Chapter 0221: Tony: I Want to Hit Five???!!


An incomparably powerful force erupted from Thor's body.

As that powerful force began to erupt from the body of Thor the God of Thunder, the generals who were currently in possession of Daqin at this moment also began to lead the soldiers in the current Daqin fleet to begin to take up the weapons in their hands to meet the enemy.

"The soldiers of Daqin!"

"Let the brilliance of Daqin fill this world!"

"Everyone, pick up your weapons!"


Under the shouts of one general after another, one after another Daqin soldiers began to attack the soldiers of Asgard in front with their weapons.


Both sides began to fight with weapons in their hands.

Thor, who is currently the Great Prince of Asgard, has the power of the Yuan God realm of the Eight Sutras at this moment.

It is precisely because of the current power of this Yuan God realm that the current Thunder God Thor is completely invincible in battle after battle in the Nine Realms.

Unfortunately, the enemy he needed to face this time belonged to a soldier from Daqin.

"Go and die, you!"

At present, the Great Qin General slashed over with an indifferent sword in his eyes.

Perhaps the current strength of Thor God Thor is very strong, but don't forget the strength of the generals in the current Great Qin, he is very strong!

The strength of the generals of Daqin all belongs to the realm of the Yuan God!

When the strength of the generals in Daqin belongs to the realm of the Yuan God, the strength of the current Great Prince of Asgard, Thor, does not occupy any advantage at all.

Thor, the god of thunder, who did not have any advantage, naturally could not reproduce the scene of his god of war.

"Ring the bell..."

General Qin, who was holding the Qin sword, and Thor, the thunder god who was holding the hammer of Thor, collided completely.

When the two sides collided together, a powerful force began to erupt in the weapons of both of them.


It's just that in the face of the Thor hammer currently held by the Thunder God, the Qin sword used by General Daqin, which can now be regarded as a treasure, began to crack one after another.

"This weapon...!"

In an instant, when that Great Qin General looked at the Qin sword in his hand and actually had that crack, the Great Qin General's eyes at this moment had that unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

Although it is said that the competition between the two of them is now a matter of cultivation, if the gap between the weapons they have between the two sides is too large, then the balance of victory will fall towards that Thor God of Thunder like this!

And this scene was also noticed by Ying Zheng, who was currently in the Imperial Queen battleship.

"It looks like all the generals in Daqin need to have a good weapon at that time."

At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes said with that self-talking tone.

Perhaps the strength of these soldiers he had in Daqin was already very good, but the weapons they used did seem to be a little problematic.

"It seems that this world really has goblins about forging a family."

"You can bring them all with you then!"

"Let them refine the right weapons for all the generals and those soldiers in Daqin!"

At this moment, Yingzheng, who was inside the Emperor battleship, said to himself.

He didn't need to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, all he needed to do was observe all the problems that the entire battlefield had.

For example, now, he was aware of the problem with the weapons currently used by their Daqin soldiers.

Just when the current Yingzheng was in the battleship of the Emperor and noticed this problem, the general of Daqin, who was drinking the thunder god Thor to fight, naturally would not continue to use the weapon in his hand to fight with the thunder god Thor

"Guys, come here!"

"This guy has a more powerful weapon in his hands."

As the general's words fell, the Great Qin General, who was currently fighting against those Asgard generals around him, suddenly emerged several people at this moment and came to the side of the Great Qin General who was currently fighting with the Thunder God Thor.

They had a total of 120 generals in Daqin, and in addition to the ten who were stationed next to the victorious battleship Emperor, there were 110 Daqin generals fighting on the battlefield.

Are there 100 or so generals in Asgard?

No, no, there really aren't 100 generals in Asgard.

So the words of the general who is listening to so far... Naturally, a few of them came to the side of the Great Qin General who was fighting with Thor, the god of thunder.

When Thor at this moment saw that there was only one opposite him, and now suddenly there were several more, Thor's face instantly darkened.

"You scumbag!"

"Don't talk about martial virtue, you guys!"

At this moment, Thor, the God of Thunder, looked at the current Great Qin General after another with that serious gaze.

Originally, he was very satisfied with the Mjolnir in his hand, which could punch a crack in the sword of the general opposite.

But now what?

The other side actually came out with a few more generals.

Even if he can defeat the other party with Mjolnir, the question is how many can he fight?

"These fucking scumbags!"

Thor's eyes were filled with that deep anger.

Let him have several at a dozen?

I'm sorry, Thor said he really can't do it!

Because he sensed that the strength that both of them possessed belonged to the same level!

That's a big problem for Thor, the god of thunder.

When the strength they both possess belongs to the same level, what will he take to compete with the other party?

Especially he needs a dozen of them.

Thor looked at it, and there were five of them on the other side!

That is, he wants to hit five???

In the face of Thor's words, the generals of Daqin at this moment replied with a hint of disdain: "Despicable? "

"As long as you can completely kill the enemy on the battlefield, no matter what method is used, it is the most normal!"

"What is talked about on the battlefield is not what etiquette, what is talked about on the battlefield is that you die and I live!"


"Let this so-called Thunder God see how strong our Daqin is!"

In an instant, one of the Great Qin generals said with that indifferent look in his eyes.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One after another, the shouts of killing began to echo in the starry sky.

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