Chapter 0181 - The Great Qin Heavenly Court and the Angel Civilization that is about to go to war!!

"What, what?"

As they listened to the words spoken by Angel Yan, all the angels had that incredible look in their eyes.

After they sensed the aura emitted by their queen, they felt that it must belong to their angel queen coming to save them, after all, the place they were in now belonged to the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and the most important thing was that they were also captured.

Then they have been waiting for the arrival of their queen to come and save them.

But the result?

The result they have is that their queen has indeed come, but the problem is that their queen has left like this, how can this not make the current angels feel deeply frustrated?

The current winged angels instantly felt a wave of confusion echoing in their hearts.

Even a breath of bewilderment pervaded this dungeon at this moment.

Facing the current overwhelmed angels, Angel Yan at this moment exhaled deeply.

"Guys, all we need to do now is start getting up!"

"The queen didn't really give up on us!"

"The queen has already come to today's Daqin, which means that the queen and the lord of Daqin have discussed the problem about us, as for why did the daughter leave?"

"Because the discussion between the queen and the lord of Daqin collapsed."

"Maybe then our angelic civilization will need to start a war with this Great Qin Heavenly Court."

"The Queen has not given up on us!"

Facing the confusion and even confusion exuded by the current winged angels, the current angel Yan slowly spoke with a deep seriousness in his heart.

As the current angels listened to the words of the current angels, all the angels looked at each other.

"That's right, the queen will definitely not give up on us!"

One after another, the angels had that firmness in their hearts.

Obviously, although they all felt the heaviness, they believed that their queen would never give up on them.

"Justice will win!"

One after another loud voices began to sound in the dungeon of Daqin.

When the high voice began to sound throughout the dungeon, the figure from the current Born Queen Keisha left the Great Qin Heavenly Court at this moment.

"Brush brush brush..."

A pure white streamer flew from the territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court to the starry sky of the universe, and when that streamer appeared in a starry sky, there was a sense of surprise in the eyes of the lords of the many forces around.

They also thought that this angel queen was going to fight with the group of guys in Daqin, but they didn't expect that the Heavenly God Queen actually appeared unharmed.

This was more or less surprising to the group of guys around him.

Just when the eyes of the lords of the many forces around them were filled with a sense of surprise, the eyes of those angels who came from the angel battleship were filled with a deep surprise.

"See the Queen!"

One after another, the winged angels respectfully said to Keisha slightly.

God knows how nervous they really are.

Their queen is a stronghold deep into the enemy's stronghold!

In case something really happened, it would be a heavy blow to all the angels, and fortunately their queen was back.

Facing the angels one after another, the current angel queen Keisha exhaled deeply at this moment.

"Return to Meiluo Heavenly Court!"

"Next, prepare to wage war against the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

At the same time, I saw that the current Angel Queen Caesar ordered with an unprecedented seriousness in her eyes.

The next thing they need to do is to prepare to face the attack from the Great Qin Heavenly Court, or their angel civilization took the initiative to launch a main attack on the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Overall, a war is inevitable.

All they need to do at this time is to return to the Angelic Civilization.


One after another, the angels had a seriousness in their eyes.

At the same time, the angels had a deep solemnity in their hearts, and they heard the words of their queen.

Next, all they need to do in the angelic civilization is to start a war.

A war against the Great Qin Heavenly Court.


The mighty angelic fleet thus began to sail in the direction of the current heavenly people, and when the angelic fleet left, one after another the lords of power looked at each other.

Although they didn't know what issues the Angel Queen and the Lord of Daqin were discussing with each other, they also saw the livid blue color in the Angel Queen's face.

"Everyone, get ready for the next war."

"It seems that the Angel Queen and the Lord of Daqin have completely collapsed with each other."

At this moment, I saw that one after another power lords said with a serious opening in their eyes.

"Get ready."

One after another guys nodded slightly.


As that order fell, the figures of the lords of the many forces who were currently around the Great Qin Heavenly Court slowly left.

As the fleet led by the angel queen Kesha left like this, as for the queen of another civilization currently in the entire universe, at this moment, she looked at her chin and said confidently.

"Keisha that guy retreated, and it is said that he retreated with a livid face."

"Does that mean that the power possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court at that time can completely break the table with the Angel Civilization?"

At this moment, as the current queen of the demon civilization, Mo Rina's eyes showed a deep excitement.

From such a news 4.3 alone, she can know what the current angelic civilization is in.

The hegemony of the angelic civilization is coming to an end!

And the one who ended the hegemony of the angelic civilization belonged to that Great Qin Heavenly Court!

Although Morgana, the queen of the demon civilization, did not know where the Great Qin Heavenly Court came from, it did not prevent the current queen of the demon civilization Morgana from understanding one thing.

That is, the power possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court was not inferior to the Angel Civilization in the slightest.

"Go to the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

"Just let me go and meet that Great Qin Emperor for a while!"

In an instant, I saw the current Queen of the Demon Civilization Morgana order with a serious look in her eyes.

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