Chapter 0191 - The White Rising of Hard Carrying Missiles!!

For the extremely sensitive Bai Qi, when he sensed that the satellites in the sky were monitoring him, he immediately noticed that the group of people who should belong to this world were watching him.

"Above the sky?"

The current Bai Qi's eyes looked at the sky with that thoughtful look, and when Bai Qi's eyes looked at the sky with that thought, the group of satellites in the sky at this moment directly illuminated the face that Bai Qi had.

Of course, none of them knew who Bai Qi was, but they also saw Bai Qi's abnormal situation.

Bai Qi looked at this side of their satellite, which means that Bai Qi had already noticed them?

There was an incredulity in the eyes of the group of beings who came from the umbrella group.

You know, they're in space!

The location they are in is at least hundreds of thousands of meters from the ground!

The result?

As a result, the guy on the ground who controls the zombie army can actually detect their surveillance, which is indeed a bit incredible for the group of people from the umbrella group.

"Don't care, hurry up and shoot the missiles at each other!"

"According to the capabilities possessed by the other side, the other party should be able to withstand the attack of missiles!"

At this moment, the person in charge of the umbrella group looked in the direction ahead with that serious gaze.

Because they also saw the strength of the power that Bai Qi had through the satellite, although they did not know how powerful the power Bai Qi had, it should not be a problem to carry the attack from the missile.

Since you can carry the attack from the missile, what you have to do is to let the missile successfully hit Baiqi!

As long as the missile can successfully hit Bai Qi, and most importantly, Bai Qi can be damaged like this, then their goal can almost be regarded as achieved.

After all, they need to put Bai Qi into a state of heavy damage, so that Bai Qi can fall into a state of heavy damage, and the best chance is to put Bai Qi into harm.


As the words of the guys who came from the umbrella group one after another fell, the military bases currently controlled by the umbrella also completely took off at this moment.

One by one, the missiles began to fire towards where Bai Qi was.

"Tweet tweet..."

As the missiles pierced the sky one after another and erupted towards the place where Bai Qi was, Bai Qi instantly sensed the danger transmitted from afar.

"It looks like people from this world are attacking us."

At present, I saw Bai Qi's eyes with that serious slight opening and said, although he didn't know what the attack launched by the people of this world on them belonged to, it did not prevent Bai Qi from understanding that they had launched an attack on them.

"Since you have all launched an attack on me, let you see the power I have!"

For a moment, Bai Qi's eyes showed that deep seriousness.


A strong and incomparable force erupted from Bai Qi's body.

In an instant when that strong and incomparable power burst out from Bai Qi's body, I saw a stream of blood-colored power begin to permeate from Bai Qi's body.

That's murderous.

That was the murderous aura accumulated in Bai Qi's body.

"Boom boom..."

At the same time that Bai Qi began to permeate the murderous aura he had in his body, the missiles currently coming from the sky also began to launch fiercely in the direction of Bai Qi.

As the missiles in the sky began to attack in the direction that Bai Qi had, Bai Qi at this moment was looking into the distance with that calm gaze

"Hehe, kill the god with a blow!"

In an instant, I saw Bai Qi attach the murderous aura he had in his body to a sword in his hand, and finally slashed at the missile after missile.

"Boom la la!!"

A stream of scarlet crescent slashes swung towards the missiles one after another.


When the attack from Bai Qi swung away against the missiles one after another, the two sides exploded in the sky at this moment,


Shocking explosions began to permeate the entire sky, and at the same time that the earth-shattering explosions began to erupt in the sky, Bai Qi's eyes also carried that surprise.

"The power of these things is not bad."

At this moment, Bai Qi looked at the missiles one after another, and Bai Qi's eyes carried that incredulity.

Although it was just a blow that belonged to him, the attack from the group of guys in the current world could withstand his casual blow, which had to make Bai Qi feel a wave of emotion at this moment.

"Although this world is very weak, this world is also a world that belongs to the Eight Classics, and it is also said that it is past to have these powers."

The current Bai Qi was not surprised by this.

This is also a world that belongs to the Eight Classics, isn't it normal for there to be any hole cards and the like in the world of the Eight Classics?

"But even if the attack you have can withstand my killing blow, the power I have is still not comparable to yours!"

The white eyes turned scarlet at this moment.

"Go and die!"

Bai Qi, who was holding a bronze sword, swung fiercely at this moment towards the bullets he had in the sky.

"Brush brush brush!!"

One after another, the scarlet crescent slash composed of murderous aura also swung towards the missiles one after another.

As the crescent slash composed of murderous qi began to swing towards the missiles one by one, at this moment, the missiles began to be completely split by the power contained in the crescent slash.


One explosion after another began to fill the sky.

As one explosion after another began to fill the sky, Bai Qi's eyes looked at the satellites in space.

"You give me down too!"

I saw Bai Qi's tone with a coldness.

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