Chapter 0208 - The Imminent Demise of the Angelic Civilization!!


A blood-red murderous aura began to pervade continuously.

As the blood-red murderous aura began to pervade, the power in the current Wang Chui's body directly made the group of guys watching the battle from afar feel a shock and incredible.

"Is this the power that the general in the Great Qin has?"

At this moment, there was a shock in the eyes of one guy after another.

As an existence that could compete with the fifth-generation god body level Caesar, they felt that the other party's strength must also belong to the fifth-generation divine body.

But at this moment, after the explosion of the power of the current Angel Queen Kesha, after the explosion of power in the body of the current general in Daqin, they found that it seemed that the power in the body of the Angel Queen Keisha was not as good as this Daqin general!

Yes, that sounds pretty incredible.

To know that the strength of the Angel Queen Kesha, who they are familiar with, is already a fifth-generation divine body belonging to the Eight Classics, and they seem to belong to the most powerful existence known in the entire universe, but they did not expect that the strength of the current guy from the Great Qin Heavenly Court is even stronger than the strength of the current Angel Queen, how can this not make them feel shocked and incredible?

Such a powerful existence seemed to pop out of nowhere, and there was not even any trace of the past at all.

In short, all the existence that comes from Daqin is unknown to many civilizations in the entire universe.


From the moment all the power in the body of the current angel queen Keisha erupted, and then attacked Wang Chui opposite her, the current Wang Yi also began to continuously gather the power in his body, and then compressed into a huge and incomparable slash, swinging towards the angel queen Kesha.


That force is erupting in the universe.

As that force began to erupt throughout the universe, the previous Angel Queen Hexi and Leng Bing were now beaten by the ten generals from the Great Qin.

Hexi and Leng Bing's strength are also top existences in the universe, and they are figures who belong to the level of the main god.

But even if the strength of these two guys belongs to the existence of the main god level in the entire universe, but after facing the attack of the other ten main god-level powerhouses, these two guys are more or less inadequate, and now the current two angel queens have been violently beaten.

"Damn damn it"! "

"This bunch of damn things!"

As the current Apocalypse King, Leng Bing cursed like this. There is no demeanor of being an angelic queen at all.

After all, this is also normal, who let her say that although she belongs to the Apocalypse King Leng Bing, she also belongs to the Demon Queen Morgana.

As the Demon Queen, Morgana, how could the current Apocalypse King Leng Bing maintain the grace she had just like that?

Compared to the irritability and anger that the Apocalypse King Leng Bing possessed, all the thoughts he had in Hexi's eyes on the side were heavy.

"Our angelic civilization is going to be finished this time."

With an unprecedented heavy gaze in his eyes, Hexi looked at the generals of Daqin who were attacking them one after another.

"Bright Trial!"

As a force containing the power of light began to be beaten out by Hexi, the many generals from the Great Qin Dynasty chose to resist effortlessly at this moment.


The powerful light judgment was directly resisted by the generals from the Great Qin who gave it so completely without any pressure.

This light judgment from the angelic civilization may be very powerful, but the strength of these generals from Daqin is also very strong.

So at this moment, these two angel queens are completely helpless, these generals.

"Overlord Slash!"

One attack after another began to be swung by one general after another towards Hexi and Leng Bing at this moment.

"Boom la la!!"

As that powerful force began to explode, the two currently besieged angel queens looked at each other with a heavy gaze at this moment, and they also began to look at Kesha, the Heavenly Blade King who was completely downwind on the other side, and an idea came to their minds.

"The angelic civilization is really going to end!"

A heavy thought began to appear in the minds of the current two angelic queens.

Even if the two of them didn't want to admit it anymore, the fact that the angelic civilization was about to die was indeed in front of them.

It is obvious that all the power has not erupted in the Great Qin Heavenly Court today, but their angelic civilization has already exploded all its power, and the gap between these two sides can be seen even by a blind person!

Their angelic civilization did not have the force powerful enough to block the attack from the Great Qin Heavenly Court.


"You guys!"

"Even if I die, I won't let you go so easily!"

"Give me death!"

In an instant, the Heavenly Apocalypse King Leng Bing did not hesitate to burst out all the power in her body at this moment.


An unprecedented force of light also began to erupt in the cold physical strength, don't see that she is the demon queen who belongs to the Zheng'er Eight Classics, but in fact, she is the Angel Queen who belongs to the Zheng'er Eight Classics!

The identity of the Demon Queen she has today is just to cover up the identity she once had as the Angel Queen.

Her true identity belongs to the Angel Queen!

As the Demon Queen Morgana Apocalypse King Leng Bing began to burst out all the power of light in her body, she was now like a small sun erupting towards those Great Qin generals.


"Be careful!"

One after another, many Great Qin generals also began to show their serious expressions at this moment.


In the face of an attack like a small sun, many of the current generals did not hesitate to fully burst out the power in their bodies at this moment.

As one after another generals began to burst out the power in their bodies, Morgana, who was currently like a little sun, was thus resisted.


One after another, the Great Qin generals did not hesitate to fiercely burst out the power in their bodies.


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