Chapter 0206 - Divine Body Kesha!!


A strong aura of light began to erupt throughout the universe.

When that aura of light erupted throughout the universe, there was a tremor in the eyes of the many civilization lords who were watching.

"This, this, this, is this the real strength that the Queen of Disgust has?!"

At this moment, the eyes of the many civilization lords who were currently watching had a tremor in their eyes.

They had thought that if the strength of the Angel Queen Kesha belonged to the fourth generation of the divine body, it definitely belonged to a strong person who was infinitely close to the level of the fifth-generation divine body.

But they really didn't think that Kesha's strength was actually so strong, and with the strength that Caesar had burst out of now, it had already surpassed the fourth-generation divine body!

"At present, the strength possessed by the Angel Queen Keisha is no longer as simple as belonging to the fourth generation of divine bodies!"

"The strength of the other party has steadily surpassed the fourth-generation divine body, and I am afraid that it has even reached the fifth-generation divine body!"

There was a tremor in the eyes of one of the current civilization lords.

His strength is infinitely close to the fourth-generation divine body, and he is a third-generation divine body-level existence.

It was precisely because he belonged to the existence of the third-generation divine body level, he could still understand how powerful the fourth-generation divine body was.

The strength that the current Angel Queen Kesha burst out is definitely not as simple as belonging to the fourth generation of divine bodies.

Think about it, the entire universe is not without the existence of the fourth generation of divine iron, they are all suppressed by the angel civilization, which means that the angel civilization absolutely has the power to suppress the fourth generation of the divine body.

Therefore, the strength possessed by the angel queen Keisha is definitely not the fourth generation divine body, and the strength of the angel queen Keisha is likely to be the fifth generation divine body!

"Oh my God, the other party is actually a fifth-generation divine body!"

The eyes of the lords of civilization after civilization were filled with amazement.

That's the fifth generation of divine bodies!

They really didn't expect that the fourth-generation divine body in the entire universe was already the strongest, and the fifth-generation divine body would actually be born!

"Not only that, look at the strength of the Angel Queen Keisha at this moment, it belongs to the fifth-generation divine body, and the strength of the general in the Great Qin Heavenly Court who is currently fighting against that Angel Queen Keisha is also the fifth-generation divine body level!"

At this moment, I saw another Lord of Civilization looking at Wang Yi with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

Perhaps the strength that came from the outbreak of the Angel Queen Keisha belongs to their system, so they can have a clearer understanding of the strength of the Angel Queen Kesha.

But just by virtue of his breath, he was no less than that Angel Queen Kesha's Great Qin General, and the strength of the other party also belonged to the fifth generation of the Eight Classics

"This, this..."

In an instant, one guy after another looked ahead at this moment with a forced look in their eyes.

"It really is!"

"The power that the other party burst out of is also a fifth-generation divine body belonging to the Eight Classics!"

"Is the power that Daqin possesses so strong?!"

One after another, the lords of civilization had a shock in their eyes, and they looked in the direction of the Daqin fleet, and all the guys had an unprecedented solemnity in their eyes.

What is currently unfolding in front of them is not all the forces that belong to the entire Great Qin!

At present, there are many, many strong people on the Daqin battleship!

That is to say, the power that Daqin possesses is definitely not as simple as it seems!

Even the power possessed by Daqin was absolutely beyond everyone's imagination!

"Or shall we choose to surrender?"

"Although Daqin's hole cards have not yet fully erupted, I believe that the power that Daqin possesses by that time is definitely not something we can compete with."

"As for the Angelic Civilization?"

"Even if the Angel Civilization at this moment also adds the Demon Civilization, the combined power between them cannot compete with the Great Music."

"The outcome of this battle is already predetermined!"

Inside a battleship possessed outside the desert star field, a civilization lord spoke his words in their public channel with a tremor in his eyes.

In the face of the words of the Lord of Civilization at this moment, the other guys one after another looked at each other.

"Maybe we can actually act?"

"Before the results of today's battle are truly fully over, we may be able to surrender first."

"First go to the Great Qin Heavenly Court!"

In an instant, one after another Lord of Civilization said with a silent self-talk in his eyes...

They really wanted to live, but the problem was that the power in the Great Qin Heavenly Court was definitely beyond their imagination.

At this time, if you don't hurry up and surrender, is it necessary to wait until the guys from the Great Qin Heavenly Court really hit the door like this?

If the group of beings from the Great Qin Heavenly Court really hit the door, they were choosing to surrender at that time!

It's late!

"Let's get moving!"

"Surrender surrender!"

"Take advantage of now!"

The lords of civilizations who possessed in that area after region chose to give orders to the civilizations they mastered.

It is to directly announce the entire universe, and their civilization chooses to surrender to the Great Qin Heavenly Court in all aspects!

Soon, when the deputy leaders of the remaining civilizations began to announce the entire universe, there was still a group of unwilling beings in the scene of the current war.

"It won't!"

"The angel civilization definitely has enough power to resist the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and some civilization masters still grit their teeth and look in the direction of the angel civilization."

They hope that the Angelic Civilization can burst out with even more powerful power and defeat the existence from the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

Just as one civilization after another began to act, the current Angel Queen Keisha said so calmly at this moment: "The 1.6 powers I have now belong to the fifth generation of divine bodies. "

"But I call it the Divine Body!"

The current Angel Queen Keisha calmly opened her mouth and said to Wang Yi on the opposite side.

And at this moment, after hearing the words of the current Angel Queen Kesha, Wang Yi also smiled slightly and said: "The name of this body realm that I have under is called the Yuanshen Realm!" "

"Of course, the target is your current divine body!"

"Then let me see if your divine place is strong or the power of the Yuan God is strong!"

Wang Yi said calmly.

"Then come on!"

Kesha, the Angel Queen, replied with a firm air.

"Kill God Strike!"

"Bright Trial!"

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