Chapter 0186: Ten Thousand Cannons Fire in unison to Attack Daqin!!


One by one, the warships began to leave the sky, and as the warships left the sky, the densely packed warships began to fly towards the countries of the world.

"Use all long-range attack means to solve the so-called Great Qin Heavenly Court in the sky!"

"If my eyes don't flower, the one battleship material they used belongs to wood!"

"Use nuclear bombs, as long as everything that can be attacked from a long range is used!"

"Attack those warships in the sky!"

Many countries from Europa and many countries from beautiful countries directly attacked the Daqin fleet in the sky without hesitation.

"Boom boom..."

The missile wells in one military base after another began to rise continuously, and as one missile well after another went deep into the sky, the missiles in the missile well also completely flew into the sky at this moment.

"Tweet tweet..."

In an instant, one missile after another was even mixed with nuclear bombs, and the overwhelming attack continued to erupt towards the sky.

In the face of that overwhelming attack, the entire group of guys on Earth set their eyes on the attacking countries around the world and the alien fleet in the sky.

Throughout the world, any country with long-range offensive capabilities has begun to explode into the sky.

Faced with the launch of that missile after missile, everyone began to turn their attention in the direction of the sky.

They wanted to know whether it belonged to the powerful missile power on their earth, or whether it belonged to the powerful force from this outer space, which was called the Great Qin Heavenly Court


In an instant, earth-shattering explosions began to erupt continuously in the current sky.

As the explosions began to erupt throughout the sky, the generals who came from the battleship began to wave their halberds at this moment.


One after another, the generals left directly, and the battleships then soared up and waved the Fang Tian Halberd in their hands towards the missiles.


"Does this belong to an immortal god?!"

When the group of people who had it on the earth looked at the Daqin generals soaring in the sky, all the guys had that deep shock in their eyes.

The most important thing is that the current guys from the land of Shenzhou and the surrounding countries are looking at the generals who are flying up in the sky when they are wearing armor that belongs to their ancient robbers, especially the people from the land of Shenzhou, their eyes are full of deep confusion.

"This, this..."

"In other words, this is our ancient armor, right?!"

"And that weapon, if I'm not mistaken, it's Fang Tian's Halberd, right?"

All the people in the entire Shenzhou land felt a pang of confusion, and even the sleeping groove began to sound continuously.

When the whole world began to look at the sky, I saw that the generals who were soaring up were constantly waving the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in their hands, and fiercely erupted at the missiles.


One after another, slashes began to be continuously driven out in that heavenly halberd.

As the slashes visible to everyone along the way condensed from Fang Tian's halberd, one after another generals also began to roar loudly at this moment: "Kill! "

As those words fell, one after another slashes continued to erupt against the missiles one after another.


One missile after another began to be violently broken by the attacks swung by the generals.

As the missiles continued to be broken by the generals, they were also broken by the group of humans on the ground.

Just when all the guys in the whole world began to look at the whole sky, the officials of the world put their last hope on the nuclear bomb.

Since those missiles can't help those people who are suspected of being ancient in the land of Shenzhou, then they can only put their last hope on missiles.

As for nuclear radiation?

Excuse me, but who will care about nuclear radiation at this juncture?!

Surviving is fundamental!

"Yo roar, the power of these missiles is extraordinarily strong..."

At the same time, when one general after another looked at the last nuclear bomb, all the generals had that surprise in their eyes.

As for why these generals were able to recognize those that belonged to missiles?

I'm sorry, in addition to the personal force of the generals in the Great Qin Heavenly Court today, they must at least know some weapons!

In addition, there is no modern world in today's Daqin Heavenly Court, at least that Resident Evil world is a modern world that belongs to the Eight Classics.

They all belong to trained beings, so they still know this missile.

"But no matter how powerful the power you have, it belongs to ants in front of the power I have!"

"Come on!"

As the generals shouted loudly one after another, the generals holding Fang Tian's halberds swung fiercely towards the missiles.


In an instant, a wave of frightened explosions began to echo throughout the sky.

As that earth-shattering explosion began to reverberate in the sky, all the officials of all countries in the world looked at the sky with that nervous gaze.

If even a nuclear bomb can't do anything, then it seems that they can only honestly choose to surrender.


That terrifying air flow was constantly permeating the sky.

"Plop plop..."

And those birds that were soaring in the sky were also completely stunned to death by that terrifying wave of qi.

As the dead birds began to fall from the sky to the ground, the terrifying haze caused by the explosion began to gradually disperse.


I saw that under the impetus of a force, the huge smog in the sky began to spread out continuously.

General Daqin, dressed in black armor and holding Fang Tian's halberd, once again appeared in the field of vision of the entire world.

"This, this can't be!"

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