Chapter 0216 - God King Odin Who Led His Troops to Attack!!

"People of Asgard!"

"A strong enemy has invaded our Asgard, people of Asgard!"

"Pick up your weapons!"

"Prepare to defend against the invasion of a strong enemy!"

In an instant, the words from the god king Odin completely echoed throughout Asgard.

When Asgard began to echo the words spoken by the god king Odin, there was an instant trace of emotion in the eyes of the civilians who were currently from Asgard.

But soon, as for all the soldiers in Asgard, they completely took their weapons and began to rush in the direction of the barracks.

There were even some guys who drank halfway down their glasses and rushed out of the tavern without hesitation.

As for the guys who opened the tavern?

He didn't mean to ask for accounts at all, and even he was eager to try!

He also wants to take up arms and go to the barracks to serve Asgard!

Although I don't know which strong enemy in the universe invaded their Asgard, but since their god king Odin has said so, it is right to believe that the strength of this enemy who invaded the current Asgard must be very strong.

Warriors from Asgard are never afraid of a challenge!

"Boom la la!!"

Asgard was completely in chaos, and the mighty Asgard soldiers were quickly taken away and appeared in the barracks, and as the soldiers in Asgard appeared in the barracks, Odin, the god king of Asgard, also began to appear in the barracks with weapons at this moment.

At this moment, Odin appeared in the barracks, and the eyes of the soldiers began to shout loudly.

"See the God King!"

When the sound of those words began to echo throughout the barracks, the gods of war in Asgard all looked at the current Odin with that fanaticism in their eyes.

Facing the fanaticism that came from the eyes of the group of soldiers, the current Ao Gong's eyes were with that serious gaze.

"Warriors of Asgard!"

"Now outside our Asgard, an evil army from the universe is coming towards us Asgard!"

"In the face of this evil army that suddenly appeared in the universe, what do you think we need to do in Asgard?!"

I saw the current God King Odin shouting loudly.

From the words of the god king Odin, the eyes of the soldiers one after another were so serious as never before: "Kill and kill!! "

A wave of monstrous killing intent instantly began to reverberate throughout the barracks.

As that monstrous killing intent began to reverberate throughout the barracks, God King Odin, who was standing on the point platform, nodded with satisfaction at this moment.

As the sons of Asgard's god-king, Thor and Loki are also currently looking at their father, Odin, the god-king, with that killing intent.

For the current two sons of god kings, although they do not know which enemy dares to invade their Asgard, but since there are enemies who dare to invade their Asgard, all they need to do now is to let the enemies who dare to invade their Asgard understand the strength of their Asgard!

And at this moment, the god king Odin looked at the posture that the soldiers had one after another, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Face the evil enemy!"

I saw Odin, the god king holding Gunganir, shouting loudly directly.

"Kill kill kill!"

One of the soldiers shouted loudly.


I saw that one battleship after another began to set off, and then set off from Asgard to the entire universe.

When the army from Asgard began to move, the guys from the other worlds at the moment looked at Asgard at this moment, although they said that they did not know what exactly was happening, it was that once the army from Asgard was dispatched, it also meant that a war was coming.

Although they do not know who exactly this war is for.

"Wait, that guy Odin actually went out himself?"

In an instant, the god kings from several other planes all looked at Odin in Asgard's army with a surprised gaze.

Odin's dispatch, this is not a small scene!

"What's going on here?"

In an instant, the god kings in the other planes in the Nine Realms all looked at Asgard's army at this moment with a puzzled look in their eyes...

When they looked at Asgard's army with that doubtful gaze, their gaze directly began to hit the entire universe.

But when they looked at the entire universe, they immediately saw the mighty army that existed in the entire universe.

"This, this..."

The eyes of the other people at the moment are all looking in the direction of the universe with an incredible gaze.

I saw that the overwhelming battleship began to sail throughout the universe, and the most important thing was that the target of the overwhelming battleship belonged to Asgard.

As for who exactly does this overwhelming fleet belong to?

That naturally belongs to the current Daqin.

When the other god kings discovered the scene in the entire universe, they instantly understood what the situation was.

"So it is!"

"It turns out that a strong enemy has invaded!"

One God King after another had that expression of relief in their eyes.

They finally understood what was going on.

"But where exactly did this army come from?"

"What is the purpose of their coming to the Nine Realms?"

"If this army and the army of Asgard collide completely, then who will win and who will lose?"

For a moment, the God Kings who were currently 5.8 in the other realms looked at the universe at this moment with that old and interested gaze.

They were all very curious that Asgard's army was about to face the strange fleet that suddenly appeared from the universe.

That is, who between the two sides can win that war?

"Knock Asgard down!"

The King of the Ice Giants looked at the Daqin fleet in the entire universe with that deep expectant gaze in his eyes.

He only has one thought now, and that is to hope that strange fleet in the universe can defeat Asgard's fleet!

Because only in this way can we avenge him to some extent!

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