Chapter 0207 - Angel Queen VS Great Qin Legion Leader!!

"Kill God Strike!"

As Wang Chong began to fully erupt the murderous aura in his body, a powerful murderous aura began to permeate this desert star field.

As that powerful murderous aura began to pervade this desert cosmic starry sky, the current Angel Queen Keisha also began to fully explode the power she possessed in her body.

"Bright Trial!"

In an instant, as the vast and incomparable power of light began to erupt in full force, a stream of white and flawless light began to erupt throughout the universe, only to see a stream of scarlet murderous qi and the power of white light began to permeate continuously in this cosmic starry sky.

As the power between the two sides begins to unfold in full force, most of the eyes of the entire universe are on this side of the moment.

They now want to know whether Kesha, the overlord angel queen of the old era in the universe, lost, or the overlord of the new era, Daqin Heavenly Court, won this war?

Just when all the people in the entire universe today began to look at the current 27, they saw that powerful force began to explode in full force.


The Light Trial from the Angel Queen Kesha and the killing blow of Captain Wang Chui completely collided, and as the power between the two sides completely collided, an even more powerful explosion began to spread around them.

As the crazy explosion began to spread around them, a wave of vibrations visible to the naked eye began to reverberate in the current area.

At this moment, when the angel queen Keisha was fighting with Wang Chui, the current winner was looking ahead with that calm gaze.

"It's okay, maybe it won't be long before Wang Yi can break through to the current realm of the Dao."

At this moment, Yingzheng looked at the powerful force that Wang Yi possessed at the moment, and said to himself slightly.

As for Kesha, the angel queen?

Sorry, in winning politics, it seems that the other party is destined to lose.

That's right, the other party is doomed!

Perhaps the winning government at this moment is not personally involved, but the strength of winning the government is placed here.

He could clearly see the difference between the current strength possessed by Wang Chui and the current strength possessed by the Angel Queen Kesha.

Perhaps the strength of the angel queen Keisha is indeed very strong, and it is indeed worthy of being the most powerful existence in the entire universe today, but if the other party's strength wants to compete with Wang Chui, it can only be said that the other party is still a little worse.

In addition, the strength of Wang Yi's body was obtained in that battle after battle, as for the current Kesha?

Sorry, in the current winning government, it seems that the strength of the other party really does not match his strength.

Although the other party's strength is said to belong to the Yuanshen realm, the other party cannot fully burst out the power she possesses.

So the end of Kesha, the angel queen, is destined to die.

And for this dying angel queen Kesha, Yingzheng has no other ideas.

Maybe the other party is quite beautiful, and even once he had fantasies about Keisha when he was on Earth, but unfortunately he is no longer an ordinary person who belongs to the earth.

He is now the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court!

There are also many women in the Great Qin Empire under his command, whose looks completely exceed Kesha, and the population of his Great Qin Heavenly Court is placed here!

Couldn't such a large population give birth to an existence comparable to Kesha in appearance?

That naturally exists.

Therefore, for the current appearance of Kesha, Winzheng chose to ignore it.

As Ying Zheng began to comment on Wang Yi and Keisha who were fighting, earth-shaking changes began to occur on the battlefield at this moment.

"Go and die!"

"Overlord Slash!"

In an instant, Wang Chui, who was holding a sword, began to gather the murderous aura in his body on the sword, and then swung it directly towards Keisha who was looking at him.

And as Wang Yi began to gather the power he had in his body onto the sword in his hand, he swung towards Keisha opposite him.

That powerful and incomparable force directly began to erupt in this cosmic starry sky.

When that powerful force began to erupt in this cosmic starry sky, at this moment, I saw that the current Kesha immediately sensed great danger in this powerful force.

"Then let you see my power!"

For a moment, I saw that the current Kesha's face had an unprecedented seriousness.

Facing the current general in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, Keisha had never thought of contemptuously.

Therefore, when the power possessed by the opposite side can burst out, the current Keisha naturally felt a heaviness.

"Bright Trial!"


A more powerful force of light began to converge in Kesha's experience.

"Yo, it looks like you're desperate."

"Unfortunately, there are some things that you can't stop if you try your best."

Wang Yi looked at the angel queen opposite him with an indifference in his eyes.

With Wang Chu's eyesight, she could naturally see that the angel queen on the opposite side was erupting with all the power she had in her body.

Then the other party's 853 gesture is completely a desperate gesture.

But unfortunately, some things are not something that can be solved with just hard work.

If some things can be solved only by desperately, then there will not be so many regrets and so many losers in this world, and the strength that he has in the Great Qin Heavenly Court is here, and I don't know how many existences who want to desperately solve the problem.

It is a pity that the existence that tried desperately to solve the problem was directly solved by him.

And in the face of the angel queen who is still ready to fight hard, the current Wang Yi will naturally look down on the other party.

If hard work can solve the problem, then where will there be so many strong people who can be trusted?

"Then let you come and see the power of Daqin!"

I saw that Wang Yi also began to gather all the power in his body.

The other party and him also belong to the same level of existence, and in the face of the other party's desperation, he must have to take action to some extent.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will be the first Great Qin commander to despise the enemy's death.


Blood-red murderous aura began to erupt.

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