Chapter 0217 - Arrogant Thor!!

"Is this what is called Asgard's army?"

Ying Zheng's eyes were looking at the battleships he had in his field of vision with that disgust.

Yingzheng found that this so-called Asgard fleet was not so much a space-level warship, but strictly speaking, the warship they had between them was really quite backward.

"So what was staged in the movie was real."

The current Yingzheng's eyes are so deeply strange.

If nothing else, Asgard is also a cosmic-level civilization that belongs to the Eight Classics!

But this cosmic-level civilization is very fond of hand-to-hand combat.

This doesn't seem like a cosmic-level civilization should have, but when those warships from Asgard are really displayed in the vision of the winning government, the winning government at this moment looks at the battleships owned by Asgard and immediately finds that it is really similar to what is shown in the plot!

Although Asgard is a cosmic-level civilization, Asgard's warships and 27 belong to warships rather than troop carriers.

"A group of backward beings."

Ying Zheng, who was sitting in the Emperor, shook his head slightly.

The strength of this group of guys in Asgard really made him unable to look at it, and he thought that Asgard, as one of the overlords in the Marvel Universe, was quite good, but unfortunately, when he saw the scene he had now, he immediately dispelled the idea in his mind.

The guys in Asgard are too far behind.

"Let you comprehend the strength of Daqin!"

At present, Yingzheng said with that serious self-talk in his eyes.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Solve all the so-called Asgard troops!"

"Let them understand the strength of Daqin!"

As Yingzheng's words continued to sound on the battleships, the soldiers on the battleships replied respectfully at this moment.


In an instant, one soldier after another looked at the so-called Asgard fleet in front of them with that serious gaze.

"Bai Qi, when the time comes, you will go and fight with that so-called god king Odin."

"Look at what level that guy's strength is at."

The current words from Win Zheng have also been transmitted to the ears of the current Bai Qi.


Listening to the words of the current victory, Bai Qi at this moment naturally had no opinion at all.

As Bai Qi nodded respectfully to show understanding, the God King Ogong who was currently from the Asgard fleet was now looking at the Daqin fleet in front of them with a heavy gaze.

"Is this the fleet from Daqin?"


"It looks like it's an uphill battle!"

At present, God King Odin's eyes were said with a heavy opening at this moment.

Even though he had absolutely strong confidence in his own strength, the powerhouse who had previously explored the surrounding star field with a powerful force was in this ordinary battleship directly in front of them.

In other words, no matter how strong his strength is, the other party has a strong person who can compare with him.

Then at this moment, he looked at the size of the fleet of Daqin, and then looked at the fleet of Asgard behind him.

At this moment, God King Odin also had to admit that the enemies he was currently facing were far more than the enemies they had faced.

"Father, let me defeat them all then!"

At this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, said with absolute confidence in his eyes.

At this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, looks like although this fleet that jumped out of nowhere, it seems to be quite powerful, but the other party chose them Asgard as an enemy, and Thor, the great prince of Asgard, said that he would definitely let the other party understand what is really powerful, but at this moment, the god king Odin listened to Thor's words, but said with a straight face: "Your character should be changed!" "

"The current enemy is not the enemy we once encountered!"

"Their strength is far beyond our imagination!"

"At this time, you still despise them so much, then you will have to pay the price!"

When the current God King Odin looked at Thor, the god of thunder who still had that disobedience in his eyes, God King Odin's eyes carried the so-called helplessness before.

If the enemies this time belong to the enemies they have encountered, then forget it, although the enemies they have encountered are very powerful, but they are a bit ordinary in front of their Asgard.

But this time it's different!

The strength of the enemies they had this time was definitely not something they could compare with before, and even the strength of the enemies they encountered this time was far more than they once had.

Even the God King Odin at this moment felt a deep solemnity at the moment, so at this moment, the God King Odin heard the words of the thunder god Thor, and he couldn't help but look at his face and reprimanded.

Listening to the words of the current God King Odin, Thor was instantly stunned at this moment.

He really never thought that his father, 980, would reprimand him like this.

This caused Thor, the god of thunder at this moment, to be stunned for such an instant.

Facing the current thunder god Thor, who was stunned in an instant, the god king Odin at this moment did not have the energy to focus on his son Thor, and the god king Odin at this moment directly began to focus his attention on the Daqin fleet at this moment.

"I don't know who you are?"

"What are you doing here?"

At this moment, the words of God King Odin were so heard in the ears of Win Zheng, facing the words from God King Odin, Win Zheng, who was in the Emperor battleship, said so calmly: "What for? "

"It's simple!"

"Daqin's purpose in coming here is to conquer!"

"I believe you should be able to know what this is for!"

"Conquer everything!"

At the same time, Yingzheng's eyes returned to the God King Odin at this moment with that calmness.

After the current Odin heard the reply from Yingzheng, the God King Odin at this moment instantly felt an unprecedented solemnity.

He learned the attitude of winning the government from the words of the winning government, and the attitude of the other party is to start a war!


God King Odin frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

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