Chapter 0189 - Dimensionality Reduction Strike from Daqin!!

"Tread, tread..."

The sound of crisp footsteps was particularly striking in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, but because there was no one else in the current Mausoleum except for the Yingzheng group.

And at this moment, Yingzheng looked at the terracotta army one after another that he had in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

"Are these the scenes that belong to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?"

One soldier after another, they all looked at the current Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum with that deep curiosity in their eyes.

They knew, they all knew, that the imperial tomb they were in was the tomb that His Majesty had in this world.

Of course, it does not belong to their majesty, but it belongs to the imperial tomb built by their majesty in this world with another version.

But overall, they also had the feeling of attending their majesty's grave, a feeling that made all the soldiers in the current battlefield feel the slightest bit unnatural.

What they are visiting now belongs to their majesty's tomb, although it belongs to another world, it still makes them feel an unnatural feeling.

And just when the current soldiers one after another felt that unnatural feeling, the current victory just calmly looked at the 353 terracotta warriors one after another.

For these current terracotta warriors, he had seen more or less in the previous Dragon Emperor mummy world.

Now the Qin Shi Huang and the government in that world have brought out all the Terracotta Army Legions, and the overwhelming Terracotta Army Legions are capturing one area after another.

At that time, the soldiers in his Daqin were all fighting against the Terracotta Army.

So for the Terracotta Army, winning politics is not unusual.

What Yingzheng is really curious about is the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor that he visited this time.

After all, the place where he is now belongs to the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang of the Eight Classics, and then the most important thing is that he now belongs to the First Emperor!

This feeling gives the current winning government a sense of difference, an unreal feeling.

"I didn't expect that Xu would actually come to visit the imperial tomb of Xuan."

The current winning policy has thus fallen into a burst of emotion.

Just when the current Ying Zheng was in such a burst of emotion, the guys in the countries outside the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang all received such a news.

That is, the fleet that came from the deep space of the universe went to visit the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

When Huan Zheng and the others went to visit the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the group of people owned by the land of Shenzhou also began a crazy discussion.

"I think the other party is definitely related to the Qin Dynasty in our history!"

One of the netizens expanded his opinion in a forum in China.

"You see, the appearance of the Ten Thousand Battleships is exactly the appearance of those warships that we had in the land of ancient Shenzhou."

"And the most important point is that the appearance of the other party is completely the appearance of the Oriental people in our Shenzhou land, plus the robbery armor worn by the other party completely belongs to our ancient Chinese armor!"

"And the language spoken by the other party is also the language of our Shenzhou land!"

"And the other party also calls himself Daqin!"

"Especially when the other party comes to our earth, he will directly visit the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and everything about all this represents a little!"

"That is, the other party is definitely related to the Great Qin in our history!"

In the face of the current situation cited by this netizen.

At this moment, the guys who saw such a message were so caught in thought for a while.

"I feel like that's the case."

"The other party may really be very likely to have a very close relationship with our Daqing."

At this moment, many netizens from the land of Shenzhou began to show their opinions.

But no matter how they show it, they have only one core opinion, that is, the Great Qin from the starry sky of the universe is definitely closely related to the Great Qin on their earth.

With many guys from the earth began to explore wildly, Kesha, the queen of the angelic civilization in the space, also began to lead the warship back to the angelic civilization.

Facing the angel warship led by the angel queen Keisha returned to the angelic civilization, Hexi, who was currently in the Merlot Heavenly Court, also stepped forward to greet him.

"What exactly is the discussion with Daqin?"

At present, I saw Hexi's face with that seriousness in it and slowly said to Kesha.

In the face of the inquiry from the current Hexi, Kesha's eyes at this moment have that seriousness.


"From the emperor who has in the Great Qin Heavenly Court today, he chose war!"

"If you want to keep the righteous order of angels in the entire universe, or even save all those angels you have in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, there is only one war!"

At present, I saw Kesha's face with that seriousness in her face and said to Hexi.

In the face of Kesha's words, there was a heaviness in Hexi's face.


At this moment, a heavy voice began to mumble in the mouth of the current Hexi.

"What is the strength of the other party?"

I saw Hexi asking Keisha at this moment about a crucial point.

Since the current Great Qin Heavenly Court chose war, then at least they needed to know what the current strength of the Great Qin Heavenly Court belonged to.

Faced with the words asked by Hexi from this moment, the current Keisha shook her head helplessly.

"The strength possessed by the Great Qin Heavenly Court is very strong."

"Regarding this, I can clearly tell that the strength of those soldiers from the Great Qin Heavenly Court today is generally in the first-generation divine body and the second-generation divine body."

"Maybe even all of them belong to the second generation of divine bodies, because I have not seen the existence of a generation of divine bodies in the Great Qin army."

"Therefore, all the soldiers in the Daqin army belong to the second-generation divine body!"

At this moment, I saw the current Kesha's face with that heaviness in her face and said.

When Hexi heard Kesha's words at this moment, Hexi was completely stunned.

"All of them are soldiers of the second generation of divine bodies???"

The current Hexi's eyes carried that unparalleled heaviness, if the soldiers from the Great Qin Heavenly Court all belonged to Kesha's story, then their war would definitely end in defeat.

And their next war, Hexi's view at this moment is completely a dimensionality reduction strike.

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