Chapter 0197: You Are Not Fit to Rule the Earth!!

Just when all the people in the entire world were so completely confused, the current winning government continued to speak: "From today onwards, the entire earth will be included in the management of Daqin. "

"It won't be long before there will be officials from Daqin to govern the entire earth, and all you need to do now is to honestly stay on the entire earth and wait for the governance from the officials of the Great Qing."

At this moment, Yingzheng looked at the cameras in the hands of one reporter after another, and said lightly.

According to his induction, this is not an ordinary camera at present, it can be said that this is a live broadcast that belongs to Zheng'er Bajing.

In other words, what he has here now is directly broadcast to the world.

Then he spoke directly to the group of journalists about his current thoughts.

Let the group of people on the entire earth wait, and it won't be long before there will be officials from Daqin to manage the entire earth.

As for how long?

Ying Zheng said that when he would solve all the civilizations possessed in the cosmic starry sky, and then completely bring this world into the rule of the Heavenly Court, then the officials of Daqin would come to this world to govern the places with life that Daqin had laid down.

Listening to the words of the winning government, all the people on the entire planet were completely shocked.

"So, that is, the existence that currently comes from this deep space of the universe is the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty?"

"Then that historical Qin Dynasty First Emperor is not actually dead?"

At the same time, netizens around the world who have reacted to the current reaction have begun to discuss with each other.

Since the winner at this moment claims to be a winning government, coupled with this title of Daqin, this directly points to a problem.

That is, it seems that this winning government seems to belong to the winning government they know, the Qin Dynasty winning government in their history!

So when they learned about it, they only had one thought in their heads.

I am afraid that this is not the Qin Shi Huang who belongs to history to win the government!

That is to say, from today onwards, they will be ordinary people belonging to the Qin Dynasty?

Faced with the current situation, all the guys felt incredulous.

"I think so, from today onwards, we will belong to the common people of Daqin."

At this moment, one netizen after another had to accept the current problem after reacting.

As for not accepting?

The densely packed warships in the sky, coupled with the Daqin generals who stood above the sky one after another, the other party was telling them so clearly that Daqin's strength was definitely not comparable to the earth.

If you want to live well, then honestly become a common man in Daqin.

Only in this way can Daqin shelter all the existences that come from the entire map.

"I didn't expect that we would actually meet the legendary First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty in our lifetime, and we actually became the common people under the rule of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty."

"It's just incredible."

One after another, netizens, and even netizens in the surrounding countries that belonged to the center of the land of Shenzhou, all felt a burst of emotion.

For them to become ordinary people from under the rule of Daqin, then they did not have much idea of resisting.

After all, Daqin, they are familiar with it!

For the countries in those regions that came from outside the Asian belt, they also had to accept the current rule of Daqin.

No way, they worship the strong.

The strength possessed by Daqin deserved to be the most powerful existence on the entire earth.

Then it seems that they can only choose to submit to Daqin just like that.

In this regard, they did not have any other thoughts in their minds.

As for those who want to resist?

Sorry, first of all, we have to see if they have the strength that is strong enough to compete with Daqin, and whether they can carry the attack of missiles and nuclear bombs with the strength of course!

As long as they can have such great power, then it seems that they can indeed resist the rule of Daqin.

In addition, don't think about rebelling against the rule of Daqin.

And the group of people in front of the current victory after some tangled thinking, they also have to finally let go of all the ideas they once had.

"See Your Majesty."

In an instant, in the face of the words of one guy after another from this moment, at this moment, it means that they have now become the common people under the rule of Daqin.

While accompanying the guys one after another who replied so respectfully, Yingzheng at this moment looked at the direction in the distance so lightly and calmly said: "If Xu is not mistaken, you should be Ducao of the Deno system." "

The current Yingzheng said calmly.

In the face of the words from Win Zheng, at this moment, a presence wearing a general's costume slowly appeared in the distance.

"That's right."

"Looks like you know me well."

At this moment, Ducao said to Yingzheng slightly in such a calm manner.


"Are you here just to take a look?"

Yingzheng looked at this one so calmly, and Ducao said lightly497.

For this current Ducao, the real idea is simple.

The other party does not belong to help the earth, then to put it bluntly, the other party does not belong to the guy who came to use the power of the earth to satisfy those thoughts in his heart, he is not a good person!

This is how Yingzheng thinks about Ducao.

In the face of a bland winning government in his eyes, the current Ducao is looking at the winning government with that survival gaze at this moment.

"I don't think you're fit to be the ruler of Earth."

"Because you can't solve the crisis that comes from what you have in the universe!"

"Maybe your Daqin is very powerful, but your Daqin will definitely not be able to face the next crisis!"

At this moment, I saw that the current Ducao's eyes were so calm, looking at the winning government at this moment, and slowly spoke.

Faced with the words from Ducao, Yingzheng smiled.


"You said that Daqin will not be able to face the next crisis?"

"As for the crisis in your mouth, if you really guessed correctly, what kind of so-called angel civilization and demon civilization do you belong to?"

With that playful smile, Ying Zheng looked at the guy opposite him at the moment.

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