Chapter 0218 - A Battle Breaking Out Beyond the Solar System!!


In an instant, the commander of the ten major legions ordered to the many generals under his command without hesitation.


One after another the generals nodded.

Then I saw that the generals began to lead the four divisions under them to attack the Asgard fleet in front.

"Give them a wave of attack first!"

"Use the attack from above the battleship to let them see our Daqin's technology!"

One of the generals had a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Although their strongest is still the cultivation that belongs to them, if they can defeat that group of guys from a long distance, it seems that it is not impossible.

Therefore, the attack from the battleship is very necessary.


Four divisional commanders under each of these generals began to attack the fleet of the forward Asgard.


A powerful force began to condense on that ordinary battleship.


As the attacks condensed by the battleships continued to converge, the white light began to prepare to be fired in the guns of the battleships.

"Kill them!"

As that order fell, the attack on one warship after another also completely broke out towards the fleet of Asgard directly in front of them at this moment.

At present, a total of 400 warships are attacking Asgard, and a total of 400 warships are beginning to bombard Asgard.


Beams of white light began to condense and explode throughout the universe, and the entire universe seemed to be illuminated at this moment.

In the face of the powerful attack that broke out in Daqin, Odin, the god king from Asgard, also hurriedly made up his mind at this moment: "Defense! "

"Completely resist the enemy's attack!"

"At the same time, find the opportunity to attack the enemy!"

I saw that the order of the god king Odin fell slightly.

As the order from the god king Odin fell, the soldiers in the Asgard fleet also began to condense and erupt at this moment.

"Let those damn understand that our Asgard is strong"

"Long live the Asa God Clan!"

One Asgardian soldier after another began to steer their warships, constantly pressing the launch button.

Bundles of attacks also began to erupt continuously from the ships on which Asgard was currently riding.

"Boom, boom, boom,!!"

One attack after another began to break out continuously in this river of stars.


As the attack from the warships from Daqin hit, when they hit Asgard's warships, an unprecedented force immediately erupted.

The warships from Asgard naturally could only hate the northwest in the face of this unprecedented power.

"Boom boom..."

Explosions began to erupt over the war in Asgard.

Ordinary warships from Asgard also began to explode under the starry sky.

As the warships from Asgard began to erupt under that starry sky, the many warships currently in this starry sky erupted as if they belonged to that fireworks.

But behind this firework-like brilliance is the explosion of one battleship after another, and behind the explosion of this battleship belongs to the death of soldiers from Asgard.

In this regard, Odin, the god king from the Great Prince of Asgard at this moment, had that deep anger in his eyes.

"These damn it!"

"Father, let me destroy them!"

"I must destroy these guys!"

Thor, the god of thunder, said with that flush in his eyes to his father, the god king Odin.

However, in the face of the words from the thunder god Thor, the current god king Odin was holding Gungnir and looking closely at the battleship from Daqin.

He definitely couldn't be distracted now, because there was an existence that could be compared to him from that so-called Great Qin battleship.

Reaching his level of existence, he could clearly understand that their level could cause earth-shattering damage under a little distinction.

Not to mention the relationship they have with each other or the relationship that belongs to the enemy, in case of distraction at this time?

That's no joke!

"Later, you will lead Asgard's fleet to the battlefield to fight the so-called Great Qin."

"Their scientific and technological strength is more advanced than ours, then we can only rely on the strength of our Asgard warriors to compete with them!"

At this moment, the God King Odin, who was closely watching the Great Qin War, spoke to the Thor God of Thor without looking back.

"Obey, Father!"

Listening to the order from the god king Odin, at this moment, Thor's eyes were so dignified.

"All of you come with me, we are going to the fleet of Daqin ahead, and we will make Daqin pay!"

At the same time, I saw Thor, the god of thunder, giving orders to the generals who looked at one Asgard after another.


In the face of the order from Thor, the god of thunder, the generals of Asgard naturally did not dare to disobey anything.

"Start the whole army attack!"

As the orders of one general after another fell, the fleet from the current Asgard also burst out at this moment.


The soldiers of Asgard, who drove one battleship after another, began to erupt

"Brush brush brush!!"

One by one, the fleet from Asgard continued to attack in the direction of the Great Qin fleet.

At the time of this great war that broke out outside the solar system, all the countries on Earth in the solar system were aware of the earth-shattering war that broke out from outside the solar system.

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury is also aware of the battle that broke out from outside the solar system.


"There are alien civilizations breaking out in battles outside the solar system???"

The current Nick Fury looked at the current guy who came to report with that incredulous gaze.

Facing Nick Fury's eyes, the current existence who came to report replied with a solemn opening in his eyes: "Yes, according to the exploration of the satellite, an unprecedented battle has indeed broken out outside the solar system. "

"It's a battle between two cosmic civilizations!"

"At that time, it is very likely to affect our solar system and the earth!"

At this moment, the guy who came to report now reported to Nick Fury with a serious look on his face.

"Two cosmic-level civilizations are fighting outside the solar system?!"

"This, the earth is dangerous!"

For a moment, Nick Fury's eyes carried that unprecedented solemnity

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