Chapter 0219 - Developing Millennial Technology!!

"This, the earth is dangerous."

At this moment, Nick Fury, who is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

Although he didn't know the origin of the two civilizations that were fighting outside the solar system, it didn't prevent Nick Fury from understanding a truth.

Those are the two civilizations that are fighting, and then their war is likely to involve Earth.

That's a cosmic-level civilization!

Even if the current scientific and technological power of the earth is okay, of course, it is good in the opinion of the earthlings themselves.

But no matter how you can, you can't compete with the civilization in the universe just like that!

At least about the current one, then Nick Fury is still more or less a little pressing.

Just with their scientific and technological power on Earth, they still want to compete with civilizations from the universe?

Isn't that a lamp in the toilet looking for S?

"At all costs, go and call Tony Stark over!"

At the same time, the current Nick Fury has a serious look in his eyes.

What scientific and technological forces on their earth can be compared with cosmic-level civilizations?

At present, Nick Fury seems to be the only Stark Group that is likely to compete with cosmic-level civilizations.

No way, according to the current observation of Nick Fury's 070, the only one on their earth who can be compared with an alien civilization seems to be Tony Stark.

At the very least, his armor is the most advanced technology on Earth, so the current Nick Foley is directly ready to invite Tony Stark to his S.H.I.E.L.D. to observe, from the civilization that is currently fighting in the universe.


When the order of S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury fell, the current agent immediately respectfully understood.

At this moment, when all the top forces on the entire earth were looking at the battle outside the current solar system, Tony in the Stark Building at this moment also looked in the direction of the cosmic starry sky with that solemn gaze

"About how many years is the other party's scientific and technological power ahead of the current earth?"

At this moment, Tony Stark at this moment couldn't help but inquire.

When Tony Stark knew that a cosmic war was going on outside their solar system, even Tony Stark, who was accustomed to the world, had to be shocked.

Although he knew that there must be cosmic-level civilizations in the entire universe, there were definitely more civilizations in the entire universe than he could imagine.

But I really didn't expect that alien civilizations would be so close to their Earth.

Moreover, the other party actually broke out in a battle outside their solar system like this!

Then the aftermath of their outbreak of battle may most likely affect their earth, and Tony Stark, who is Iron Man at this moment, naturally senses an unprecedented solemnity.

"The other party's technology is at least 1,000 years ahead of the earth!"

At this moment, Jarvis, as the current artificial intelligence, replied so calmly.

That's right, this is the result of the current Jarvis based on the current scientific and technological power on Earth based on the power between the two sides that are currently fighting out.

Of course, he did not include Tony Stark's variable, but at least according to the current scientific and technological power on the earth, if it wants to develop into the level where the battle is currently breaking out in the universe, it will take at least 1,000 years, after all, the warships currently used by Daqin belong to all cosmic-level civilizations in the supergod universe.

How many years did it take for many cosmic-level civilizations to start from scratch?

And these technologies of Daqin belong to the gathering of all cosmic-level civilizations in the entire supergod universe to develop together, and the current earth only needs to develop in about 1,000 years to the scale that Daqin has is already very amazing.

Then Asgard is not to mention.

At the very least, Asgard still has a so-called god title on today's earth, which is enough to represent the advanced technology of Asgard.

Therefore, the scientific and technological power between the two sides that is erupting in the universe to the earth, I am afraid that the earth cannot be developed, so if the earth wants to steadily develop to the scientific and technological level of the two cosmic civilizations that are currently erupting, according to the current calculations of artificial intelligence Jarvis, it will take at least 1,000 years.

"1,000 years?"

At this moment, Tony's eyes carried a heaviness.

The scientific and technological power of the civilization that is breaking out in the universe is so powerful!

It would take them 1,000 years for the earth to catch up with the power they currently possess in the universe.

This really made the current Tony feel so heavy.

"Where is the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

At this moment, Tony couldn't help but say after thinking about it.

He also understands what the current S.H.I.E.L.D. is all about, and in the face of the current entire earth, it is very likely to face the battle that breaks out from the depths of the universe, which should belong to the management of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"The people of S.H.I.E.L.D. have come to the foot of the Stark Tower."

In the face of Tony's inquiry, the current Jarvis replied so calmly.

"Are people from S.H.I.E.L.D. already here?"

"Then tell the man at the foot of the mansion, and say that I will personally go to see their chief."

At this moment, Tony said calmly.


In an instant, pieces of iron immediately appeared at the top of the current building, and finally formed the famous Iron Man in place.

"Brush brush brush..."

As Iron Man appeared at the top of the Starkey Tower, Iron Man flew directly into the sky.

The personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had just arrived in the Stark Building also received the words from the artificial intelligence Jarvis in the Stark Building: "At present, our boss has gone to S.H.I.E.L.D., you can return." "

Listening to the current words of Jarvis, there was a hint of emotion in the eyes of a staff member from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just when the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel had a hint of confusion in their eyes, a jet immediately appeared on the roof of the Stark Building, and then a person dressed in Iron Rogue armor flew towards S.H.I.E.L.D. direction.

"Oh, Shet!"

A suffocating sound sounded at the foot of Stark Tower.

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