Great Qin Heavenly Court was not an ordinary existence, and the other party had to deal with her, the angel queen.

At this time, I am afraid that only the strongest means can be used to make the other party relax, in addition, it is almost impossible to let the other party take the initiative to release these angels.

"Then let's meet on the cosmic battlefield!"

Angel Queen Keisha exhaled deeply, and then turned away without hesitation.

"Tread, tread..."

With the sound of footsteps, I saw the figure of the angel queen Keisha completely left the current hall.

Looking at the departing figure of the angel queen Kesha, Yingzheng said to himself with a slight emotion: "Let the black dragon flag of Daqin be completely planted with one planet after another."

As the words of Yingzheng fell, the figure of the angel queen Kesha completely disappeared from the field of vision of Yingzheng...

As the conversation between the Angel Queen Keisha and Yingzheng fell, the angels who were currently in the dungeon of the Great Qin Heavenly Court were instantly stunned.

"Did you notice it?"

I saw that the current angel Yan frowned slightly and said to the angels one after another.

"Perceived what?"

The current angels one after another replied with a puzzled expression.

Facing the doubtful expressions of those angels, the current angel Yan replied with a serious tone: "The breath of the queen!" "

In the face of Angel Yan's words, the other angels who were currently engaged began to fall into a slight contemplation with a serious expression, and then began to do their best to sense the breath emanating from outside the dungeon.

When they noticed that the aura of light was echoing throughout the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the eyes of all the angels shone slightly.

"That's the breath of the queen!"

The eyes of one winged angel after another were filled with a deep excitement.

That's right, they noticed it, although that breath was very weak, but the breath that symbolized light, and most importantly, the breath of light that symbolized their angelic queen did exist there!

It was their queen's breath.

"Did the Queen come and rescue us?"

I saw that one angel after another had a deep expectation in their eyes.

Facing the expectation contained in the eyes of the angels one after another, the current angel Yan shook his head slightly with the corner of his bitter mouth: "The queen should have come over to discuss things with the Lord of Daqin, but it was obviously a fan." "

"The queen has left."

At this moment, I saw Angel Yan looking at the expectant gaze contained in the eyes of those sisters, although the current Angel Yan wanted to tell them that they would soon be saved.

But the current angel said that she did indeed sense that their queen's breath had passed.

Their queen can't save them.

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