Chapter 0214 - The Twelve Armies of Great Qin Went to Battle!!

"Li Si, when you are leaving the current Heavenly Court, all you need to do is to take charge of everything in the entire Heavenly Court."

"If there is any accident, then I will ask you at that time!"

I saw that Win Zheng's eyes said to Li Si with that seriousness, and in the face of the words from the current Win Zheng, Li Si at this moment nodded respectfully: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "

Regarding the current words of winning the government, Li Si did not dare to have any rebuttal at all.

After all, where would he dare to refute it?

He didn't dare to refute at all!

"Wang Yi, bring all the ten major legions this time!"

"The Ministry of Public Security took over all the security of the entire Great Qin during this period!"

"Daqin's security will be handed over to you this time!"

At present, Yingzheng has a serious look in his eyes towards the minister of public security.

This time, he was ready to take away all the soldiers of the ten major legions in Daqin, as well as the Praetorian Legion and even the zombie legion, and then the only thing left in the entire Daqin that could make the law and order heal was the Ministry of Security.

So if he comes back and finds that the whole Daqin is in chaos, then he will definitely ask this minister of public security!

At this moment, the Minister of Public Security did not dare to have any displeasure at all after hearing the 130 order issued by the Win Zheng.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

The current Minister of Public Security nodded respectfully.

"Then the whole army will go!"

"Let the brilliance of Daqin shine on another world!"

Yingzheng's eyes carried an unprecedented seriousness.

At this time, it is also time to let the brilliance of Daqin shine completely on the whole world.

It's also time for Daqin to attack a Marvel world.

"Let the brilliance of Daqin shine on the other world!"

In an instant, one after another passionate words echoed in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall at this moment.

As the passionate words began to echo in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, there was that smile in the eyes of Ying Zheng, who was currently sitting on the position of the Heavenly Emperor.


"Reserve army!"

As the order of winning the government fell, the many generals and the ten military commanders in the hall today naturally nodded slightly.


I saw one soldier after another begin to walk to the battleship.

Because they considered that the world they were in next belonged to the world with the starry sky of the universe, they naturally needed to take a battleship to that world.

The current warships belong to many civilizations in the supergod universe, and the warships jointly developed are warships that belong to the Daqin military.

For such a battleship, that one battleship is a division.

There are a total of 480 divisions in Daqin today.

Of course, these 480 words include the Praetorian Legion and the Zombie Legion, whether they are soldiers in the Praetorian Legion or soldiers in the Zombie Legion, they need to take battleships to the next Marvel world.

Therefore, that full 480 divisions naturally need 480 warships.

Of course, in addition to the 480 divisions, there is also a particularly large warship, and it can be said that the particularly large warship belongs to the warship owned by Yingzheng, the lord of Daqin.

This battleship is large enough to be the size of several battleships than you.

At the same time, this general battleship reflects the nobility and nobility.

Only the winning government can stay on this battleship.

Who let the winning government belong to the lord of the entire Great Qin?

In addition, winning the government itself does not require too much travel to the battlefield.

If it is said that the lord of Great Qin Wins Zhengdu went to the battlefield to kill the enemy like this, then what did those soldiers from the Great Qin have?

Let the Lord of Daqin go to the battlefield to kill the enemy like this?

Then this can simply be regarded as a crackling of the faces of those ten generals.

Therefore, the battleship in which Yingzheng is located does not need to attack, and the battleship that Winzheng is in is mainly noble and noble, and even a symbol.

"Tread, tread..."

When Win Zheng appeared on his Emperor battleship, all the commanders and soldiers of the current twelve legions began to board their battleships, and soon, Win Zheng, who was on the Emperor battleship, directly opened the passage to the Marvel world at this moment.

"Boom la la!!"

While the dark blue world passage began to appear in the field of vision of the soldiers of the current twelve legions, all the soldiers looked at the current dark blue passage with that deep murderous intent in their eyes.

Because all the soldiers understand that they will encounter their enemies in this world next.

"The whole army goes!"

An order from the battleship Emperor was transmitted to all the ships.


One order after another began to echo across all the warships.


One by one, the warships began to enter the passage to the Marvel world without hesitation.

With the battleships one after another, they entered the passage to the Marvel world without hesitation.

Li Si, the prime minister from Great Qin, also looked at the departing battleship.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

"During His Majesty's departure, the entire Daqin is absolutely safe and sound!"

At this moment, Li Si said with that absolutely confident tone in his eyes.

If nothing else, let him maintain the current security problem that the entire group has, and even let the entire Daqin gradually develop better, this confidence he still has.

If he is allowed to lead troops to other worlds to fight, then he may not have that confidence, after all, he is not a general!

He belongs to the ruler, not to the commander.

And on the Emperor battleship, Yingzheng also heard the words from behind him.

In this regard, the current winning government can only say that he believes Lees.

Perhaps the historical Li Si may have some problems, but now the Li Si under his control has no problems at all.

In this regard, Win Zheng still has absolute self-confidence.

Under the gaze of all the guys in Daqin, the mighty fleet has completely entered the passage to the Marvel world.


The dark blue passage was completely closed.

The twelve legions of Daqin currently led by Yingzheng have also entered the Marvel world.

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