Chapter 0190 - Zombies Eating Zombies!!

Just when the group of guys in the supergod universe where Yingzheng was located felt so dignified, Bai Qi, the commander of the current zombie army, also led the zombie army to the Resident Evil world.

"Is this the world that His Majesty is talking about that has completely collapsed?"

At this moment, Bai Qi looked at the zombies one after another, and Bai Qi's eyes were so surprised.

If it weren't for Bai Qi's lack of detecting the unique corpse qi of zombies in the bodies of these zombies, then Bai Qi might really be able to see these zombies as zombies.

No way, because in the current white vision, one zombie after another has completely died.

When these zombies are all dead, they can actually do it - free activities?

Then this looks like a zombie that belongs to the Eight Classics, at least in Bai Qi's opinion.

Because the zombies in the million-and-million zombie army he led belong to this.

It is a pity that he did not detect the corpse qi in the bodies of those zombies, so it was only by simply Bai Qi that he could determine that the other party was not a zombie.

"According to what His Majesty said, these guys should be called so-called zombies, right?"

When the current Bai Qi looked at the zombies one after another, Bai Qi's eyes were slightly shining.


Quite simply, the current Bai Qi detected that power in the bodies of this group of zombies.

Of course, the power in the body of this group of zombies is not the so-called real power, but the power for these zombies.

It was a force of qi and blood, or the essence blood that belonged to these zombies when they were human.

The original human beings turned into the current zombies, which does not mean that the energy they have in their bodies has disappeared.

So at this moment, the energy that those zombies have in their bodies seems to be similar to the food that normal people have.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Eat all these so-called zombies!"

In an instant, the current Bai Qi did not hesitate to start driving those zombies under him.

Since these zombies are completely equivalent to food for their zombies, all they need to do now is to eat a full meal!

"Roar, roar!"

One zombie after another began to rush towards those zombies like hungry wolves under Bai Qi's order.

When those zombies faced these current zombies, those zombies at this moment did not move at all.

Not for anything else, because those zombies are completely unaware of the breath that humans should have on the zombies, and these zombies seem to be their kind.

Since they belong to their kind, how can these zombies at this moment attack these zombies like this?

It is a pity that when the zombies did not attack the zombies, the zombies attacked the zombies at this moment.

"Roar, roar!"

That roar after roar roared out from the mouths of those zombies, and at the same time that those zombies began to roar at those zombies, and at this moment, those zombies also looked at the roaring zombies.

Obviously, for these current zombies, in the face of these same kind that suddenly roared at this moment, they felt a wave of curiosity.

But just when the zombies one after another felt a burst of curiosity, at this moment, one zombie after another rushed towards the current zombies.

Just like a hungry tiger pounced, they crushed these zombies to the ground and began to suck the energy they had.


When the zombies one after another were pressed to the ground by the group of zombies and sucked, those zombies at this moment began to struggle completely in the face of the current pressure.

Because they perceive pain, and they perceive that their life force begins to drain continuously.

Even if these zombies regard these zombies as their kind, but these same kinds attack them and want their lives, then these zombies will definitely not ignore these zombies just like that.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

One zombie after another began to attack those zombies...


However, when one zombie after another launched an attack on those zombies, at this moment, the attack of those zombies could not even break through the defense of the armor that those zombies were wearing.

In the face of the zombies' armor could not break through, those zombies at this moment began to suck all the power they had in their bodies against this group of zombies.

In this way, one zombie after another was directly sucked clean by this group of zombies, and finally the dried corpses one after another began to fall in place and lose all their breath.

"Attack ahead!"

I saw that the current white hand waved.


The mighty zombie army also began to attack the zombies in that area after region in the direction guided by Bai Qi.

Just when those zombie legions continued to attack this group of zombies under the leadership of Bai Qi, Wilke, who came from the umbrella group, also saw the familiar group of zombies through satellite monitoring.

"Hurry up and send out all our tyrants and lickers!"

"If that's not enough, all those missiles and nuclear bombs will be launched!"

"We must successfully arrest them!"

"Especially the leading one!"

At present, I saw Wilke's eyes with an unprecedented seriousness.

He looked at the white qi displayed on the satellite surveillance, and he understood that the other party should be the leader of this zombie army.

And all they need to do is capture the leader of this zombie legion.


One of the high-ranking members of the umbrella group heard the order from Wilke, and finally replied respectfully.


One missile after another began to rise into the air, and as the missiles began to rise into the air and aim at the place where the army Bai Qi was in, Bai Qi's brows frowned slightly at this moment.

"It looks like the people of this world should have discovered me."

Bai Qi said to himself slightly.

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