Chapter 0196 - Zhengzheng!! the Lord of Great Qin

Just when Bai Qi was beginning to lead the zombie army to solve one zombie after another, Ying Zheng, as the lord of Great Qin, had already visited everything in the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor at this moment.

"Let's go, it's time to go out, I'm afraid the group of people outside are already waiting."

At this moment, Yingzheng's mouth had that smile.

Regarding the group of people outside, it was naturally the great chiefs of all the countries that belonged to the whole world, and they all came to the outside of the mausoleum.

After all, in the face of him, the ruler from Daqin, especially the soldiers in Daqin who had weapons in the entire world that could not be harmed at all, what could they do at this time except choose to submit?

However, even if they choose to surrender in this way, it does not mean that they will really choose to surrender in their hearts.

So at this moment, they estimated that they needed to come over and play tai chi with him.

In general, the group of people in power from all over the earth came to see him.

"Your Majesty, do you want to drive them all away?"

At present, I saw Zhang Han step forward and said slightly.

The actions of the group of people currently possessed by the entire earth, Zhang Wei at this moment looked simply disrespectful.

That's right, it looks disrespectful in Zhang Handan!

What is their identity?

What is the identity of their majesty?!

Their Majesty's identity and those guys' identities are not at the same level at all, and from then on, there will be no country in the entire earth at all!

The only country on the entire earth will belong to Daqin, and the only ruler on the entire earth must be the lord of their Daqin Heavenly Court to win the government!

So what does that group of people out there want to do?

In Zhang Han's opinion, the group of people outside was simply disrespectful!

"No, let Xu take a good look at their faces then."

"Let them please Xuan."

Ying Zheng said with that calm opening in his eyes.

This is the idea in Yingzheng's heart, let that group of guys come and please him!

Let him see what the faces of those guys really look like.


Zhang Han on the side replied respectfully.

In this way, at present, I saw that the group of people led by Winning Zheng began to leave the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and when the group of people led by Winning Zheng left the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the group of people who had at the gate of Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum were the current rulers of various countries on the entire earth.

And at the same time, there are one reporter after another.

As for the current direction of the entire planet, these journalists naturally need to observe.

In this way, in the face of the emergence of the winning government, the great leaders of one country after another also saluted to the victorious government so respectfully: "See my lord." "

At this moment, in the face of the words spoken by the current group of guys, Zhang Wei at this moment frowned with a hint of displeasure: "Standing in front of you is the Lord of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!" "

"Please address Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"

For a moment, I saw Zhang Han with that serious opening on his face, and after the group of rulers of various countries listened to Zhang Handan's words like this, their faces were completely stunned at this moment.

The Lord of the Great Qin Heavenly Court?

Especially His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor?

For those guys in Europe and the United States, or many of them are not particularly understood, but for the surrounding countries centered on the land of Shenzhou, they understand the title of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor very well, and they understand the title of the Heavenly Court and His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor.

After all, their culture itself is separated from the land of Shenzhou.

"See His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"

In an instant, I saw that one after another, led by the land of Shenzhou, also paid homage to the government so respectfully.

At this moment, in the face of the words of this group of people, the current netizens from various countries heard this words through the live broadcast room.

"Aliens get out of Earth!"

"You are not welcome on Earth!"

"Get out of the earth!!

Some grumpy people began to roar angrily in the live broadcast room, and then some people who knew the titles of Daqin and the Heavenly Court, and even His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor fell into thought for a while.

"Daqin, Heavenly Court, Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor."

"It's a real hammer, the other party definitely has something to do with Daqin in our history!"

When netizens from the land of Shenzhou watched the words in the live broadcast room, they could already be sure that the current Daqin was definitely related to the Daqin in their history of Shenzhou, because one title after another belonged to the culture they had on the land of Shenzhou!

Coupled with the fact that the other party took Daqin as the national name, and the other party went to participate in the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, it is almost certain that the other party is definitely related to the Great Qin in their history!

The group of netizens who have it in the land of Shenzhou feel so excited at the same time, the group of guys who have it outside the land of China, of course, this belongs to the netizens who understand the meaning behind this and finally fell into silence at this moment.

Just what the whole world has, all the netizens are discussing with each other in the live broadcast room, and the current winning government looks at this group of guys at the moment.

"Shu is the lord of Daqin, win the government!"

In an instant, I saw Yingzheng speak to the group of guys present with an unprecedented seriousness.


A strong breath, an unparalleled domineering breath, and even that breath of words permeated madly from the body of Yingzheng.

Soon, that domineering breath, like Mount Tai pressing on the top, pressed on the shoulders of everyone in the entire world.

When all the people in the world listened to the words of the winning government, they had not yet reacted to what the situation was, so they were completely suppressed by the imperial aura emitted by the winning government.


When all the people in the whole world were so shocked by the words spoken by Yingzheng at this moment, and they were also shocked by the imperial aura emitted by Yingzheng, when they reacted, they were completely confused listening to what Yingzheng had just said.

Lord of Daqin???

People around the world who know this situation are so completely confused.

Wasn't Ying Zheng the emperor of Daqin?

Ying Zheng is the first emperor of their Shenzhou land!

And now this being claims to have won the government???

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