Chapter 0198 - The Death of Marshal Denuo!!

In the face of the current words of winning the government, at this moment, Ducao's eyes looked at the current moment with that deep gaze.

"You understand?"

"Then since you understand, then you should be able to understand the power of the angel civilization and the demon civilization."

"The entire earth is absolutely impossible to resist the next crisis under your rule, and at this moment, Ducao said with that confident tone."

Facing Ducao, whose eyes are full of absolute confidence, Zhang Wei, who is currently beside Ying Zheng, and the eyes of those soldiers who are looking at the current Ducao with a gaze that is like a mental retardation.

Angel civilization and demon civilization?

Maybe the soldiers in the other legions didn't know much, but as the Praetorian Guard Legion of the Eight Classics, they naturally knew about the relationship between the Angelic Civilization and their Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Their Great Qin Heavenly Court will then need to compete with the angelic civilization to dominate the entire universe, and the soldiers in the Great Qin Heavenly Court are naturally full of absolute confidence in the strength they have.

As for the demon civilization?

If they remember correctly, the Demon Queen from the Demon Civilization personally came to their Daqin just to come and ally with their Daqin, right?

And now?

The current fool who didn't know where to pop up actually said that they Daqin couldn't face the next angel civilization and demon civilization?

Isn't this just a joke?

At the very least, for the current Zhang Wei and those soldiers, Ducao at this moment is simply a fool.

"How long has it been since you learned about information in the universe?"

"Don't you know that the current angelic civilization is preparing to start a war with the Great Qin Heavenly Court?"

"And this war is about dominating the entire universe."

"If the angelic civilization wins, then the angelic civilization can continue to display the righteous order that it has in the entire household4."

"But if the Great Qin Heavenly Court wins, then the so-called just order of the Angel Civilization will naturally come to an end, and at the same time, Daqin will replace the Angel Civilization as the real hegemon in the entire universe!"

"It's just that compared to the angelic civilization becoming the real hegemon in the entire universe, all the current Daqin needs to do is unify the entire universe."

"Now, do you think Daqin still has the strength to take over the entire earth?"

The current Win Zheng just looked at Ducao at the moment with that calm gaze.

If nothing else, the condescending attitude that this Ducao possesses at this moment directly makes Ying Zheng feel a little uncomfortable.

Who does the other person think the other person is?

Did he think the Deno civilization still existed?

Even if the Denuo civilization really exists, it is only a small role in front of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

A small character dares to shout so much in front of Daqin?

Who gives each other a guts?

Listening to Win Zheng's words, the current Ducao's face instantly turned pale.

How did he not know that such a major thing was happening in the current universe?

"No, you're absolutely talking nonsense."

At this moment, Ducao said slightly to Yingzheng with that distrustful tone.

Although he could almost understand in his heart what was going on, how could he admit what Win Zheng said at this juncture?

If he said the words of the winning government that he admitted at this moment, it means that he simply belongs to a decent clown.

"Okay, since you are the last orphan of the Deno civilization, you should accompany the Deno civilization to die now."

"A clown should look like a clown, not just come over and scare you like a little one."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

As Yingzheng's words fell, I saw Zhang Han's figure behind Yingzheng instantly disappear in place.

As Zhang Han's figure completely disappeared in place, when Zhang Han appeared again at this moment, he was already born behind Ducao.


A long sword was drawn from Zhang Han's waist, and then stabbed at Ducao at this moment.

"Plop plop..."

As the current Ducao was stabbed fiercely by Zhang Han at this moment, the murderous aura in Zhang Han's body also began to enter Ducao's body directly through the long sword in his current hand.


When Ducao on the ground sensed the overbearing power he had in his body, there was an unprecedented despair in his eyes.

The only thought on his mind right now was regret.

Why did he suddenly come over and question this Great Qin Emperor?

He might have had a trace of jealousy of this Great Qin Emperor, but when he learned that this Great Qin Emperor belonged to the one who had once owned on this earth, his fear of winning the government completely dissipated.

How powerful can an existence that walks out of a small earth be?

It is precisely because of the current situation that Ducao thinks about, so at this moment, he directly chooses to stand in front of the winning government, and directly questions the winning government.

It is a pity that today's winning government is not a winning government that belongs to this world!

A little Ducao still wants to shout in front of him?

Yingzheng said that since the other party is the last orphan of the Deno civilization, then the other party will now directly accompany the Deno civilization that has completely perished to continue to die, looking at Ducao, who fell to the ground at this moment and his breath began to gradually weaken, the group of people on the earth that currently has in front of Winzheng do not choose to ignore it.

Just kidding, who dares to intercede so directly at this time?

Even the guy who knows the current Ducao does not dare to intercede with this Ducao at this juncture (Zhao), because the words just said by the other party are threatening the government to some extent.

How could they choose to stand up at this time?

In this way, when Ducao began to die gradually, Yingzheng also calmly said: "From today onwards, the entire earth will be the territory of Daqin. "

"And what you need to do is to take over the entire earth for the time being before the officials of Daqin arrive, and when the officials from Daqin arrive at that time, you will become his deputy."

At this moment, Yingzheng looked at this group of guys so calmly, and said lightly.


In this way, the earth became the territory of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

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