Chapter 0200: Great Qin Heavenly Court VS Angel Civilization!!

At this moment, when the warships of the Angel Civilization had begun to attack, the current Victory appeared directly in front of his legions one after another.

Standing on the deck, Ying Zheng shouted loudly to the soldiers one after another: "I just want to say here, launch an attack on the Angel Civilization!" "

"The Great Qin Heavenly Court will surely dominate the universe!"

"Kill kill kill!!"

I saw that Yingzheng's eyes had that serious order in his eyes.

For Winzheng, he doesn't need to do anything else.

Because he had absolute confidence in these soldiers under him.

He believed that these soldiers under him could definitely make those angelic civilizations pay.

After all, his Daqin soldiers are not some weak existence, and his Daqin soldiers have long been out of the weakest time.

Now all the Daqin soldiers at least belong to the strength of the Foundation Building Realm, so go and fight a winged angel at this time?

Isn't that a breeze?!

Since Yingzheng has absolute confidence in the Daqin soldiers under him, it is natural to choose to ignore the angels from the current so-called angelic civilization at this time.


"The whole army attacked!"

As one of Yingzheng's words fell, the eyes of the soldiers one after another were so deeply excited.


One battleship after another began to sail in the direction of the angelic civilization.

As the warships of the Angel Civilization and the battleships of the Great Qin Heavenly Court began to attack each other, all the beings in the entire house were looking at the place they had to pass next.

Although they have not begun to collide now, according to the current trajectory, they will collide in the most desert place in the universe next.

"Hurry up and get to that area!"

"We need to go and see them fight each other!"

One after another, the lords of civilization ordered to the military generals under them.


In an instant, all the civilizations possessed in the entire Otaku began to launch their warships.

One warship after another, representing one civilization after another, began to sail towards the desolate galaxy.

As the battleships between the Angel Civilization and the Great Qin Heavenly Court had begun to move, the warships from the Demon Civilization were also dispatched at this moment

"I didn't expect that one day I would actually unite with this other existence to jointly destroy the angelic civilization."

The current Demon Queen Morgana's eyes carried a deep helplessness.

If she could, then Morgana, as the Demon Queen, would like to destroy the angelic civilization alone.

Unfortunately, no matter how confident Morgana was, she had to admit that the strength from the current angelic civilization was many times stronger than her demon civilization.

Just with the power of the demon civilization, you still want to solve the angelic civilization?

It can only be said that it is almost impossible!

Therefore, at this moment, Morgana has united with the Great Qin Heavenly Court, ready to completely destroy the angelic civilization at this moment.

But at this moment, when the demon civilization led by Morgana really sailed towards the direction of the battlefield like this, Morgana's heart at this moment still felt a little wrong.

She always felt a little bit of something else.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the time comes to the battlefield."

At this moment, Morgana shook her head slightly.

Although she has many, many thoughts in her heart now, the thoughts she has in her heart now can only be suppressed for the time being.

After all, destroying the angel civilization has always been an idea she has always had, and now she only needs to develop according to the next situation, and the angelic civilization will definitely be destroyed!

For the Demon Queen Morgana, this is simply a result of not knowing how long I have been thinking about it.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Arrive at the battlefield as fast as you can!"

Morgana shook her head slightly, sparking some of the other thoughts she had in her heart.


One demon warship after another began to sail towards the battlefield with all their strength.

Soon, all the civilizations in the entire universe set their eyes on this battlefield, and then warships from the angelic civilization appeared in this battlefield...

The warships from the Angel Civilization couldn't help but emit that white light.

When the warship from the Angelic Civilization exuded that white light, transforming the desert planet around him into a white color, the current masters of one civilization after another looked at each other.

"Is this the power that belongs to the angelic civilization?"

At this moment, the eyes of one guy after another were so deep incredulity.

They saw the fleet of angels, and they saw the entire starry sky, as if all of them were left with a fleet from the weary civilization.

Although they all understand the strength of the angel civilization, how strong is the angel civilization?

It can only be said that except for the angel civilization, it seems that no one really knows how powerful the strength of the angel civilization is.

But now they know.

The overwhelming battleship that seems to cover the entire universe is all the power that belongs to the angelic civilization.


"If these warships launch an attack on my civilization, I am afraid that my civilization will not be able to withstand the attack from the simple angelic civilization."

At this moment, the eyes of a certain power lord carried that deep amazement.

Facing the battleship from the Angel Civilization, he said that the Angel Civilization could really hang his civilization and beat it.

At the same time that the battleship from the Angel Civilization descended on the battlefield, the battleship currently from the Great Qin Heavenly Court at this moment also appeared in the field of vision of all the lords of forces in the entire universe.

"Boom la la!!"

That battleship began to appear in their field of vision.

Those were all battleships made of wood, which was particularly strange.

But it was all these warships made of wood that were forged into the current famous Great Qin Heavenly Court.

"Here it is."

"There came between both sides."

In an instant, all the guys in the entire universe set their eyes on the battleships on both sides.

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