Chapter 0195 - Alice Who Joined Daqin!!

"Alice, where did they jump from?"

At the same time, a woman in a certain survivor base looked at the woman beside him with a puzzled look in her eyes.

As for the woman who was called Alice?

The other party's ID card is the clone Alice created in the umbrella group, of course, the current Alice does not know her true identity.

When Alice heard the words of her partner beside her, Alice began to look into the distance.

"This, this..."

When Alice saw that the soldiers in the mighty zombie army were constantly hunting one zombie after another, Alice's eyes were filled with a trace of confusion, and even with an incredulity.

"Where did this come from?"

Alice's eyes had a sense of emotion.

Obviously, for the current Alice, she is very eager to know where the other party came from.

With such a powerful army, the other party was actually able to hunt zombies at will, and this alone was enough to make Alice feel a shock at the moment.

"Do you say we should choose to join each other?"

Just when Alice's eyes were filled with that bewildered shock, one survivor after another beside Alice looked at Alice with hopeful eyes.

Although they don't know what the origin of the other party is, it does not prevent them from being able to understand that the other party belongs to the most fundamental thing for them to live under this apocalypse, and nothing else, just relying on the other party's ability to hunt those zombies has already explained everything!

The other party really has the ability to survive under the apocalypse!

And they?

They have had enough of their lives under this apocalypse!

They want to live!

Therefore, the zombie army led by Bai Qi has become the target of this group of survivors, they want to turn to Bai Qi, and they want to let Bai Qi's zombie army shelter them.

Listening to the words of the survivors one after another, the current Alice looked deeply at the group of zombies from the zombie army in the distance.

"Go, go to the right Wan!"

I saw Alice's tone with a firmness.


One survivor after another, led by Alice, directly began to use various means to look at the zombie army where Bai Qi was.

At least the zombies in their area have not yet been solved, so all they need to do now is to go to the side of the white zombie army by various means.

"Are you going to join us?"

The current Bai Qi's tone looked at Alice and the others with that calmness and said.

In the face of the words from Bai Qi, the current Alice's eyes looked at Bai Qi opposite him with that deep and serious gaze, and at this moment Alice's induction in Bai Qi's breath was particularly dangerous.

Even in Alice's induction, the current breath emitted by Bai Qi was like an ant meeting an elephant.

In short, the feeling that Bai Qi gave Alice was horror, horror deep into the soul.

And just when Alice felt that Bai Qi was very terrifying, the current Bai Qi also looked at Alice with the surprised moonlight.

"I didn't expect that this guy's mental power was so strong, maybe you can cultivate this guy well."

At the same time, the current Bai Qi looked at Alice at the moment, and then said to himself in his heart.

Obviously, in the face of such a powerful spiritual power that Alice possessed at this moment, Bai Qi seemed to have the potential to cultivate their exercises at this moment.

Although it is not said that it is not based on mental power to judge the potential in this way, but the mental power of the guy with strong potential is definitely not bad.

Just by virtue of the current breath of Alice, it already represents everything.

Alice's spiritual power is very strong, which is for the current white, he thinks that he may be able to cultivate the current so-called Alice.

In the face of Bai Qi's words, Alice at this moment also replied so respectfully: "Yes, we are willing to join you." "

At this moment, Alice said slowly.

Listening to Alice's words, he looked at Alice with that calm in his eyes, and then said: "Yes, from today onwards, you will belong to the existence of the Great Qin Heavenly Court." "

Bai Qi calmly scattered this group of survivors.

Although this group of survivors does not seem to look bad, but since this group of survivors can survive the end of today, it means that this group of survivors more or less has their skills, because those who do not have the ability have already died.

"Okay, let's go to the back honestly."

I saw Bai Qi look at the group of survivors led by Alice and said calmly.


In the face of Bai Qi's words, the group of survivors led by Alice had no opinion at all.

In this way, as the heroine of the current Resident Evil world, Alice chose to join the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

As Alice joined the current zombie army, the satellites following Alice began to monitor the current Alice joining the zombie army.

"Looks like a big killer needs to be made."

"A great killer that can fight this god-like figure."

The person in charge of the umbrella group looked at the picture displayed on the satellite surveillance, and there was an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Bai Qi, in the group they are currently protecting, this is definitely the number one dangerous person.

Now Alice, one of the most important of their umbrella group, has joined the current army led by Bai Qi, and when the two very important figures in the umbrella seem to be mixed together, the umbrella must make a big change.

"Go and strengthen the tyrant!"

"And raise the number of tyrants!"

"Be sure to reach their number!"

At this moment, Wilke's eyes looked at the soldiers in the zombie army shown on the satellite surveillance with a serious look.


The artificial intelligence red queen next to Wilke replied calmly.

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