Chapter 0185 - The Great Qin Fleet Arrived on Earth!!


A mighty fleet sails through the starry sky of the universe.

As the mighty fleet sailed through the starry sky of the universe, they soon arrived at the solar system where their destination was at this moment.

"It's back here again."

The current Ying Zheng stood on the deck looking at this familiar solar system, and Ying Zheng's eyes carried that deep emotion.

The solar system, the earth where he once lived also had such a solar system, and now he saw the familiar solar system.

Of course, this is not the point, the real point belongs to the modern earth that he needs to see next.

The world in which the Great Qin Empire before him lived also had a solar system, but the earth of the solar system he was in before belonged to ancient times.

But now it's different, and what he needs to touch next is a modern Earth, which is very close to the memory he has in his mind.

"Go to Earth!"

Looking at the blue planet within the solar system, Yingzheng calmly ordered.


The mighty army began to sail in the direction of the earth.

As the mighty fleet sailed in the direction of the earth, satellites from outer space also detected the mighty fleet.

"Didi Didi..."

Immediately the world's space departments sounded the alarm.

As the world's aviation ministries sounded a series of alarms, the scene of outer space has completely entered the field of vision of space ministries of various countries.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this an alien fleet?!"

"This is this, this, this is an alien battleship!"

"I lean, alien!"

"Aliens have been discovered!!"

In an instant, space departments around the world defined the warships found in the solar system as aliens.

No way, the mighty fleet does indeed belong to aliens!

For a moment, the great leaders of various countries immediately received such a news.

As the great leaders of various countries received this news, the officials of various countries began to discuss urgently.

This alien came so suddenly that they really didn't know how to face it for a while.

While one official after another on Earth was frantically discussing, the fleet from the Great Praetorian Guard was suspended above the entire earth.

"I wipe!"


"Oh my God, aliens!"

In an instant, the eyes of the people of all countries looked in the direction of the sky with a sense of confusion.

Their eyes were not blind, and they did see the dense warships directly covering the entire earth.

Most importantly, if their eyes are not wrong, they saw that these battleships sailed from the depths of the universe, and did they not belong to aliens when sailing in the depths of the universe?!

The people of all the countries on the entire earth were so confused, and even looked in the direction of the sky with that shocked gaze.


"Which civilization's warship is this?"

At the same time, Ducao, the god of war who was once Denosins, was now looking in the direction of the sky with a confused gaze.

He thought he was familiar with all the civilizations in the entire universe, but at the moment, he really didn't know any of the fleets he had in the sky over Earth

"Could it be that this is the latest rising force in the universe?"

Now such an idea came to Ducao's mind.

No wonder Ducao has such an idea, purely because the current fleet born above the earth all belongs to a fleet made of wood.

Let's not talk about iron or anything like that, but he really hasn't seen any civilization's fleet made of wood.

The problem is that this fleet really came to the sky above the earth from the depths of the universe.

That is to say, the materials used in this fleet really belong to wood, and of course it is very likely to belong to materials similar to wood.

But overall, as the god of war of the former Deno system, Ducao said that he really did not know which origin of this civilization was.

In this regard, his only thought at present is that this is not the first existence to rise in the entire universe, right?

Just as the guys who had one after another on the entire map looked at the sky with a confused and even desperate gaze, Yingzheng from the main ship owned in the sky was now looking in the direction of the land of Shenzhou with that nostalgic gaze...

"Hello humans on Earth."

"From now on, the earth will be taken over by the Great Qin Heavenly Court."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the area that the earth had, and in this regard, Ying Zheng said that the entire earth would be taken over by the Great Qin Heavenly Court from now on.

Although the earth of this world is very similar to the earth he once owned, it belongs to the modern earth world.

But I'm sorry, the identity of Win Zheng is not just an ordinary crosser...

Yingzheng's identity still belongs to the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and he needs to make the Great Qin Heavenly Court stronger all the time!

Since he needed to make the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court stronger all the time, then this world must be included in the rule of Great Qin.

So the earth will take over Daqin!

Compared with the original fate of the earth in this world, the end of the earth at this time is already very, very good.


In an instant, after hearing the words from Win Zheng, the group of guys from the entire earth had an incredible look in their eyes.

They were first shocked by the Chinese language of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er told by Yingzheng, and they were also surprised by the Great Qin Heavenly Court spoken by Yingzheng.

In the end, he was stunned by the words told by Yingzheng.

From today onwards, will their entire planet be ruled by aliens?

In an instant, all the guys who had on the earth were completely in an incredible state.

"Go, take over the entire planet."

"If there are those who disobey, kill none!"

On the deck, Win Zheng ordered with a faint opening.


Zhang Han, who was beside Huan Zheng, immediately nodded respectfully after listening to the order given by their majesty.

"Take over the entire planet!"

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