Chapter 0199 - Angel Civilization Attacks!!

"It's a pity, this earth has never been the earth that belongs to me."

Yingzheng, who was in space, looked at the azure planet behind him, with that deep emotion in his eyes.

Although he has now completely incorporated the entire earth into the scope of Daqin's rule, this earth is not the same as the earth he knows and the earth he once lived on.

So for Winzheng, the only thing he can do at the moment seems to be to take a good look at that earth.

As for some of the beings with some qualifications that that Earth possesses?

It's very simple, when he Daqin Tianting directly comes to this world to recruit troops, and pull some potential guys into the army.

At that time, the strength in the army will naturally become stronger.

But now, all he needs to do is lead the army in Daqin to completely defeat the entire supergod universe.

"First of all, go and solve the so-called angelic civilization first!"

Ying Zheng's eyes carried that calm self-talk.

All he needs to do now 733 is to knock down the entire Angelic Civilization first!

Because only if the angelic civilization is completely knocked down, it means that a stumbling block in front of their Daqin Heavenly Court has been kicked off.

Whether it is to completely eliminate the angelic civilization and increase the prestige that their Great Qin Heavenly Court has in the entire universe, or to completely solve the stumbling block of the angelic civilization.

In short, the angelic civilization must not stay!

"The whole army attacked!"

"Destroy the entire angelic civilization in the fastest time!"

In an instant, under the order of the victorious government, the mighty fleet except for one division of troops to garrison the entire earth, all the others went deep into the depths of the universe.


As the mighty army sailed away in the depths of the entire universe, the group of guys who had the entire earth also looked at the direction of the depths of the house with that deep amazation, even deep emotion.

"From now on, we will belong to the common people in Daqin."

One after another, the earthlings looked at each other and said with a slight emotion.

As Winzheng entered the universe, the major civilizations in the entire universe turned their eyes to the next atmospheric heavenly court and angelic civilization.

Because the news that the Angel Civilization was going to have a real war with the Great Qin Heavenly Court had already spread throughout the universe.

As long as the angelic civilization wins this war, it means that the just order set by the angelic civilization will still circulate throughout the universe.

But if the angelic civilization fails, it means that the Great Qin Heavenly Court will become the new overlord in the entire universe.

This naturally attracts the attention of all the civilizations that have possessed in the entire universe.

And at this moment, as the entire universe began to focus their attention on the Angelic Civilization and the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

The current angelic civilization directly mobilizes all the angels owned by the entire angelic civilization.

The mighty fleet began to gather outside the Mei Luo Heavenly Court.

As the mighty fleet began to gather outside the entire Meiluo Heavenly Court, the two angel kings in the Merlot Heavenly Court also appeared on the battleship.

Often only Kesha, who is the Heavenly Blade King, is in charge of the entire Merlot Heavenly Court, but now as another king, the Tianji King Hexi also appears on the battleship.

This is no longer an ordinary war, this is a war that concerns the future of the entire angelic civilization.

Therefore, even Hexi could not continue to live in the Merlot Heavenly Court at this moment.

At present, I saw the angel king Kesha's eyes shouting with a seriousness to all the angels owned by the entire angelic civilization: "Angels of the angelic civilization! "

"Now our angelic civilization has suffered an unprecedented crisis!"

"If our angelic civilization cannot survive this crisis, it means that our entire angelic civilization will completely disappear in the entire universe!"

"Can you accept it?!"

The current Angel King Kesha shouted loudly to all the angels.

In the face of the words from the angel king Kesha, the eyes of the angels with one wing after another shouted with that seriousness: "Unwilling!! "

"So what are you going to do?!"

Angel King Keisha continued to inquire.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One after another, the angels shouted loudly with that scarlet killing intent in their eyes.

Now all the angels understand what they need to do next, and they need to follow their angel queen to the battlefield to fight the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

As long as they win that battle, then their angelic civilization will still belong to the maintenance of order in the entire universe, but if they fail, the entire angelic civilization will be completely destroyed!

No angel can accept this simple ending.

The angels who had one winged angel after another now had only one thought in their minds, taking the test instruments in their hands and launching an attack on the Great Heavenly Court.

Looking at the shouts of the winged angels one after another, the current angel king Keisha also nodded with satisfaction at this moment: "Not bad!" "

"All we need now is to take some weapons in our hands and launch an attack on Daqin!"

"We need to make Daqin understand that our angelic civilization definitely does not belong to some weak existence!"

"Our angelic civilization definitely has that powerful enough force to launch a counterattack against Daqin!"

"Since the Great Qin Heavenly Court is ready to fight a war with our angel civilization, then our angel civilization will give them a war!"

"From now on, I declare it in the name of the Angel Queen!"

"Let the Great Qin Heavenly Court declare war!"

"The whole army attacked!"

"Launch an attack on the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

I saw the words of the angel queen Keisha began to echo on the battleships.

As all the angels listened to their daughter's words, there was an unprecedented seriousness in their eyes.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One angel after another cried out loudly.


As the first-winged angel warship sent out to attack in the direction of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the densely packed battleship followed closely.

The eyes of the entire universe turned their gaze to the entire angelic civilization, because the battleship of the angelic civilization was dispatched!

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