Chapter 0182 - The Demon Queen Who Arrived at the Great Qin Heavenly Court!!

With the departure of the angel fleet, outside the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the fleet of the demon civilization was ushered in.

"Is this the territory that belongs to the Great Qin Heavenly Court?"

"Much bigger than our Demon Galaxy."

"Even the other party dares to show it in this universe so openly"

"I really envy each other."

At the same time, Morgana, the current queen of the demon civilization, looked at the battleship of the Great Qin Heavenly Court with envy in her eyes.

Although the battleships of today's Daqin Heavenly Court are only made of wood, for Morgana today, she does not think so little about these battleships made of wood.

Perhaps these battleships made of wood seem to be very weak, but the group of guys in the Great Qin Heavenly Court have so hard to use these battleships made of wood to defeat a Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Therefore, everything cannot be seen on the surface, and the group of guys who come from the Great Qin Heavenly Court are definitely beyond their imagination.

Because of 27, the current Demon Queen Morgana did not dare to have any thoughts of looking down on the other party.

"Your Majesty, shall we leave?"

"Those guys in Daqin look so terrifying."

One demon after another looked at the Great Qin Heavenly Court in front of them with a sense of fear in their eyes.

Although the current Daqin Heavenly Court does not seem to have any problems on the surface, for these demons at present, they have detected that strong and incomparable murderous aura in today's Daqin Heavenly Court, and that aura directly makes the group of guys in the demon civilization feel fearful.

"You trash!"

"Don't lose the face of the old lady!"

I saw the current Demon Queen Morgana looking at this group of demons with anger in her eyes.

For the current Morgana, she will need to face the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court later, so if the appearance that these demons currently have is so seen by the Great Qin Emperor, then what if the Great Qin Emperor looks down on them like this?

This is a matter of face, so at this moment, the evil queen Morina scolded the demons one after another.

In the face of the reprimand from the Demon Queen, the demons one after another could only close their mouths at this moment, whether their eyes still contained that deep fear.


As the warship where the Demon Queen Morgana was located appeared on the frontier of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, it came from the opposite side of the Demon Queen whose fleet led by a division commander existed so roughly.

"What are you guys coming from?!"

"What for?!"

At this moment, I saw that the current division commander scolded the Demon Queen Morgana like this.

If it weren't for the fact that the demon civilization owned by Morgana hadn't launched an attack on the current Daqin Heavenly Court like this as Angel Yan before, then I am afraid that those Daqin soldiers who were patrolling the frontier would not hesitate to let each other understand what a real war was.

It is precisely because the current Demon Queen Morgana does not have any intention of doing anything, so the current division commander will stand in front of the current Morgana's war in this way.

"Hello, hello, it's Morgana, the Demon Queen from the Demon Civilization, and my purpose this time is to come and meet His Majesty the Emperor of your Heavenly Court."

"Our main purpose this time is to discuss with His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor about how to conquer the entire universe, and at the same time discuss how to solve the problems of those angelic civilizations."

At this moment, I saw Morgana so respectfully speaking to the current division commander.

Listening to the words spoken by Morgana, the division commander at this moment looked at the current Gana with a thoughtful gaze in his eyes.

"Division Commander, it seems that this is not impossible."

"I think we may be able to let the other party go to see Your Majesty, after all, all we need to do next is to launch an attack on the entire Angelic Civilization."

"Then if there is this guy who is very familiar with the angel civilization, then maybe we can take down the entire angel civilization at a smaller cost."

At this moment, the battalion commander who was currently next to the division commander said with a thoughtful expression.

Listening to the words of the battalion commander beside him, the division commander at this moment looked deeply at the demon battleship in the distance.

"Then let them go, or let the other party go to see His Majesty."

For a moment, the current mayor thought about it and felt that there was indeed no problem.

After all, they need to attack the so-called angel civilization next, since there is a very familiar existence with the angel civilization to guide, then they may be able to take down the entire angel civilization at the minimum cost, which is indeed a very good result!

"Then come with us."

"But only you, the Demon Queen, are allowed to come over, and your other warships just stay there so honestly."

"If you dare to overcome, then then you 200 will be regarded as provoking the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and you will be demonstrated by the Great Qin Heavenly Court to start a war, only to see that the current division commander said with a serious opening on his face, and soon, the words from the division commander were transmitted to Morgana's ears."

"No problem, no problem."

As Morgana replied with a slight smile, she quickly said to the demons she had beside her:!

"You guys be careful!"

"When I went to the Great Qin Heavenly Court to face that Great Qin Emperor, you honestly stayed here!"

"Don't let the battleship move one step, if you dare to let the battleship move one step, then it will be directly solved by the group of guys in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, then I won't be able to save you."

I saw Morgana's tone with that seriousness in it.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

In the face of Morgana's request, the demons one after another replied so respectfully.

"Well, okay, then I'll go."

The current Morgana nodded slightly.

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