Chapter 0222 - White-hot battlefield, falling into a disadvantageous Asgard!!

"Kill kill kill!!"

Just as the shouts of killing began to echo under this starry sky, one after another Daqin soldiers began to attack the Asgard soldiers one after another with weapons in hand.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Their strength is very strong!"

"We need support!"

In an instant, one after another soldiers from Asgard, after facing the attack of the soldiers from Daqin, those soldiers from Asgard suddenly found that they were completely unable to compete with the guys in Daqin.

That's right, the soldiers from Asgard found that the strength of the group of guys from Daqin far exceeded them!

This may have undermined their self-confidence a little, and the soldiers in Asgard found out after fighting the guys in Daqin that the strength of these enemies really far exceeded them.

Or the system cultivated between the two of them is not the same 27, so they can't accurately detect what the other party's strength is, but when they fight each other, they immediately perceive that the strength from these strange enemies is far more than theirs.


"The strength of these barbarians is far lower than ours!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Use their blood, so that our Daqin can completely gain a foothold in this world!"

One after another, the soldiers in the Great Qin had that scarlet killing intent in their eyes.

All these existences whose strength is weaker than them, but this group of guys are their enemies, and the soldiers who come from Daqin will naturally not have any mercy just like that.

The soldiers from Daqin now have only one idea, that is, to take the weapons in their hands and defeat all the enemies.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One after another, the soldiers in the Great Qin began to carry their weapons and rushed towards the front.


A certain Great Qin soldier holding a Qin sword slashed off the arm of an Asgard soldier like this.

When the arm of the Asgard soldier was cut off just now, he immediately couldn't help but let out a wail.

In an instant, the current soldier immediately went to combat effectiveness.

"Go and die, you!"

One after another, the soldiers in Asgard began to be killed by soldiers from Daqin.

Blood began to spill all over the battlefield.

Although some Daqin soldiers were killed by sneak attacks by soldiers from Asgard, compared to the number of soldiers killed in battle in Asgard, the number of soldiers killed in battle in Daqin is simply a small number.

"Go and die!"

One after another, the Great Qin soldiers holding the Qin sword began to continuously wave the sword in their hands and attack forward.

"Overlord Slash!"

"Kill God Strike!"

One soldier after another began to use this move that had become popular in the Great Qin Army.

Overlord slash, as the name suggests, that is, all the power in the body is gathered in the Qin sword in the hand, and then it begins to drive out, and a sword qi begins to erupt from the Qin sword.

The overlord slashing move can be said to belong to the more numerous, the greater the power will naturally be.

Nabawang Slash has such an ability, and that God Killing Strike naturally has this ability.

The killing blow is a move to condense all the murderous energy in the bodies of all the soldiers, and then jointly launch an attack on the enemy.

This is a move that is completely in line with all the soldiers in Daqin.

It can even be said that this is simply a move tailored for the soldiers in Daqin.

As one soldier after another unleashed the Overlord Slash and the God Killing Blow, that attack after attack began to condense and erupt in the starry sky of the universe.


The murderous blow began to erupt from the bodies of one Daqin soldier after another.

As the murderous blow began to erupt violently towards the opposite side, the soldiers from Asgard began to retreat continuously in the face of that huge force.

"Damn damn!!"

A certain Asgard general couldn't help but roar.


"Hurry up and defend!!"

"Mobilize all the power in your body and hurry up to defend!"

In an instant, one after another Asgard's generals began to roar loudly.

As the Asgard generals shouted, the Asgard soldiers began to react.


As the soldiers in Asgard continued to proceed, merging the forces within them.

A huge protective shield sheltered all the soldiers in Asgard.


It was filled with a forward-moving and domineering aura, and it began to erupt violently towards the protective shield condensed by the soldiers of Asgard

"Boom boom..."

An earth-shattering explosion instantly began to erupt throughout the universe.

As the earth-shattering 783 explosions began to erupt throughout the universe, the protective shield condensed by the soldiers of Asgard was completely shattered.

"Click, click..."

As the protective shield condensed by all the soldiers in Asgard was completely shattered, one soldier after another could not help but breathe blood at this moment.


The golden blood was vomited out by the soldiers one after another.

Although their protective shield was currently broken, it was fortunately because they had a protective cover to withstand the overlord slash and god-killing blow from Daqin, so that they did not suffer a fatal attack.

Although there was no fatal attack, the damage suffered by these Asgardian soldiers was real.

"Never take a step back!"

"Kill kill kill!!"

Another Asgard general roared so loudly.

"Never back down!"

All the Asgard warriors began to lead their weapons and shout ahead.

"Kill kill kill!!"

One after another, soldiers from Asgard began to rush forward continuously.

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