Chapter 0215 - Attack on Asgard!!

"Is this the Marvel universe?"

After the current Yingzheng took a deep look at the place where they were now, Yingzheng's eyes only carried that deep emotion.

They are now in the starry sky of the universe, but compared to before, they have no preparation, and now each of their soldiers is on that battleship after battleship.

"What exactly does this position belong to?"

After Ying Zheng looked at the position they were in at the moment, there was a doubt in his eyes.

He really didn't know much about the location of the starry sky in the universe.

"Then let me see where I am now!"

Ying Zheng, who was inside the Emperor battleship, looked at the strange galaxy they were currently in, and Ying Zheng did not hesitate to begin to fully unfold his divine consciousness at this moment.

"Boom la la!!"

In an instant, a stream of extremely powerful divine consciousness began to frantically spread around their Daqin fleet centered on the current victory.

As that powerful divine consciousness spread towards this madness centered on the current Daqin fleet, all the beings in the entire universe at present sensed that powerful existence.

All the strong people in the entire universe noticed that suddenly there was a strange person in the entire universe - the strong person.

"Who the hell is this?!"

At the same time, the eyes of all the civilization masters from the entire universe now looked at the galaxy where Ying Zheng was located with a sense of doubt.

Obviously, for the identity of Yingzheng and others, the eyes of many civilizations and autonomy currently in the entire universe have a sense of doubt, because they do not know who Yingzheng and others belong to.

They were all unfamiliar with the divine consciousness that Win Zheng exuded.

"Is this a newly born powerhouse belonging to the entire universe?"

The current masters of many civilizations could only start talking to themselves in their hearts after they realized the powerful divine consciousness emanating from this victory.

Obviously, rushing to offend Yingzheng is obviously an abnormal behavior, coupled with Yingzheng and did not take the initiative to attack them and so on, Yingzheng is just bursting out of the power he has, at this time, if they provoke Winzheng, it is a real big problem.

It's just that when the powerful force that erupted from the victory government, Odin, the god king from the current Asgard, was looking into the depths of the universe with that solemn gaze at this moment.


The current God King Odin's eyes carried an unprecedented solemnity.

"When was such a powerful being born in the entire universe?"

"And why is the other party in this galaxy?"

The current God King Odin's eyes carried that heavy look towards the galaxy where Win Zheng was.

Obviously, the galaxy where Ying Zheng is located is very close to his Asgard, so the powerful power that erupts in that galaxy in the face of Ying Zheng naturally arouses the jealousy of Odin, the god king in Asgard.

And at this moment, just when God King Odin felt a trace of jealousy for the powerful force that erupted from the winning government, the current winning government also instantly detected that familiar scene in his divine consciousness.

"Solar system again?"

Ying Zheng sat on the imperial throne among the imperial battleships, slightly pondered his chin, and said to himself.

Perhaps he doesn't particularly know much about the other galaxies in the entire universe, but he still knows a lot about the solar system.

"The solar system in the Marvel universe, interesting, interesting."

Ying Zheng's eyebrows raised slightly.

Obviously, about the solar system in the Marvel world, then he naturally thought that in the Marvel world, the earth is only in one of the nine realms.

Among those nine realms is the existence of Asgard.

In Asgard, there is the Asa god race, and Odin, the god king of the Asa god race, is one of the strong people in the entire universe.

"Then let me see how powerful the so-called God King Odin in Asgard really is!"

In an instant, Yingzheng directly spread his divine consciousness around the current galaxy.

Soon, Yingzheng directly explored the many planes that loomed above the Milky Way, the number of which was exactly eight, plus the solar system where the Earth was located, which happened to belong to nine planes.

"The exceptionally powerful aura emanating from one of those planes is the plane that belongs to Asgard."

Yingzheng's eyes were said with that deep thoughtful self-talk.

"And that guy's strength should be in the Mahayana realm, so the strength of God King Odin is exactly the same as the strength I have."

"Then the most powerful existence in this universe should belong to the realm of Du Tribulation."

Ying Zheng pondered his chin slightly, and after thinking for a while, he immediately explored the general situation of this world.

God King Odin deserves to be one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, but the strength of God King Odin is only in the Mahayana realm like him, and the strength of the strongest person in this universe should belong to the realm of Du Tribulation.

"Very good!"

"Daqin needs to thrive in this world!"

There was that satisfaction in Ying Zheng's eyes.

For this world that could allow his strength to break through to the realm of crossing the calamity, Na Yingzheng was naturally very satisfied.

"The whole army advances!"

"Attack Asgard!"

"Let that group of guys in Asgard understand the strength of our Daqin!"

In an instant, I saw Yingzheng wave his big hand and go down coldly.

As Victory's orders echoed across the mighty 480 warships, all the warships began to attack the targets that His Majesty had pointed to.


The warships began to charge outside the entire connection.

As the warships attacked where Asgard was, Odin, the god king of Asgard, had an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes at this moment.

"It's over, a strong enemy is coming!"

"Asgard is in danger!"

In the face of the divine consciousness that was swept away by Win Zheng before, coupled with the fact that Win Zheng was leading the Great Qin army towards him at this moment, Asgard rushed over, then God King Odin could realize it even if he was stupid.

This unknown powerhouse is going to attack him Asgard!

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