Chapter 0209 - Ying Zheng Strikes!!

"Oh, it's not a real sun!"

"It's just a pirate sun that wants to stop us?"

"Who gave you the confidence?!"

One of the generals glanced at the current Morgana with a mocking tone.

If it belongs to the real sun, even they dare not fight so easily, after all, the power contained in the sun is really huge.

It is a pity that the sun gathered by the light power in the other party's body is completely unable to touch the real sun.

Therefore, at this moment, many Daqin generals faced this Morgana, who was as powerful as the sun at this moment, and they directly began to subdue it completely.

"Take it down!"

In an instant, one after another Great Qin generals directly captured Leng Bing, who was the Angel Queen.

In the face of these five Great Qin generals who began to capture the current cold ice fiercely, the other five Great Qin generals beside him also began to grab the current Hexi fiercely.


Hexi was so kicked by one of the Great Qin generals and broke her bones, as for the beauty that Hexi has?

Sorry, no matter how beautiful the other party's appearance is on the battlefield, it belongs to the enemy!

The most basic thing you need to face the enemy is to be ruthless!

Because only if they are ruthless, they can survive on the battlefield, and just like that, two of the three kings of the angelic civilization have been captured.

After two of the three kings of the angels have been captured, Kesha, the Heavenly Blade King who is currently one of the three angels, is currently also dragged down by Wang Chui.


Shocking explosions have also begun to erupt continuously in the current universe.

As that shocking explosion began to erupt wildly throughout the universe, the many civilization masters watching the battle gradually evolved from the initial shock and even incredulity to the current calm.

They also began to gradually accept the great power of the general possessed in the Great Qin Heavenly Court.


"I didn't expect such a powerful existence to rise in the entire universe"

"I think we can see the whole universe being unified."

One after another, the lords of civilization said with a discussion in their eyes.

There are not many scenes of cosmic unification.

The universe has never been unified even from beginning to end, because there has never been a unity of opinion since the beginning of the existence of civilization in the accompanying universe.

Now, it seems that the entire universe will really be completely unified.

And they will be the witnesses of the next action.

All the lords of civilization had a deep expectation in their eyes.

Just when the lords of many civilizations who were watching the battle began to look in the direction of Daqin with expectant eyes, the battle between the angel king Keisha in the center of the battlefield and the commander of the Great Qin army, Wang Yi, had also come to an end.

"Then see if you can take my final blow!"

In an instant, I saw that the current Wang Yi directly gathered the power he had in his body, and then swung fiercely towards the Angel King Keisha opposite him


An unprecedented earth-shattering force began to frantically condense throughout the universe.

As that unprecedented earth-shattering force began to frantically gather throughout the universe, Kesha, as the current angel king, stared at each other so calmly.

"Then let's fight for the last one!"

"At least I fought for justice and order!"

In an instant, the angel king Keisha also began to gather the power in her body unwillingly.

Perhaps the strength of the military commander Wang Yi from Daqin is very strong, but for the Angel King Kesha, her own strength is definitely not weak!

And the current Kesha only wants to prove one thing!

That's about the just order, she fought!

Struggled, although said failed!

But she has no regrets.


The forces between the two sides began to converge, and even the many civilization masters who were watching the battle felt the horror contained in this force.

"It looks like they're going to have a final showdown!"

One after another, the lord of civilization began to comment slightly.

Let them go and fight the general in Daqin and the angel queen Kesha, they may not be able to fight.

But if it's just for them to watch the situation on the battlefield and let them see what the results can be used on the battlefield, then they say that they still have absolute confidence.


I saw that the power possessed between the two sides condensed to an extreme, and then violently erupted towards the other party.

As the power possessed by the two sides condensed to an extreme and exploded towards each other, the power between the two sides began to collide throughout the universe.

As the forces between the two sides began to collide throughout the universe, today's explosions began to permeate the universe.


Waves of air visible to the naked eye began to permeate the center of the explosions on both sides.

In the face of this terrifying self-conscious force, Yingzheng, who was in the Daqin battleship, also began to strike at this moment.

Because the power that erupted between the two sides at present, if it is really allowed to spread like this, it may be very likely to spread to him at that time.

Although he was fine, those soldiers he had in the Great Qin Heavenly Court might be fine.

In order to avoid accidents to the soldiers in his Great Qin, Yingzheng naturally needed to make a move.


Just as the forces that erupted between the two sides began to collide, resulting in a terrifying aftermath wave spreading out to the surroundings, an even more powerful force, a force that surpassed the entire world, burst out directly from the body of the victor


A pair of huge palms condensed by the Great Qin Qi Luck began to gather in that starry river, and the power that surpassed the entire world directly stopped the current terrifying qi wave.


As that terrifying wave of qi began to be held in the hands of that terrifying palm condensed by the Great Qin Qi Luck, the current terrifying aftermath was completely stopped.

In the face of that terrifying aftermath force, Yingzheng at this moment calmly began to scatter his huge palms gathered by the luck of the Great Qin.


I saw that the huge palm formed by the gathering of Daqin Qi luck also completely turned into a sparkling starlight at this moment, disappearing into the cosmic starry sky.

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