Chapter 0188 - The Reign of the First Qin Emperor Mausoleum!!

"This is this, this is the alien fleet, right?!"

When the fleet owned by Yingzheng appeared in the sky above the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the eyes of the group of guys who owned around the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang were filled with that deep shock.

They didn't know what this group of guys were doing when they came to the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

However, when the mighty fleet appeared in the sky above the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the Qin-character banner planted in the sky above the fleet also completely entered everyone's field of vision.



"Mausoleum of the First Emperor???"

In an instant, the guys who had one after another around had a look of confusion in their eyes.

"In other words, what do you say about this fleet from aliens and our Qin Dynasty Qin Shi Huang?"

"Or what does it have to do with our Qin Dynasty?"

For a moment, the eyes of those ordinary people around them all carried that deep discussion.

They only want to know one thing now, that is, what is the connection between the current fleet that is obviously aliens and their historical Qin Dynasty?

Why is there a Qin-character banner planted over the opposing fleet?

The most important thing is that the other party has come to the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang again, how can this not make them feel confused?

Just when there was a wave of speculation in everyone's eyes, the figure of Yingzheng appeared above the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

Wearing a black imperial robe, Ying Zheng exuded that kind of raw people should not be close to at this moment, but at this moment, the other party's body exuded that kind of closeness and at the same time a domineering aura, which made the current people feel a little surprised.

"This, how do I feel that the other party feels a little like an emperor?"

"It's like an emperor standing in front of us."

There was a thought in the eyes of those ordinary people below.

Although they don't know what the identity of the winning government is, the aura exuding from the winning government is enough for them to have to be so cautious about the winning government.

There are even some people who can't help but want to kowtow and bow down in the breath emitted by the winning government.

And Yingzheng, who appeared in the air above the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang at this moment, looked at the current Qin Shi Huang mausoleum with a calm gaze.

"I didn't expect that Xu would actually come to his grave one day, and there was a deep emotion in the eyes of Ying Zheng, who was in the sky."

Although the name of the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is as good as it sounds and how spectacular the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is, it still cannot hide the fact that this is a tomb belonging to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er.

The most important thing is that if this tomb is someone else, then it is okay, but the problem is that this tomb belongs to himself, but it belongs to this world and he personally built.

So at this moment, the winning government has the feeling of watching his own grave.

"Come here, let's take a look at this mausoleum."

"Let's see what the grave of victory in this world really looks like."

I saw that Ying Zheng's eyes looked at the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang below with that calm gaze.

"Brush brush brush"

With a burst of sound, I saw that the figure of Winning Zheng completely disappeared in mid-air, and when the figure of Winning Zheng completely disappeared in mid-air, when the figure of Winning Zheng appeared again, it had already appeared at the gate of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.


When the figure of Yingzheng appeared at the gate of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum, the guards who were in that gate looked at each other, and they all saw the tremor in each other's eyes.

"This, this..."

"Brother Wang, should I retreat first?"

At the same time, at this moment, the security guard holding an explosion-proof shield in his hand said to Brother Wang beside him with a trembling look in his eyes.

"Put down the riot shield in your hand, honestly."

Facing the words from the little brother beside him, the being who was called Brother Wang at this moment spoke deeply.

"See my lord."

At this moment, I saw Brother Wang respectfully saluting Ying Zheng.

Although he didn't know the specific identity of Yingzheng, he looked at the simple robe that Yingzheng was wearing and the general warship suspended in their sky, and overall the other party should be similar to an ancient existence.

Although he didn't understand why there was an ancient time similar to their Divine Land in the starry sky of the universe, and even the other party still planted the Qin character banner, it did not prevent him from needing to be respectful to the other party at this moment.

Facing the respect of this so-called Wang Brother at this moment, the current Win Zheng only glanced at it lightly, and then walked directly towards the entire Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum.

"Tread, tread..."

As the figure of Yingzheng began to walk towards the interior of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, the soldiers of the Yingwei Legion appeared one after another behind Yingzheng, closely following him.

As for those security guards?

Sorry, how far to roll.

At this time, it is natural that it is necessary to use the soldiers that Daqin has, and it is impossible for these guys to defend the imperial seat of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, right?!

It is unrealistic, so the work of defending the winning government naturally falls on those Daqin soldiers, although it is said that the winning government does not need to be defended, the other party is good and belongs to the emperor of the Great Qin, and the pomp and circumstance should still be wanted.

As Ying Zheng led a group of soldiers of the Praetorian Guard Legion into the interior of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum, the security guards outside glanced at their captain with that anxiousness.

"This and this, shall we intercept it?"

"Or what to do?"

In the face of the words told by one security guard after another, the security captain's eyes were filled with bitterness.

"Can't you realize it now?"

"From today onwards, the entire earth has been ruled by Daqin"

"And now that high-ranking person who obviously belongs to Daqin, what do you think we are stopping the other party for?"

"Besides, what do you think will happen if we intercept it with the strength of the other party?"

The current security captain Origami Sky owned one after another Great Qin General shook his head slightly.

At this moment, the other security guards looked at each other, and then at Yingzheng, who entered the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and finally they completely closed their mouths.

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