Chapter 0192 - Destroy Space Satellites!!


In an instant, a wave of incomparably powerful power instantly began to erupt in Bai Qi's body, along with that powerful and incomparable force that began to erupt from Bai Qi's body.

Streams of bloody slashes also began to erupt into space.

When the space that began to erupt with that bloody slash, the guys of the umbrella group who were watching this scene through satellite monitoring at this moment had a sense of emotion in their eyes.

"This, this..."

"Is this the power that humans should have?"

In an instant, all the guys from the umbrella group had an incredible look in their eyes.

Not to mention Bai Qi, who could be suspended in the sky, the power that Bai Qi could burst out with a sword alone had already made the guys in the umbrella group feel incredible.

The most important thing is that the power that Bai Qi bursts out can resist the attack of the missile, and the other party can directly cut all the missiles when the missile does not hit Bai Qi.

In other words, the missile attack that they humans possess is of no use to Baiqi at all.

Of course, this is not to say that it is useless, just because at this moment these missiles are simply completely useless for white.

And at this moment, Bai Qi actually launched an attack directly into the sky, and according to their monitoring through satellites, that attack was directed at satellites.

Just when the guys who came from the umbrella group felt one after another unbelievable, the attack from Bai Qi came completely into space at this moment.


With Bai Qi's attack, he fell in space so fiercely, and directly hit the satellites he had in space


One by one, expensive satellites began to be completely destroyed by Baiqi.

When one satellite after another began to be completely destroyed by Baiqi, all the guys from the umbrella group had that incredible in their eyes.

"Is this really still human?"

In an instant, all the guys from the umbrella group, even Wilke, who was the current head of the umbrella group, had an incredible look in their eyes.

"What power did he use?"

At present, Wilke's eyes looked at the artificial intelligence red queen beside him with a sense of confusion.

He wanted to know what the power the other party was using.

In the face of the inquiry from Wilke, the current artificial intelligence of the red queen began to flicker her eyes at this moment.

"Know what kind of power the other party is using."

"The other party uses unknown powers."

At this moment, in the face of the inquiry from Wilke, the current red queen also replied so calmly.

"This, this..."

In the face of the words from the red queen, the current Wilke's eyes also looked at the last picture left on the satellite monitoring with that silent gaze.

It was a scarlet slash, that is, the opponent's attack directly destroyed the satellites used in their umbrella group.

"It seems that this force is very mysterious!"

Wilke's eyes now carried that deep emotion.

He really didn't know that there was such a mysterious force on the entire earth, especially the other party, who actually held such a powerful power.

"Could it be that the other party is a so-called superpower?"

Suddenly, such an idea came to Wilke's mind.

The power that Bai Qi possesses in the current Wilke looks very similar to the legendary superpower.

Otherwise, why would it have such great power?

In Wilke's opinion, the power that Bai Qi has mastered should be a superpower.

"Maybe you can study this guy again and raise the other party's level to a level with Alice."

"The other party must capture!"

At this moment, the current Wilke immediately decided on the definition that Bai Qi had after some thought.

If nothing else, just by virtue of Bai Qi's power to completely destroy the satellites he has in space, it can be learned that Bai Qi's power is definitely no worse than Alice's, and even Alice's power is not as good as Bai Qi.

This belongs to the current Wilke's perception.


Listening to the order from Wilke, the current Red Queen naturally replied so respectfully.

In this way, when the satellites from space began to be completely destroyed by Baiqi, the missiles began to stop launching.

In the face of the fact that the satellites from the sky began to completely destroy Bai Qi, Bai Qi at this moment also noticed that the sense of surveillance that he had in the sky had disappeared.

"Huh, trash."

Bai Qi shook his head slightly.

Originally, he still questioned how powerful the strength of the group of guys he had in this world was, but he didn't expect that the strength of the other party would not make him have any interest at all.

This directly made Bai Qi completely lose interest.

"The whole army attack!"

"Suck all those zombies 870."

I saw Bai Qi's tone with that calm order.

Since the group of guys from this world couldn't cause him harm, then Bai Qina at this time naturally could only start leading the zombie army under his command to attack those zombies.

"Roar, roar!"

One zombie after another began to roar up to the sky.

As one zombie after another began to roar up to the sky, the current zombies didn't know why they always felt as if a catastrophe was coming.

Just when one zombie after another began to attack those zombies, the humans in the surrounding survivor bases also sensed that this was a very powerful existence through the attack of the current Baiqi and those missiles.

"I think we might be able to choose to go to these existences."

The group of guys who had in the survivor base began to talk to each other.

In the current apocalyptic times, they must rely on the strong to survive.

And the power displayed by Bai Qi at this moment is simply no different from God in their hearts, which causes those survivors to have such an idea, to turn to Bai Qi!

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