Chapter 0213 - The Great Qin Heavenly Court in Action!!

As the entire Great Qin Capital began to take an unprecedented rest.

All the people in Daqin also began to enjoy the convenience brought by technology.

Of course, when the common people in many worlds in the entire Great Qin were beginning to enjoy the convenience brought by science and technology, all the common people in the entire Great Qin also completely began an unprecedented era of great cultivation at this moment.

Since the technology in the world on the other side of the supergod universe is too developed, some resources and other things are no longer a problem.

When resources are no longer an issue, it is natural to cause an unprecedented explosion.

The strength of all the guys in the Great Qin army also completely changed drastically at this moment.

Due to the huge resources possessed from the supergod universe world, the strength of all the soldiers in the eleven legions in the entire Daqin army was directly increased to the all-dan realm.

That's right, the strength of all the guys in the Daqin army has been raised to the Jindan realm.

When the strength of the soldiers in the eleven legions underwent earth-shaking mutations, the strength of many officers from Daqin naturally also possessed the Yuan Infant realm, so the strength of those generals naturally broke through directly to the Yuan God realm.

As the strength of the hundred generals in the ten great legions of Daqin broke through to the realm of the Yuanshen realm, the strength of the legion leaders in the ten major legions naturally broke through to the realm of the Yuanshen realm.

Of course, the strength of the Praetorian Legion is the same as that of the soldiers in the Ten Great Legions.

As for the remaining special zombie legion?

Under the leadership of Bai Qi, the zombies in the entire zombie army directly sucked all the zombies in the entire Resident Evil world.

After billions of zombies in the world were absorbed by zombies, the entire world naturally turned into ruins.

At the same time, the zombies who absorbed billions of zombies, their strength at this moment far increased far more than the ten major legions and the Praetorian Guard Legion.

At present, the strength of the zombies from the zombie army is strictly calculated to belong to the Yuan Infant realm of the Eight Classics, and the strength of the officers in the zombie army all belongs to the Yuan God realm, and then the strength of the ten generals in the zombie army is only in the realm of the right way, and their strength belongs to the same level as the captains in the ten major legions.

As for Bai Qi's strength as the leader of the zombie army?

It can only be said that the strength of Bai Qi, the current legion leader in the zombie army, belongs to the same level as the strength possessed by the Lord of Great Qin, Yingzheng.

The most powerful in the Great Qin Heavenly Court today is undoubtedly the winning government that belongs to the lord of the Great Qin, his strength is the Mahayana realm of the Eight Classics, and there is also the legion leader Bai Qi in the zombie legion, his strength and winning government belong to the same level.

This is a breakthrough for the soldiers in the Daqin military.

Then, when the strength of the soldiers in the Daqin army began to undergo such a drastic sudden change, the strength of the two deans from the current cultivation academy naturally caught up.

The strength of the Kunlun Sect leader of the Qiannu Ghost World and the strength of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master were both in the realm of Harmony.

And the bodies of the teachers who possessed in the cultivation academy all belonged to the Yuan God realm.

Of course, there is also a secret organization in the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and the strength of Jinyiwei has naturally caught up, but this organization of Jinyiwei has always been very mysterious.

But the only thing that is certain is that although the strength of Jinyiwei cannot be compared with a legion, the strength of Jinyiwei is definitely an existence that no one can ignore in today's Daqin.

Even the common people one after another began to come into contact with the path of cultivation.

The realm of refining qi has begun to gradually spread among Daqin.

As the realm of refining qi continues to spread among Daqin, the strength of some ordinary people with relatively strong talents has broken through to the foundation building realm of the Eight Classics, and the entire Daqin Heavenly Court can be regarded as truly and completely embarking on the road of the legendary Heavenly Court at this moment.

Staying up late just when the strength possessed in Daqin underwent earth-shaking changes, Ying Zheng, who was sitting in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, began to absorb the power of luck in Daqin.


I saw that the power of Daqin's qi luck, which exuded a wonderful power and exuded a mighty aura, was constantly being swallowed by the winning government.

As the power of Daqin's luck was constantly being swallowed by Win Zheng, Win Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

"It seems that it is also time to get the chariot of the Great Qin Heavenly Court running again."

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes were so full of slight thought.

Facing the current time when the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court had developed to a bottleneck, Ying Zheng felt that he might be able to let the entire Great Qin Heavenly Court launch a war against the outside world again.

For nothing else, just because the big music needs to expand again.

Because only in this way, the strength of the many guys in Daqin can continue to improve, and the entire Daqin will not stay in place like this, so until now, the current winning decision makes Daqin Heavenly Court act again.

"System, what are the worlds that can be conquered next?"

Yingzheng said without hesitation to the system in his head.

In the face of the words from Yingzheng, the system currently in Yingzheng's mind also said without a trace of emotion: "According to the comprehensive strength of the empire under the host, the conquerable world has a total of Marvel worlds, as well as fairy sword worlds and white snake worlds. "

I saw that the system at this moment spoke with that flat tone, and in the face of the words from the system, the current winning government looked directly at the fairy sword and the white snake world.

"It's a pity, these two worlds don't seem to be the existence that the current Daqin can fight against."

When Winzheng looked at these two worlds like this at this moment, he could only choose to give up helplessly.

If nothing else, it is purely because the power possessed in these two worlds is definitely not something that today's Daqin can compete with.

Although the current Daqin is very powerful, if it is compared with these two worlds, then today's Daqin is a little inadequate.

So at this moment, Yingzheng directly looks at the current Marvel world.

"It seems that you can only conquer this world first."

The current Ying Zheng looked at the Marvel world with a slight mutter.

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